It’s already 2019. New Year’s day. In the New Year, I want to do something meaningful. What is it, exactly? Here’s the suspense.

I’m a thinker, and I’ve been working for a few years now, when I suddenly had a thought in my mind: Is there a pattern to personal growth for programmers?

No fertile soil can breed deep thoughts, and my ideas are no exception. I usually have to take care of yugang said the public number, but also maintain a knowledge planet. In the process of communicating with many readers and golf friends, my thinking has been greatly improved. I know that many people have an ambitious heart, but they also have various puzzles, which hinder their progress.

Some people can’t express themselves. I have helped many people review their resumes, but many of them are very bad at writing their resumes. There are no bright spots and details on their resumes, all they see is a jumble of contents. What’s more, they can’t even write English words correctly and can’t even use punctuation marks. Details decide success or failure. I believe everyone can understand the meaning.

There are also many people who use only one resume for every job interview. Different companies and different positions have different requirements, and a resume’s most important responsibility is to prove that a candidate is a good fit for the position. Ask yourself: Does your resume match the job you’re applying for? If not, how do you change it? I’m sure you can understand that.

In my eyes, the resume is a window for the interviewer to know the candidate, what we need to do is to impress the interviewer in the shortest time, otherwise there are so many resumes, why did you get the interview? Always think about why.

During the interview process, the interviewer’s first question is often: Tell me a little about yourself. Most of us start to recap our work experience from the resume. Do you ever wonder: Does the interviewer really need to repeat everything on the resume? Won’t he read it for himself? Shouldn’t you use those few minutes to sell yourself and impress the interviewer?

Talk about the problems encountered in the study and work. Many people and I feedback that learning is not moving, do not know what to learn, even if you learn a lot of things, after a period of time will not forget. Other people told me: why do I need to learn so many advanced technologies that I can’t use in the company? I just want to say that people who think like that are looking too narrow. The current company can not use advanced technology, does not represent that other companies can not use, now big factory which is not interview to build rockets? Do not understand advanced technology, how to become a technical expert how to get a high salary? There are students, the truth of learning all understand, but just can’t stick to it, so three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, work for many years technology is still stalled.

In addition to problems in study, many people are not clear about their career development and do not know how to plan their golden time. In fact, a person’s golden time really does not have many years, if year after year, it is difficult to have a good career development.

What I’ve said above may be a little too realistic to compare with chicken soup for the soul. But I just want to ask: Chicken soup for the soul is delicious, but can you get a promotion and a raise after drinking it? Will this make you successful?

Having said all that, I actually want to write a programmer’s growth course, specifically about the problems that programmers need to pay attention to in personal growth, and explore the way of personal growth. I have initially drawn up the following topics:

College life: If I could do it all over again, I must learn how to prepare for the school recruit How to carefully write a resume How to carefully prepare for an interview What the interviewer wants to examine the newbies need to pay attention to How to stand out from the crowd How quickly a promotion and pay increase How to shape the individual technology brand How to express ourselves Why do you say writing ability is very important How to report a few elements of job-hopping How to quickly improve through deliberate practice how to exercise their executive force To explore the learning method of getting twice the result with half the effort How to plan their own gold how will know how to delay time to enjoy in the work initiative who the hell are you working for Technical management how to do How to talk to subordinate performance How to arouse the enthusiasm of the team My heart is a perfect Leader How to Develop a Balanced work-life Perspective How to Develop a structured Perspective How to raise your horizons Rediscover money, explore life’s infinite possibilities and explore personal growth Why do people read more books

These contents I intend to write one by one, and then send out, if you can give some help and inspiration, then I have not been busy in vain.

Nuggets is a technical community, more suitable for technical articles, so I do not plan to release this programmer growth course in Nuggets, if you want to read this course, then follow my official account, I will update the official account, scan the following TWO-DIMENSIONAL code or wechat search Yu Gang said.

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