1. Monitoring the throughput of MYSQL which indicators are monitored?

Monitor MYSQL inserts, queries, deletes, updates, etc

2. How do I obtain throughput indicators?

Note: In order for shell scripts to better interact with mysql, mysql security free login is set

mysqladmin status

mysqladmin extended-status

3. How to obtain monitoring indicators using shell scripts?

vim /etc/zabbix/shell/monitor_mysql.sh

#! /bin/bash

# monitor mysql throughput

slow_queries() { mysqladmin status | awk ‘{print $9}’ }

Com_delete() { mysqladmin extended-status | awk ‘/<Com_delete>/{print $4}’ }

Com_insert() { mysqladmin extended-status | awk ‘/<Com_insert>/{print $4}’ }

Com_update() { mysqladmin extended-status | awk ‘/<Com_update>/{print $4}’ }

Com_select() { mysqladmin extended-status | awk ‘/<Com_select>/{print $4}’ }

The $1

4. Define the template for the agent

UserParameter=mysql_status[*],/bin/bash /etc/zabbix/shell/monitor_mysql.sh “$1”

5. There are more enterprise-level monitoring programs for more information

Please pay attention to the public number: always love stray cats