National unified examination for admission of regular institutions of higher learning

Programmers volume

1. The paper is divided into three types: single choice question, short answer question and programming question, with 5 marks for each choice question, 10 marks for each short answer question and 20 marks for each programming question.

2. The exam lasts 30 minutes.

3. Please fill in all answers in the comments section of this article.

4. After the exam, please share the test paper with CSDN APP, moments and communities.

The title of this article is compiled from the Internet

1. Multiple choice questions

1. Who is now recognized as the world’s first female programmer?

A. Taylor swift

B. Ada Lovelace

C. Angela Go

D. Alan Mathison Turing

At 521, programmer Xiaojun gave 99 roses to his girlfriend. Which number stands for 99?

A. 024A9B6FD7A590BC4850039A0A09006B B. 87DBE662A0F9238DDD0FCA0F5CC1BB67 C. 44641F691B2C64E3A0A4304F5CF1F3A9 D. 5DBF585833FF3048D40A00B799F4EEAB

3. Which object-oriented approach will make you rich? (a)

A. inheritance

B. encapsulation

C. polymorphism

D. the abstract

4, programmers work before the wife call: wife, dinner I bring back to eat, you say to buy some of what?

Wife: buy 1 catty steamed stuffed bun, if encounter sell watermelon of, buy 1.

Programmer buy steamed stuffed bun, saw next to someone selling watermelon. So, what do programmers take home for dinner? (a)

A. 1 jin of steamed stuffed bun

B. 1 baozi

C. 1 watermelon

Lin Xiangru, Sima Xiangru; Wei Wuji, Chang Sun Wuji. Which of the following sets of correspondences is similar ()

A. PHP, Python B. JSP, Servlet C. Java, Java Script D. C, C++

He found thousands of baidu, suddenly look back, the man was in the lights dim (Xin Qiji “jade case”). The algorithm embodied is :()

A. greed B. backtracking C. exhaustion D. divide and conquer

It is recorded in Gongsun Longzi, “The king of The state of Qi told Yin Wen, ‘I am a very good scholar. Why is there no scholar in the state of Qi? ‘Yin Wen said,’ I would like to hear your majesty’s so-called scholars. ‘The king of Qi cannot answer.” This shows the king of qi :()

A. Dumb B. stutter C. can’t define D. Can’t define your needs

8. In the shop, the price of a pair of leather shoes is 298 yuan, not 300 yuan.

A. the leather shoes themselves B. the price required for profit C. psychology D. others

9. When a programmer asks for help, he says ()

A. Halp B.f1c. Sosd.bug

The most likely occupation of the following group of people is ()

A. employees of A stripe factory B. A group of group buyers C. programmers D. members of the stripe club

11. The following code results:

#include <cstdio> int n, d[100]; bool v[100]; int main( ) { scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { scanf("%d", d + i); v[i] = false; } int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (! v[i]) { for (int j = i; ! v[j]; j = d[j]) { v[j] = true; } ++cnt; } } printf("%d\n", cnt); return 0; } Input: 10 7 1 4 3 2 5 9 8 0 6

The output is:




Copy the code

12. Which of the following statements can be used to store attributes in the session object

A.secession. GetAttribute (” key “, “value”) b.secession. SetAttribute (” key “,” C.s. ession value “). The setAttribute (” key “) D.s ession. GetAttribute (” key “)

13, not affected by electromagnetic interference or noise transmission media is ().

A. Twisted pair B. optical fiber C. coaxial cable D. microwave

14.5g from which version of 3GPP?

A.Rel13 B.Rel14 C.Rel15 D.Rel16

15. The sorting code of a set of records is (46,79,56,38,40,84), and the sorting result of a sequence is (40,38,46,56,79,84), then the sorting algorithm of () is adopted.

A. blistering B. direct insertion C. fast insertion D. 2-way merging

16. For any binary tree T, H(T) represents the height of the tree. If tree T contains n nodes, then ()

A.H (T) = O (n) B.H (T) or less O (logn) c. (T) = O (logn) d.h. (T) or O (logn)

17, return true for ()

A. a1a2 B. d1d2 C. b1b2 D. c1c2

18, which of the following is not 5G RLC layer entity ()


19, Which of the following algorithms requires a record auxiliary space during sorting ()

A. select sort B. insert sort C. bubble sort D. merge sort

20. The IPv6 address is () bit.

A.128 B.64 C.48 D.32

2. Simple questions

1. What is a singleton? Describe its usage scenarios in combination with the code.

2, you are given a binary tree with root as the root and an integer target. Delete all leaf nodes with target as the root.

3. What is the core of the argument between programmers and product managers?

Third, programming questions

N loaves, divided into two ways, eat 1 at a time or eat 2 at a time, find the sequence of all eating combinations and print. No programming languages!

4. Additional questions

The girl friend of programmer small li not only appearance level is tall, big long leg, still love sport, she likes to cross a step when climbing stair, also like to cross two or 3 steps, if a stair has N steps, excuse me how many kinds does she have to climb law? Please write procedures, language unlimited!

Finally, I wish all the students who participated in the college entrance examination this year a great success!

Author: unknown so-and-so

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