Introduction to the

After the recruitment season, everyone will have quite a lot of interview experience, for me to write these on the one hand for learning, on the other hand, I hope to provide some reference for the students who will apply for jobs in the future. My written test experience will list the main questions I remember

Interview Experience: This is subjective, but it gives a personal insight into how the company approaches the hiring process. Remember, “The interviewer is also the interviewer and vice versa.” Interview questions: Questions that are asked during the interview

The materials of 2017 offer factory are a series of salon activities conducted by Hook at that time. The interview questions mentioned in PPT are of great reference value, so the positions I interviewed are mainly background development and Java development positions. The review strategy of Java is described in one of my blogs to understand the situation of individual departments of individual companies. I split the situation of each company, want to know the company alone can go to see my personal interview situation of each company

Jingdong Finance Interview

The job interview is for JAVA development intern, there are two sides, the first is an older engineer, the second is a young engineer, the emphasis is different. The first is to get to know your overall situation and personal ideas, mainly chat. The second one asked a lot of detailed questions, mainly questions and answers. Here are some of the problems I encountered

What are the Java design patterns, how do you write singleton patterns and where do you use them? What does decorator mode mean?

Now there are three tables S tables

C table

SC table

Find out “the name of the person with the highest math score”, write a SQL statement code, I used in when writing, and then ask the difference between IN and exist, which is more efficient? What do YOU know about SQL optimization?

How do you write springMVC routing? A: XML configuration or annotations, RequstMapping. How does SpringMVC accept Ajax data? Select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; select * from ResponseBody; String a = “a”, where “a” is stored in Java

What is the value of a? A: “A” because Java is all value passing, not reference passing

Will the “A” be destroyed? A: No, because string addition creates a new object and is not destroyed

Mybatis # and $difference Linux how to check the CPU and memory usage of the process?

What instructions do you use to build a Java environment?

DNS Server If the domain name and IP address are inconsistent, what happens if I access the domain name? What happens if the router does not have the address you want to access in the routing table? SQL optimization know what database character garble may be where the problem noSQL database used what, why to use redis used, how to understand the stack have what typical use a: Decimal to binary, parenthesis matching, binary tree non-recursive traversal Java virtual machine all know what abstract class and interface what is the difference between overload and rewrite have seen the framework source code SQL paging query how to write Mybatis implementation principle, SpringMVC implementation principle SQL statement exist and in difference

Select * from name limit 13,10 select * from name limit 13,10 select * from name limit 13,10

Drops the interview

There were two interviewers, the department was map development department, the main language used was C++ and Python, and the flask framework was used in the background. Generally speaking, the interviewers asked general questions, not many details, and some questions were not answered

What’s the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM in big data? Have you read any books on big data? What are your advantages if you want to do this

Headline Interview

Interview post to develop interns for the background, a total of four interviewers, the department in charge of the interview to understand car emperor, mainly to do background services, the first three should be a technical interview, particularly fast, but the third interview of the first two longer, the fourth is the hr interview, chatted today’s headlines, took me to visit under today’s headlines workspace, the overall environment is good. It is said to provide three meals a day

The first side

Introduce the project and talk about the blockchain and the recent papers you read like the next number in 1234 is 1243, the next number is 1324, how do you give the next number find the number in the binary tree what’s the maximum and minimum node path distance? 3, 2, 4, 1, 0, like the tree above is 0 and 4, the distance is 3, in fact, the essence of traversal is to find the maximum and minimum value, and then traversal from the root path, from the two value paths separately recorded the number of traversal layers, and then add up to the distance to ask the internship experience

The second plane

Introduce the project and talk about blockchain. I had a great question about our current design, and I didn’t explain clearly, so I was despised for my lack of preparation for graduate design and unclear research direction. I was asked which language I was familiar with, and I said Java and Python. And then I came up with an implementation of the Strcpy library function, which was very simple, and it turned out to be a null pointer, and I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t know what to do, and I had two files A and B, and I found the same URL, and I started with traversal, which was n2, and then I used sort complexity, which was Nlogn, and I remembered the dictionary tree, The complexity is N logm, and the interviewer says you can use hash, and it goes to N, and the whole process is not very smooth

The third side

Talk about blockchain, talk about the paper THAT I read and ask what do you think are your strengths, what are your weaknesses do you think you are more persistent or do you prefer to be exposed to different types of new technologies do you have any hobbies besides technology ask about internship experience

The fourth hr little sister

Ask about your study direction, what language headlines do you know, what work hours do you know, balabala, hr is relatively amiable

After a day of face, nothing to love, come back to sleep, too uncomfortable

Redhat interview

The interview position is an intern of JAVA wildfly middleware development. The routine is different from the previous one, which is to do a project first, use Maven to do a J2EE Hello World, and then do a unit test. After a long time of modification, I didn’t receive the interview notice until this week. However, as the manager was busy, the Chinese members of the group came to interview him first. The main language is JAVA, and then I also explained clearly what I should do first, which is very different from other interviews, in case I didn’t think clearly. After all, different from other internships, I am doing open source, and I am not doing common Web development, but the implementation of the bottom middleware Web server, including testing things. In fact, I feel that my personal experience and requirements do not match well, and the interviewer does not know much about Web development, but expects me to sink down and read a lot of source code, which will be very boring.

What do you know about Java? What is the nature of lambda expressions? What does the phase that maven asked you to write earlier mean? What do you want to learn and what do you not want to learn? Git rebase is used for git rebase. What open source projects have you followed? What operating system do you usually use? Do you understand the question about unit testing in engineering? Should not throw exceptions and still pass unit tests.

This is only the first interview, and the next video interview in Italy is to communicate with foreign interviewers, which is very stressful.

Redhat 2 face

The second interview was really late. In fact, I used to chat with Chinese and foreign interviewers and ask me some basic questions. There were no technical problems, but I just wanted to practice my oral English.

Alibaba Interview

The interview position is JAVA development intern, today is not the first interview, there was one before, but there was no record at that time, so I had to record this one

Introduce myself to a project, I said blockchain, and then talk about a bunch of things around blockchain, such as what I didn’t answer, whether the performance test is done, and what services orderer node has, maximum heap of concepts, sorting algorithm, comparison of sorting time complexity, How do I find the largest number of 1000 numbers is there any sorting algorithm that is less than nlogn

Meituan interview

There were two sides of the interview. The first side was simple and I asked a lot of basic questions, which were basically able to be answered. The second side asked a lot of detailed questions

Understanding of cross-domain, is only possible browser cross-domain, cross domain is actually in the request after a domain name service at the same time to initiate the request of the other domain names, so only the browser may exist, static resource after parsing the request because he will be back again to send the request, and there would be no such problem, similar to the postman Because he gets static resource text and doesn’t parse it again Tomcat parse sevlet what happened? As for how to set up the database in the single scene, we need to separate it and use Nginx to store the database according to the hash. The same is true for searching. But the questions are not too difficult how does the minimal heap do insert and delete HashMap how does it map into memory how does it evaluate its performance in cloud platform project database thread pool what kinds of symmetric and asymmetric keys are used to solve what problems

IBM phone

The delivery is working. They’re doing blockchain medicine, recruiting interns

Is there any golang development experience fabric knows what nodeJS development experience medical what are you doing on your side

Jingdong Finance Interview

Post the interview

JAVA Development Intern

The interview experience

There were two sides of the telephone interview. The first was to investigate the blockchain, and the second was to investigate the Java foundation. We asked for a long time with a serious attitude

Interview questions

Blockchain transaction process? How is Spring understood in Java? Question 1: A person can go up one or two steps at a time. How many ways can he go up the NTH step? The second question: n * m maze, can only to the right or go down, how many line from the top left corner to the lower right corner Third: 100101 such arrays, 1 said someone in a chair, 0 means no one in, find a place that no one in the sum of all the distance and the distance is the largest The fourth question: is there a one hundred million number, find large number 10

  1. A hashmap structure
  2. Get and POST

Jingdong Finance Interview

Post the interview

JAVA Development Intern

The interview experience

Very bad! Because the interview before face only once, and know the jingdong originally in the interview result is all in the name of pre-selection practice not to give the school recruit offers a routine, full time and according to the tongzhou jingdong hr after temporary appointment invitation code, after half an hour to take me up, up to the surface, is no one I half an hour. There was no one at the interview site and it was time to leave work. Then I called HR and didn’t answer my wechat account. After ten minutes, I left jingdong Building and blocked the HR of Jingdong Finance

Interview questions

What more can Java learn and learn about distributed? Multithreading? The financial system is fault-tolerant at a very high level. Balabala

Pinduoduo written test

No more talking. Four algorithms

The first question

There are N copies of Coke in a vending machine. Copying Coke is so amazing that people who drink it make copies of themselves!

Alice, Bob, Cathy, and Dave are waiting in line to buy the replica coke. The buyer would drink it immediately, and then he and his mate would go back to the back of the line to get another coke.

What was the name of the last person who bought a copy of coke?

Input description: Input is a single line containing a positive integer N (1 <= N <= 1,000,000,000), which represents the number of cola. Output description: Output the name of the person who drank the last copy of coke. Example 1 Input 8 Output Bob Description: The first eight people who drink Coke are Alice, Bob, Cathy, Dave, Alice, Alice, Bob, Bob.

Import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String[] names = {“Alice”, “Bob”, “Cathy”, “Dave”}; while (sc.hasNext()) { long N = sc.nextLong(); long i = 0; long basic = 4; while (N > basic) { N -= basic; basic *= 2; i++; } int y = (int) Math.ceil(N / Math.pow(2, i)); System.out.println(names[y – 1]); }}}

The second question

The quadrennial World Cup is here again! Dordo launched a campaign to vote for the best player in the company. There are a total of N candidate stars, and each voter is required to rate an instance grade for each candidate star on the ballot. The grade is indicated by English letters, with ‘A’ being the highest and ‘Z’ the lowest. There are 26 grades in total.

We say candidate X is better than candidate Y when the number of votes for “X is rated higher than Y” is higher than the number of votes for “Y is rated higher than X”. If a candidate is better than any of the other candidates, the player is called “king”. According to this rule, there can be no more than one king. It’s important to note that there may not be a king. Now, given all M votes, please help Dom decide which candidate is king.

Input description: The first line contains two integers N and M, indicating the number of candidates and the number of votes respectively. Then there are M lines, each of which is a string of length N, each string representing the information on a ballot. The KTH (0 <= k < N) character of each string,

Represents the rating of this vote on the KTH candidate.

Data range: 1 <= N <= 50 1 <= M <= 50 The character string contains only lowercase letters (a-z).

Output description: If there is a king, the output line contains only an integer X, indicating that the candidate with the number of X (0 <= X < N) is the king. If there is no king, the output line contains only an integer -1. Example 1 Enter 4 3 ACBD BACd BDCA


Example 2 Enter 4 1 ACad

The output of 1

Import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; while (sc.hasNext()) { int N = sc.nextInt(); int M = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); String[] notes = new String[M]; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { if (sc.hasNext()) notes[i] = sc.nextLine(); }

        int[][] matrix = new int[N][N];
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
                char a = notes[i].charAt(j);
                for (int k = j + 1; k < N; k++) {
                    char b = notes[i].charAt(k);
                    if (a < b) {
                        matrix[j][k] += 1;
                    } else if (b < a) {
                        matrix[k][j] += 1;
        boolean flag = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            flag = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
                if (i == j)
                if (matrix[i][j] <= matrix[j][i]) {
                    flag = false;
            if(flag) {
Copy the code
