
Some time ago, someone initiated a discussion about how you entered the computer software industry. After looking around, I found that many people were not computer majors at the very beginning. Some people changed their major to computer in the middle of the course, some people changed their major to computer in the postgraduate entrance examination, and some people changed their profession to computer after work. In addition, a large number of people do not know what to choose when they fill in the application for a volunteer and read the computer, some are following the trend, some are heard of high wages, and some are listening to their mother.

Therefore, I have a personal feeling and hair, while now is also the period of various provinces to fill in the application of voluntary, wrote this article, to this year’s college entrance examination students talk about their own views, of course, this is only my opinion, life events also have to make their own decisions.

My own situation

Let me start with how I chose computer. When I was in high school, I decided to choose computer as my major in university. It was not because I was interested in programming, nor did I learn programming, nor did I even know what computer major is. Of course, after entering the university, I found that computer major is still very much to my appetite, which is also a kind of luck.

Confused choice of major

Computer major is very fire, its fire is not a day or two, but the heat has not been reduced. In Zhihu, computer and finance are the two most discussed majors, so computer and finance are mocked as “the two flagship majors of Zhihu”. Just because of this, computer major has become the first choice for many students who are confused about choosing a major.

In fact, a large number of prospective college students are not clear about what major they should choose. They have studied in primary school, middle school and high school, and many of them have not even cultivated their amateur interest, let alone the professional interest of college majors. So a lot of prospective college students choose their major in the way of nothing more than: to see the professional prospects, to see the employment, to see the comments of netizens and listen to their parents. Many people do not know what to choose, and then listen to their parents say that listen to this, or read online that this major is easy to make money, so they choose a certain major. As a result, many people are not satisfied with their major. Some people settle down, some change their major, and some people just stop learning and muddle along.

What do computer majors do

So back to the point, should I enroll in computer science or not? To solve this problem, you should know something about this major first.

First of all, what does computer science study? In the undergraduate stage, first of all, you need to learn basic advanced mathematics, college English and so on, which is also a lot of majors to learn; Then it is computer professional class, simple and popular, it is two: program design (how to knock code) + computer theory (computer network, computer composition principle, operating system, etc.).

Personally, I think interest is a very important factor to learn computer well. Want to know, for the vast majority of people, knock code has never been an attractive thing, and can let so many programmers adhere to the code line by line to knock out (work on), the code, enthusiasm for the program is a very important reason, of course, when interest in being, to become a professional, perhaps it is no longer your interest).

If you really want to learn this major well, you will find that self-study has become an important way for you to learn. You will find that what the school teaches is not enough. You may buy a lot of professional books to learn how to write a certain language well, and how to master it from the beginning. You might go to an online class to learn how to complete a small project. You’ll probably follow a lot of wechat accounts, learn more about the computer industry, and get to know a lot of great people (who don’t know you, of course). In short, this is a continuous learning process, and this process, a lot of time to rely on their own.

Many people think that after entering the computer major, that must be a programmer, in fact, otherwise. In a university computer major, in fact, many people are not ultimately engaged in computer related work (development post, test post, etc.), when a person is not so interested in knocking code, he may change careers after graduation, may take an examination of civil servants, may cross the examination of graduate students to engage in other. However, it is certain that the proportion of computer science students who are engaged in computer related jobs after graduation is higher than most other majors. Many people in other majors can’t find the right major after graduation, but that’s not the case with computers, as long as you want to be a programmer.

Concerns about

A lot of people worry that there are too many people choosing computer majors, the competition is too fierce, and the talent will be saturated. But for now, that’s not too much to worry about. You don’t have to worry about this if you’re a computer science person, but if you’re just following the computer science trend and getting a degree, it’s the same for you. In addition, many people think that senior talent shortage, saturated with general code farmers, but you can not guarantee that you are not saturated with that group, so improve yourself is the most important.

Some people worry that computer science is not the right major for them. If you have this problem, then you are not able to find a suitable major for you. In this case, there is nothing to worry about. You can only ask yourself if you can accept this major based on what you know about it so far.

Others worry that the employment problem of the “old programmer”, in fact in China, “old programmer” is not much, a lot of people is to develop the main body, when I was young, as the growth of the age gradually into the management that is general situation of Chinese programmers, most programmers are not lifetime knock code, everyone slowly found a new way.

So how do you decide?

I the content of the above, you may be the content of the learning content and work for computer major is much more then a DiuDiuDe understanding, I want to say is, if you are considering whether to computer, be sure to know it before they should learn something, whether to choose a computer professional, want to see you can accept the professional learning content and work content, determine if they have enthusiasm for it, According to their own interest, ability, do not have enthusiasm to do this thing to choose.

Oh, and one more thing, with the rise of computer science, a lot of schools that didn’t have computer science programs are starting computer science programs, even medical schools, so you know, keep an eye on schools.

At the end of the day, if you still don’t know whether you should choose, and you have to choose the one that is most likely to be safe, choose one of these three majors: computer science, finance, or math.

I am just a young boy, the above words may be wrong, life events have to grasp their own, sometimes confusion is better than believe in their own choices, after all, your life has just begun.