Everyone is experiencing a profound digital transformation. According to IDC statistics, the total amount of data produced globally in 2020 will reach 44ZB (1ZB equals 1 trillion GB, 44ZB equals 4.3 billion 1TB hard disks). Digitalization is like a fast horse riding the wind in the global digital market.

The same report from IDC predicts that the global spending on digital transformation will exceed $1.1 trillion in 2018, and the overall market will maintain a very substantial growth rate in the next few years.

Behind the digital flood, intelligent Internet of Things is penetrating into every corner of life at a high speed. According to relevant data, it is expected that by 2020, the average person will have at least four connected devices, and mobile phones will be 1/n of them. Data from Qianzhan Industry Research Institute predicted that the global Internet of Things market will surpass $100 billion in 2018 to reach $103.6 billion, up 30 percent year-on-year.

It is the small and medium-sized enterprises involved in or affected by the world that are driving this “fast horse”. This scene is familiar, when everyone is embracing the Internet, seeking the company “online”, and now everywhere is seeking digital transformation of enterprises, they promote digital and intelligent, but also seeking their own digital and intelligent transformation.

But digital transformation is much harder than going online. On the one hand, digital transformation is a complex project, even many traditional giants such as GE and IBM have tried to fail. On the other hand, digital transformation is a long-term process, the “pain” in which many enterprises fear.

The infrastructure construction of digital transformation and so on are only a part of the problem of enterprise digital transformation. The scheme design, implementation, later operation and utilization as well as the experience in this aspect are the key and difficult parts. This will lead to the majority of enterprises relying on external resources to complete the transformation, which is not only equipment, but more services. And when it comes to this area, we have to say lenovo and its services business.

Since the “Smart Lenovo service China” was proposed in 2017, Lenovo has continuously integrated the original service system and related resources, from the previous simple equipment after-sales service, and then to the overall service provider including equipment, solutions and services. In a word, Lenovo wants to be an enabster of enterprise intelligent transformation.

We can also see the determination and efforts of Lenovo service in this direction in some numbers: more than 40,000 certified technical personnel, covering 160 countries and regions, more than 5,000 on-site service stations… The reason lies in the first-mover advantage brought by earlier entry into the track of enterprise digital transformation. However, when it comes to persuading, attracting and helping enterprises to carry out digital transformation, the biggest confidence and core competitiveness of Lenovo services is its business ability.

Lenovo Service also hopes to transfer lenovo’s latest technologies and solutions to enterprises through service delivery and implementation, helping to complete the digital and intelligent transformation more smoothly. So is the business layout of Lenovo services related to this?

To B, to B, to C of Lenovo services: let everyone enjoy the digital fruits

Generally speaking, enterprise business is no more than two directions to B and TO C. Based on the mature technology and platform infrastructure of Lenovo services, Lenovo services output its services from the three directions of large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises (growing enterprises) and consumers.

First, for large enterprises, Lenovo services can provide customized all-cloud services. In the era of digitalization and intelligence, medium – and large-sized enterprises usually face greater challenges and pressures in transformation, because they usually have complex structures under large volume. It is not easy to achieve a comprehensive digital transformation at one time, especially for many large and medium-sized enterprises with heavy traditional genes.

Digital transformation is a race of thousands and thousands of horses, and obsolescence can come inadvertently, thus creating a sense of urgency for the transformation of large enterprises. The differentiation of enterprise individual and the high complexity of enterprise structure are undoubtedly the fundamental reasons for lenovo service customization. Only customized services can realize the digital empowerment of “thousands of enterprises and thousands of faces”, and also better meet the differentiated transformation needs of different enterprises in different environments and different genes, which is necessary.

Second, Lenovo services can provide one-stop IT outsourcing services for small and medium-sized enterprises or start-up enterprises. Growth needs of small and medium sized companies and start-ups are more important than large companies. On the one hand, in the torrent of digital transformation, the resource ownership status of start-ups is not optimistic. Even with sufficient capital support, it is basically impossible to quickly build their own ecology. On the other hand, there are mature external resources for digital transformation, which is a good springboard for growth enterprises.

Therefore, the reason why Lenovo service needs to set up a business line for the growth enterprises is closely related to the particularity of the development of the growth enterprises. Generally speaking, growing enterprises regard digital transformation as a powerful growth engine, and hope that the transformation will bring qualitative changes in size, efficiency and other aspects of enterprises.

In addition, as can be seen from the “one-stop IT outsourcing service”, Lenovo services actually want to provide comprehensive digital transformation services in the initial stage, rapid growth stage, transition stage and other development stages of growing enterprises, so as to fully cover any growth needs.

Third, for c-end consumers, Lenovo services can provide diversified solutions to meet consumers’ various fantasies of “smart life”. There is a reality that many technology service providers only do to B business, both because of their genes and because they don’t have access to C customers, and at best provide indirect services based on what the manufacturer knows the customer needs.

But Lenovo has been dealing with consumers since the beginning, which allows Lenovo services to export its technology and solutions into products and reach consumers directly. Moreover, Lenovo’s services also fully consider the richness of today’s market, so it can provide services for consumers of different brands. It can be seen that when providing intelligent services for consumers, Lenovo’s services uphold the inclusive ecological service thinking.

To sum up, the business layout of Lenovo services is actually very clear. In the B-side, For large and medium-sized enterprises and growing enterprises, Lenovo services provide customized and one-stop services respectively, with different emphases according to the primary needs of enterprises. In the C-side, Lenovo services are more like a diversified intelligent living assistant.

Business layout based on demand, but to do a good job in the business, you need to use “real kung fu” to speak, such a business layout logic behind, lenovo services rely on what advantages?

Behind the ecological business layout are three enabling advantages of Lenovo services

In fact, it is already clear what Lenovo service does. Under the current business layout, The enabling advantages of Lenovo service for enterprise digital transformation include three aspects.

The first aspect, technological ecological advantage, that is, hard power. With more than 20 years of development, Lenovo Service now has the industry’s leading IT product service system, the largest intelligent online service platform in Asia, and intelligent service robots that can realize self-iteration of service capabilities.

IT product service system, Lenovo service has a set of pre-sale, sale, after-sales IT service plan. For the digital transformation of enterprises, on the one hand, due to the leading technology and program, enterprises can obtain the best digital transformation services; On the other hand, systematic service construction can provide greater efficiency in enabling.

The intelligent online service platform can not only serve the temporary needs of enterprises in a timely manner, but also serve as an integration platform of service resources for Lenovo service itself, which can optimize the solution to problems at the same time.

For intelligent service robots, Lenovo service installed AI brain to enable them to realize self-iteration. For example, after one month of semi-supervised learning and training, the robot’s understanding rate reached 80% and its resolution rate reached 50%. On the one hand, self-iteration is the embodiment of deep learning ability, which can improve service efficiency. On the other hand, intelligent service robot is a landing of AI strategy, which can provide lasting power for Lenovo service to help solve the needs of enterprises’ digital transformation.

The second aspect is the advantage of service experience, that is, soft power. In the process of globalization, Lenovo’s smart delivery platform has been applied in the Internet, finance, automobile, real estate, FMCG and other industries, which means that Lenovo services have not only diversified landing cases, but also rich experience in the bag. In fact, years of deep cultivation in the service field has brought Lenovo services not only an unreplicable soft power, but also let Lenovo services as “enterprise digital transformation enabler” in the market to occupy the cognitive heights.

Rich experience and cases can make Lenovo service easier and more efficient in enabling similar enterprises. At the same time, from the point of view of empowered enterprises, cooperation with experienced platforms can be more thorough at each key node of digital transformation, which can hit the point to the heart. More importantly, of course, success stories are extremely attractive, especially for companies that are ready for digital transformation.

The third aspect is the standardization advantage of the solution. How to do the digital transformation of enterprises, Lenovo services actually has a “three-step” strategy: first, intelligent implementation, intelligent operation, and intelligent optimization.

In terms of intelligent implementation, Lenovo service has a comprehensive IT service expert team. Through intelligent resource management system, Lenovo service can also quickly complete systematic project delivery. In addition, Lenovo services also creatively put forward two IT architectures of sensitive state and steady state, providing more flexible choice space for enterprises.

In terms of intelligent operation, Lenovo services are based on a complete systematic framework and complete data acquisition and analysis through five steps (data, acquisition, integration, analysis and service). The last step is industrial application, aiming to help enterprises improve the intelligent level and efficiency of operation.

In terms of intelligent optimization, in the whole enabling process, Lenovo service will pay attention to digital war, customer orientation, innovative spirit, scientific and technological ability, data-driven five key factors, to help enterprises grasp the new opportunities and new models of business growth.

This “three steps” strategy, in fact, implicit lenovo service digital logic “building”, first of all, lenovo service is actually transfer the ecological resources (team, system, etc.) to help enterprises to build a solid digital infrastructure, lenovo service next reoccupy efficient data analysis to help enterprises in the underlying architecture to build flexible power system. In the whole process, Lenovo services will also be user demand-oriented, and constantly adjust the robustness of the architecture and the flexibility of the power system.

Overall, the “three-step” strategy is standardized but flexible. In this way, on the one hand, because of the standardization of each process content, any enterprise in this framework can quickly switch to the most appropriate enabling stage, and on the other hand, enterprises in such digital enabling, the digital new gene also has a strong resistance to pressure and breakthrough ability.

To sum up, the hard strength of technological ecology, the soft strength of service experience, and the three advantages of standardized empowerment plan cast a sharp tool for the global output of Lenovo service, the “enterprise digital transformation enabler”.

Lenovo services are becoming the “engine” of enterprise digital transformation

“In short, Lenovo wants our services business to be a third-wave growth engine.” In 2018 Lenovo Innovation technology conference, Lenovo Group vice president and General manager of China service business Dai Wei is so to describe the strategic position of Lenovo services.

Such high expectations, lenovo services are clearly in a strategic heights. On the one hand, standing in the view of globalization, under the international policy of “area”, the enterprises are in the digital transformation, whether it is a free trade, and the construction of infrastructure, will continue to create great digital market, while lenovo service also is cooperating with the strategic needs, various countries around the world can output their digital fu.

On the other hand, from the perspective of China, Lenovo put forward a new strategic vision of “Smart Lenovo service in China” last year, aiming to seize the opportunity in the “smart” trend of Chinese enterprises, optimize Lenovo’s business and positioning in China, and transform from a hardware equipment manufacturer to an intelligent iot service provider.

Not only aimed at the global market of trillions, but also caught up with this wave of irreversible “digital” trend, Lenovo services around the positive is obvious. However, many enterprises are still on the road of digital transformation, which means that what Lenovo service should do in the future is still to empower more enterprises and industries. It is a process of strengthening others as well as ourselves.

Lenovo services have made a lot of achievements, plus its precipitation over 20 years of all-round hard and soft strength, lenovo services continue to serve as a helper of enterprise “digital transformation”, is undoubtedly becoming a “digital transformation engine” of the enterprise. This “engine” with lenovo’s core service technology will also play the role of “digital transformation” infrastructure in the enabling process, so that the enterprise driving the digitalization can also get digital empowerment.

Article/Liu Kuang public number, ID: Liukuang110, this article first kuang Venture capital network