Introduction to HTTP status codes

Status code instructions
1xx Message – The request has been received by the server and continues processing
2xx Success – The request was successfully received, understood, and accepted by the server
3xx Redirect – Subsequent action is required to complete this request
4xx Request error – The request contains a lexical error or cannot be executed
5xx Server error – An error occurred while the server was processing a valid request
100 to 199: indicates that the request is received successfully. The client must submit the next request to complete the processing. 200 to 299: indicates that the request is received successfully and the processing is complete. Common 200 300 to 399: To complete the request, the customer needs to further specify the request. Eg. The requested resource has been moved to a new address, commonly used 302 (means you ask me, I'll let you find someone else) 307 and 304 (I don't give you this resource, get the cache yourself) 400~499: 404 (meaning the resource you requested is not available on the Web server) eg. 403 (server denied access, insufficient permission) 500~599: server error, commonly used 500Copy the code

Q1. Nginx 403 & Access denied

“Access denied”; Nginx error log: Access to the script ‘XXX’ has been denied (see security.limit_extensions)…

1. In your php-fpm configuration file, php-fpm.conf, set security.limit_extensions to.php or.php5, or any other extensions consistent with your environment. For some users in development environments, removing all security.limit_extensions values completely or setting them to FALSE will ensure that they work properly. Set fastcgi_pass to your socket address in your nginx configuration file (e.g. Unix :/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm. Sock;) Instead of IP address: port this way ( 3. Check your SCRIPT_FILENAME, fastcgi_param and set them according to the address of your file. The fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; All other corresponding FastCGI parameters should also be defined in the Location block; 5. In your php.ini configuration file, set cgi.fix_pathinfo=1Copy the code

The original link…