How original Kevin changed the worldHow Kevin changed the world


Hello, I’m Kevin. This is the 21st original post of 2020

Product manager competencies, from the inside out, across all competencies can be divided into 2 layers.

▲ The inner layer brandished the flame and the outer layer gorgeous color

The first layer:
Outer hard skills

Prototype, skills, project management

They are essential to the product manager’s work. Otherwise you can’t do your job

The second layer:
Core soft power

Demand mining, business understanding, user research

They also run through the work of product managers, but some of them are not good enough to produce a bad product detours, you can still be a product manager, but it is difficult to plan an excellent product

So the internal and external hard power, soft power constitute all product managers must do.

In 2019, when we step into entrepreneurship. I used to work in a BAT company, and my previous work was very segmented. After I joined the entrepreneurial team, IT was inevitable that I would hold several jobs.

Product managers, for example, do both operations and even design. Gradually, I found that the core strength of product manager depends on the support from the back of operation, so it can have direction, because the outer ability is dead and difficult to change. It is the inner layer that can be precipitated, accumulated and most valuable.

So I suggest that product managers try to build a community from start to finish, take charge of the life cycle, operation and growth communication of the community, and manage the community as a group leader for more than one year.

See what happens to the community a year from now? And how does it help the product manager?

I share 3 tips for help.

1. Community can help products understand how to make money

How to make money can also be called the lofty “business model,” a simple point is: make money.

In the construction of a community, product managers can feel the three dimensions of capital flow, flow and realization.

  • For example, behind the hot topics of users in the community is the gathering place of traffic.

  • For example, the sharing and forwarding of paid goods in the community is the flow of money.

  • For example, group members in a community expect gameplay and topics that can be realized behind them.

A community is a product, which can also experience five cycles of product life. The search for seed users in the cold start-up period, the recruitment of users in the growth period, the formulation of rules in the stable period, and the inactivity and withdrawal of users in the recession period.

Do community, understand users better

Previously, we said that the core strength of product manager includes: user research, demand mining, business understanding

In fact, these three are inseparable, but there are differences in the focus of different products.

C-oriented product manager, behind the user research is demand mining; B-side product managers, user research and business understanding comprise demand mining.

The focus is different because the product is targeted at different roles.

▲ Transformation of community

But building a community from zero to one allows product managers to be more fluent in c-side user research. Operating around a community, there are usually three operational goals.

1. Community renewal

To build a community, you need to understand what your users want and give them a reason to join. What makes your community different?

2. Community activity

Community activity refers to the number of messages generated by users in the community, the number of users who speak, and the number of users who drop out of the community. The relationship between content delivery and community activity can be detected.

3. Community conversion

There are paid conversion and traffic conversion, such as the page views and purchases of paid goods are respectively paid and traffic conversion.

Through the topic of the community, and operation rules, product types, to find the best conversion number of users.

A product manager can also be an excellent operation

The greatest experience of doing community is to feel the flow of thinking from the beginning to the end. If you have not done community, you can hardly feel the traffic funnel path behind the community, and the realization effect of Internet products.

Community because it is based on wechat, the functions of each community are the same. So it’s a standardized product. But the only difference is that different business strategies and community groups catalyze different community data.

So if you’re still wondering how to be a good Internet product manager, get rid of objective skills and get into core competencies.

Start by building a community.

Today’s share is here.

The group of product managers I joined

PMTalk launched a high-level Internet resource circle today. Including Su Jie (everyone is the product manager author), Antarctic circle founder, operation research society CEO, Tencent Ali toutiao product director and other accumulated more than 20 Internet giants, investors are also here.
The paid circle provides discount benefits such as product hotspot case dismantling, enterprise wechat latest product operation and growth skills course, one selected application experience report every week, free participation in 10 offline closed-door meetings for one year, and several peripheral and summit meetings.

If you’re on your way to product manager or Internet, join a lifelong learning program
The elite circleMust be a sure thing.

Average 1 yuan per day, scan the code to buy to join.

Recommended reading:

My backstage product manager series is on sale

My first book. Here it is

Those who are still using wechat to do product operation are already “OUT”.