Remote Procedure Call: The client sends a request to the server. The server processes the request and returns a response. The client terminates after receiving the response.

Here the producer is called as the client, and the consumer as the server receives the request and responds to the producer.

1. Synchronous invocation

1.1. Bind queues

public class RPCRabbitConfig {
    public Queue RPCQueue(a) {
        return new Queue("RPCQueue".true.false.false);

    public DirectExchange RPCExchange(a) {
        return new DirectExchange("RPCExchange".true.false);

    public Binding bindingRPC(a) {
        return BindingBuilder.bind(RPCQueue()).to(RPCExchange()).with("RPC"); }}Copy the code

1.2 consumers (server)

@RabbitListener(queues = "RPCQueue")
public class RPCReceiver {
    public String process(String message) {"Receive remote call request message :[{}]", message);
        return "remote procedure call success!"; }}Copy the code

1.3. Producer (client)

public class RPCController {
    private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;

    public void init(a) {
        // Synchronous call Sets the remote call response timeout in milliseconds

    public String syncRPC(a) {
        Object response = rabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("RPCExchange"."RPC"."RPC synchronous call");
        String respMsg = response.toString();"Remote call response :[{}]", respMsg);
        returnrespMsg; }}Copy the code

You can set the timeout using the setReplyTimeout(long milliseconds) function.

1.4, the results

Remote call response :[Remote Procedure Call Success!]Copy the code

2. Asynchronous invocation

2.1. Configure beans

/** * AsyncRabbitTemplate SpringBoot does not have a default AsyncRabbitTemplate injection, so you need to configure it yourself@param rabbitTemplate
 * @return* /
public AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncRabbitTemplate(RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate) {
    return new AsyncRabbitTemplate(rabbitTemplate);
Copy the code

2.2 Producer (client)

public class RPCController {
    private AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncRabbitTemplate;

    public String asyncRPC(a) {
        AsyncRabbitTemplate.RabbitConverterFuture<Object> future = asyncRabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("RPCExchange"."RPC"."RPC asynchronous call");
        future.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback<Object>() {
            public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
                log.error("Asynchronous call failed", throwable);

            public void onSuccess(Object o) {
      "Asynchronous call response :[{}}", o.toString()); }});return "ok"; }}Copy the code

2.3, the results

SimpleConsumer [queue=amq.rabbitmq.reply-to, consumerTag=amq.ctag-nHw71SucAmOUHb6hGVjaZA identity=5fBed23f :[remote Procedure call success!} Bed23F :[remote Procedure call success!Copy the code

Refer to the link

  • Use RabbitMQ RPC in SpringBoot

The code address


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