This course shares 50 tips for using Chrome Developer Tools, a browser debugging tool required for front-end development.

These are the skills you need to be a qualified front-end developer.

Course diversity titles

#001 – Debug window switch

#002 – Quickly switch between PC and mobile for testing

#003 – Quick debugging tips for page elements

#004 – How do I keep elements in hover states

#005 – Monitoring methods for element state changes

#006 – Style quick debugging and modification

#007 – Debug elements such as hover styles

#008 – View boxed models of element styles

#009 – View the final style of the element

#010 – The element’s event listener view

#011 – Good use of console

#012 – Some common Settings for console

#013 – How to view compressed JS/CSS source code

#014 – View load resources and edit throughout the site

#015 – Debug the JavaScript Call Stack

#016 – Edit the source file and synchronize to the local file

#017 – Network request monitoring

#018 – Instructions for using the buttons in the Network Request panel

#019 – Monitor page redraw methods

#020 – How do I monitor and count unused scripts

#021 – How do I monitor page animation changes

#022 – Network conditions with user-agent Settings

#023 – Quickly view all resources loaded by a site in edit state

#024 – A way to debug Android devices

#025 – How do I make the browser block requests for certain resources

#026 – How do I search all the resources under the site

#027 – How do I simulate some sensor data in a browser

#028 – Performance Analysis methods (I)

#029 – Performance Analysis Methods (II)

#030 – Performance Analysis Methods (III)

#031 – Principles and Methods of Memory Monitoring (I)

#032 – Principles and Methods of Memory Monitoring (2)

#033 – Principles and Methods of Memory Monitoring (3)

#034 – What is manifest

#035 – How to view the site manifest

#036 – Site Service Workers concept and view methods (1)

#037 – Site Service Workers concept and view methods (II)

#038 – Quickly empty all local storage resources

#039 – Local Storage

#040 – Session Storage

#041 – IndexedDB

#042 – Principles and views of Web SQL

#043 – Cookie principle and view

#044 – How Cache works

#045 – A quick way to dump site resources

#046 – Security node function description

# 047-Audit

# 048-audit

# 049-Audit

#050 – Global Settings feature point introduction and cheat sheet

Video Tutorial Address

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