Author: Xu Lin

Historical admission rate

Perhaps many people who have experienced the gaokao do not know the full name of the gaokao, which is actually the short name for the national College Entrance Examination. Since the national college entrance Examination system was restored in 1977, the college entrance examination has undergone many reforms, among which the most significant change is the significant increase in the admission rate, which has alleviated the “thousands of troops and horses crossing a single-plank bridge” scenario to a certain extent.

First, let’s take a look at the changes in the number of students admitted and those who failed in the college entrance examination from 1977 to 2018. The data in this paper are all from the online public college entrance examination data:

It can be seen that in the years after the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, due to various reasons, the number of college entrance examinations reached a relatively high point and then declined. After 2000, there was a further increase in the number of gaokao students, and the number of admission students also increased significantly. The number of gaokao students peaked in 2008 and 2009, and leveled off after 2010.

As can be seen from the figure above, the difficulty of early college entrance examination is very high, and the number of failed applicants is several times as much as the number of admitted applicants. In addition, the early college entrance examination actually has a pre-selection process before the beginning, and the candidates who can take part in the college entrance examination have actually gone through a great wave of sand process. With the education reform, more and more examinees have the chance to receive further education through the college entrance examination.

Let’s look at the percentage chart below to further understand the change in admission rates:

Part of the code is as follows:

setwd('D:/ reptile/gaokao ')data = read_excel('Historical admission rate. XLSX')data_year = melt(data,id.vars = 'year',measure.vars = c('accepted'.'Not accepted'),'Admission status', of people (ten thousand)Ggplot (data_year, AES (x= year, y= 'number of people (ten thousand)',fill= admission))+ geom_area(position ='stack')+     ggtitle(Statistics of College Entrance Examination Population in Past Years (1977-2018))+ theme_wsj()+     theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=15),           axis.text.y = element_text(size=15),           axis.title =element_text(size=15),           plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5,size=25,face='bold'),           panel.grid = element_blank(),           legend.position = 'top', legend.title = element_blank(), legend.text = element_text(size=15), panel.background = element_blank(), Axis. Line = element_blank(), axis. Ticks = element_blank())+xlim(1987,2018)Copy the code

Speaking of which, people seem to think that the current college entrance examination is not difficult, and the admission rate has reached about 80%. Passing the college entrance examination has become commonplace. If you really think so, you can only send the following emojis:

The three mountains lying in front of the examinee

Admission rates to elite schools

The admission rate mentioned above has increased significantly, but the admission rate actually covers all admissions, including undergraduate and junior college admissions. In fact, the competition among “211” and “985” elite universities is extremely fierce, especially in some provinces with “hell mode” of college entrance examination. (Since we did not find relevant data of Hainan on the Internet, we selected data of other 30 provinces and municipalities.

The following is a comparison of the admission rates of each province in 2018:

It can be seen that there is an obvious difference in the admission rates of 985 and 211 in different provinces. The admission rates of 985 in 12 provinces are lower than 1.5%, and the admission rates of 985 in Anhui, Henan, Jiangsu and Guizhou are even lower than 1.2%. As a examinee in Shandong, the author cannot help saying that he feels “ashamed”.

Even in the provinces with the highest enrollment rate, the enrollment rate of 985 and 211 is only 5.8% and 13.9%, combined with the current requirements of 985 and 211 in the recruitment requirements of various enterprises, the college entrance examination has not really become easy.

The college entrance examination number

In addition to the low admission rate of elite universities, the large number of students taking the gaokao is another challenge that students need to overcome. Because the number of people participating in the college entrance examination is very large, there are very high requirements for the examination precision, maybe a mistake in detail will drop a lot in the ranking of the province.

Similarly, let’s take a look at the number of people who took the gaokao by province in 2018:

With 865,000 students taking the gaokao in 2018, Henan province has more people than Bhutan (807,000) and more than many other countries in the world. Guangdong, Shandong and Sichuan also had more than 500,000 applicants. Due to the large number of participants, the gaokao is almost head-to-head in these provinces.

Gaokao questions are difficult

In addition to the low admission rate of elite schools and the large number of competitors, another thing that makes the majority of candidates “won over” is those difficult questions to let their own freedom. Teachers in many other provinces, including Shandong, tell students that they don’t need to pay attention to the questions in Jiangsu because the questions in their own province are not that difficult.

In addition to the difficulty of the questions, the strength and speed of college entrance examination reform in Jiangsu province also topped the whole country. We have compiled a roadmap of college entrance examination reform in Jiangsu Province since 2000:

See the name of these models, we may have some vertigo, but also deeply realize that can from the Jiangsu college entrance examination through the battle are warriors. Now that you have vertigo, it is better to vertigo to the end. Here is a real question of the College entrance examination in Jiangsu Province, to experience the difficulty by yourself:

Mathematics, physics this big kill all need not appear, only a composition in the author of this “language days disabled” it seems slay the audience.

College Entrance Examination “killer”

We have said so much about the difficulties of the college entrance examination, are candidates really at a loss for what to do? In fact, they are not. They only need to hold some special “killing tools” for the college entrance examination to solve the problem (the above is pure fiction).

Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation

The use of this kill device need not be described, only to understand all of it, although this does not mean that the college entrance examination will certainly have good results. Hope each examinee reviews diligently, do not like the title “five years college entrance examination, three years simulation”.

Write in the last

Although we have listed so many difficulties in the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination actually provides the majority of students with the opportunity to change their own future life destiny. Compared with many other uncertain development paths, the college entrance examination gives everyone a clear direction to strive for.

Finally, I wish the majority of candidates can calm down (although it is not realistic), in the college entrance examination to play their own learning, without regret. The college entrance examination is a very important process in our life, but it cannot completely determine our future life. There are still a lot of things to struggle for in the future.

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