VTAPE, a network video-on-demand application, is open source. The project content is not much, which is suitable for beginners to learn
The functions currently implemented include:
1. Classification list
2. Video search
3. Playback records
4. Play the video in full screen
As an iOS developer, I need to understand the development environment of the Android ecosystem. It may be because the project is not large, so THERE is no need to adapt to the platform
I have to say that Flutter is much easier to write UI than native. HotReload has greatly accelerated the development efficiency of Flutter. Currently, the main problem with Flutter is that there are not enough plug-ins or too many just to make up the number of plug-ins. If you need to develop your own plug-ins, you need the support of developers on both sides of Android and iOS
Available here for Android: Dandelion
GitHub: GitHub