Here’s the title: A Python question for you – Zhihu column

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There are many doctests in the code, if you have written your own, you can try to run them:

def check_type(value, type):
    Generic type checking.
    :param type: could be:
                 - a Python type. Notice that `object` matches all types, including None. There are a few special rules: int or long type always match
                   both int and long value; str or unicode type always match both str and unicode value; int type CANNOT match bool value.
                 - a tuple of type, means that data can match any subtype. When multiple subtypes can be matched, the first matched subtype is used.
                 - a empty tuple () means any data type which is not None
                 - None, means None. Could be used to match nullable value e.g. `(str, None)`. Equal to types.NoneType
                 - a list, means that data should be a list, or a single item which is converted to a list of length 1. Tuples are also
                   converted to lists.
                 - a list with exact one valid `type`, means a list which all items are in `type`, or an item in `type` which is
                   converted to a list. Tuples are also converted to lists.
                 - a dict, means that data should be a dict
                 - a dict with keys and values. Values should be valid `type`. If a key starts with '?', it is optional and '?' is removed.
                   If a key starts with '!', it is required, and '!' is removed. If a key starts with '~', the content after '~' should be
                   a regular expression, and any keys in `value` which matches the regular expression (with and not matched by other keys
                   must match the corresponding type. The behavior is undefined when a key is matched by multiple regular expressions.
                   If a key does not start with '?', '!' or '~', it is required, as if '!' is prepended.
    :param value: the value to be checked. It is guaranteed that this value is not modified.
    :return: the checked and converted value. An exception is raised (usually TypeMismatchException) when `value` is not in `type`. The returned
             result may contain objects from `value`.
    Some examples::
       >>> check_type("abc", str)
       >>> check_type([1,2,3], [int])
       [1, 2, 3]
       >>> check_type((1,2,3), [int])
       [1, 2, 3]
       >>> check_type(1, ())
       >>> check_type([[]], ())
       >>> check_type(None, ())
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: None cannot match type ()
       >>> check_type([1,2,"abc"], [int]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 'abc' cannot match type <... 'int'>
       >>> check_type("abc", [str])
       >>> check_type(None, str) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: None cannot match type <... 'str'>
       >>> check_type(None, (str, None)) is None
       >>> check_type([1,2,"abc",["def","ghi"]], [(int, [str])])
       [1, 2, ['abc'], ['def', 'ghi']]
       >>> check_type({"abc":123, "def":"ghi"}, {"abc": int, "def": str}) == {"abc":123, "def":"ghi"}
       >>> check_type({"abc": {"def": "test", "ghi": 5}, "def": 1}, {"abc": {"def": str, "ghi": int}, "def": [int]}) == {"abc": {"def": "test", "ghi": 5}, "def": [1]}
       >>> a = []
       >>> a.append(a)
       >>> check_type(a, a)
       >>> r = _
       >>> r[0] is r
       >>> check_type(1, None)
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 1 cannot match type None
       >>> check_type(a, ())
       >>> check_type(True, int) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: True cannot match type <... 'int'>
       >>> check_type(1, bool) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 1 cannot match type <... 'bool'>
       >>> check_type([1], [list]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 1 cannot match type <... 'list'>
       >>> check_type(1, 1)
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       InvalidTypeException: 1 is not a valid type: Unrecognized type
       >>> my_type = []
       >>> my_type.append(([str], my_type))
       >>> my_data = ["abc"]
       >>> my_data.append(my_data)
       >>> check_type(my_data, my_type)
       [['abc'], [...]]
       >>> r = _
       >>> r[1] is r
       >>> my_type = {}
       >>> my_type["abc"] = my_type
       >>> my_type["def"] = [my_type]
       >>> my_data = {}
       >>> my_data["abc"] = my_data
       >>> my_data["def"] = my_data
       >>> r = check_type(my_data, my_type)
       >>> r['abc'] is r
       >>> r['def'][0] is r
       >>> my_obj = []
       >>> my_obj2 = [my_obj]
       >>> my_obj.append(my_obj2)
       >>> my_obj.append(1)
       >>> my_type = []
       >>> my_type.append(my_type)
       >>> check_type(my_obj, (my_type, [(my_type, int)])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: [[[...]], 1] cannot match type ([[...]], [([[...]], <... 'int'>)])
       >>> my_type = []
       >>> my_type.append(my_type)
       >>> check_type(1, my_type)
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 1 cannot match type [[...]]
       >>> check_type(True, bool)
       >>> check_type(1, [[[[[[[[[[int]]]]]]]]]])
       >>> check_type([], [int, str]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       InvalidTypeException: [<... 'int'>, <... 'str'>] is not a valid type: list must contain 0 or 1 valid inner type
       >>> check_type([], [])
       >>> check_type([1,2,3], [])
       [1, 2, 3]
       >>> check_type([1,"abc"], [])
       [1, 'abc']
       >>> check_type((1, "abc"), [])
       [1, 'abc']
       >>> check_type({"a": 1}, [])
       [{'a': 1}]
       >>> check_type(1, {})
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 1 cannot match type {}
       >>> check_type([], {})
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: [] cannot match type {}
       >>> check_type({"a":1}, {})
       {'a': 1}
       >>> check_type({"a":1}, {"b": int}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: {'a': 1} cannot match type {'b': <... 'int'>}: key 'b' is required
       >>> check_type({"abc": 1, "abd": 2, "abe": "abc"}, {"~a.*": int}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 'abc' cannot match type <... 'int'>
       >>> check_type({"abc": 1, "abd": 2, "abe": "abc"}, {"~a.*": int, "abe": str}) == {'abc': 1, 'abd': 2, 'abe': 'abc'}
       >>> check_type({"abc": 1, "abd": 2, "abe": "abc"}, {"~a.*": int, "?abe": str}) == {'abc': 1, 'abd': 2, 'abe': 'abc'}
       >>> check_type({"abc": 1, "def": "abc"}, {"abc": int}) == {'abc': 1, 'def': 'abc'}
       >>> check_type({"abc": 1, "abc": 2, "bcd": "abc", "bce": "abd"}, {"~a.*": int, "~b.*": str}) == {"abc": 1, "abc": 2, "bcd": "abc", "bce": "abd"}
       >>> my_type = (str, [])
       >>> my_type[1].append(my_type)
       >>> check_type(1, my_type) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: 1 cannot match type (<... 'str'>, [(...)])
       >>> my_obj = []
       >>> my_obj.append(my_obj)
       >>> my_obj.append(1)
       >>> check_type(my_obj, my_type) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
       Traceback (most recent call last):
       TypeMismatchException: [[...], 1] cannot match type (<... 'str'>, [(...)])
       >>> my_obj = []
       >>> my_obj.append(my_obj)
       >>> my_obj.append("abc")
       >>> check_type(my_obj, my_type)
       [[...], 'abc']
       >>> my_type = []
       >>> my_type2 = {"a": my_type, "b": my_type}
       >>> my_type.append(my_type2)
       >>> my_obj = {}
       >>> my_obj['a'] = my_obj
       >>> my_obj['b'] = my_obj
       >>> r = check_type(my_obj, my_type)
       >>> r[0]['a'][0] is r[0]['b'][0]
       >>> r[0]['a'][0] is r[0]
       >>> r = check_type(my_obj, my_type2)
       >>> r['a'][0] is r['b'][0]
       >>> r['a'][0] is r
       >>> my_obj2 = []
       >>> my_obj2.append(my_obj2)
       >>> my_obj2.append(1)
       >>> my_obj = [my_obj2, my_obj2]
       >>> my_type = []
       >>> my_type.append((int, my_type))
       >>> check_type(my_obj, my_type)
       [[[...], 1], [[...], 1]]
       >>> r = _
       >>> r[0] is r[1]
       >>> my_type = []
       >>> my_type.append(([int], my_type))
       >>> check_type(my_obj, my_type)
       [[[...], [1]], [[...], [1]]]
       >>> r = _
       >>> r[0] is r[1]
    return _check_type_inner(value, type)Copy the code

Let’s look at some of the key implementation details:

    _long = long
except Exception:
    _long = int

    _unicode = unicode
except Exception:
    _unicode = str

def _check_type_inner(value, type_, _recursive_check = None):
    # print('Check type:', value, id(value), type_, id(type_))
    if _recursive_check is None:
        # current, succeeded, failed, listloop
        _recursive_check = ({}, {}, {}, set())
    current_check, succeded_check, failed_check, list_loop = _recursive_check
    # Use (id(value), id(type)) to store matches that are done before
    check_id = (id(value), id(type_))
    if check_id in succeded_check:
        # This match is already done, return the result
        # print('Hit succedded cache:', succeded_check[check_id], id(succeeded_check[check_id]))
        return succeded_check[check_id]
    elif check_id in failed_check:
        # This match is already failed, raise the exception
        raise failed_check[check_id]
    elif check_id in current_check:
        # print('Hit succedded cache:', current_check[check_id], id(current_check[check_id]))
        # This match is in-operation. The final result is depended by itself. Return the object itself to form a recursive structure.
        return current_check[check_id]
    return_value = None
        if type_ == None:
            # Match None only
            if value is not None:
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
                return_value = value
        elif type_ == ():
            if value is None:
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
                return_value = value
        elif type_ is int or type_ is _long:
            # Enhanced behavior when matching int type: long is also matched; bool is NOT matched
            if not isinstance(value, bool) and (isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, _long)):
                return_value = value
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
        elif type_ is str or type_ is _unicode:
            # Enhanced behavior when matching str: unicode is always matched (even in Python2)
            if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, _unicode):
                return_value = value
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
        elif isinstance(type_, type):
            if isinstance(value, type_):
                return_value = value
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
        elif isinstance(type_, tuple):
            for subtype in type_:
                    return_value = _check_type_inner(value, subtype, _recursive_check)
                except TypeMismatchException:
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
        elif isinstance(type_, list):
            if len(type_) > 1:
                raise InvalidTypeException(type_, "list must contain 0 or 1 valid inner type")
            if not type_:
                # matches any list or tuple
                if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
                    return_value = list(value)
                    return_value = [value]
                subtype = type_[0]
                if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
                    # matches a list or tuple with all inner objects matching subtype
                    current_result = []
                    # save the reference to the list
                    current_check[check_id] = current_result
                    # backup succedded check: it may depends on current result. If the type match fails, revert all succeeded check
                    _new_recursive_check = (current_check, dict(succeded_check), failed_check, set())
                    current_result.extend(_check_type_inner(o, subtype, _new_recursive_check) for o in value)
                    # copy succeeded checks
                    # a non-list value like "abc" cannot match an infinite looped [[...]]
                    # when a non-list value is replaced to a list, we must prevent it from forming an infinite loop
                    if check_id in list_loop:
                        raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
                        current_result = [_check_type_inner(value, subtype, _recursive_check)]
                return_value = current_result
        elif isinstance(type_, dict):
            if not isinstance(value, dict):
                raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_)
            if not type_:
                return_value = dict(value)
                required_keys = dict((k[1:] if isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith('!') else k, v)
                                 for k,v in type_.items()
                                 if not isinstance(k, str) or (not k.startswith('?') and not k.startswith('~')))
                optional_keys = dict((k[1:], v) for k, v in type_.items()
                                 if k.startswith('?'))
                regexp_keys = [(k[1:], v) for k, v in type_.items()
                               if k.startswith('~')]
                # check required keys
                for k in required_keys:
                    if k not in value:
                        raise TypeMismatchException(value, type_, 'key ' + repr(k) + ' is required')
                current_result = {}
                # save the reference to the dict
                current_check[check_id] = current_result
                # backup succedded check: it may depends on current result. If the type match fails, revert all succeeded check
                _new_recursive_check = (current_check, dict(succeded_check), failed_check, set())
                for k, v in value.items():
                    if k in optional_keys:
                        current_result[k] = _check_type_inner(v, optional_keys[k], _new_recursive_check)
                        for rk, rv in regexp_keys:
                            if, k):
                                current_result[k] = _check_type_inner(v, rv, _new_recursive_check)
                            current_result[k] = v
                # copy succeeded checks
                return_value = current_result
            raise InvalidTypeException(type_, "Unrecognized type")
    except Exception as exc:
        # This match fails, store the exception
        failed_check[check_id] = exc
        if check_id in current_check:
            del current_check[check_id]
        # This match succeeded
        if check_id in current_check:
            del current_check[check_id]
            # Only store the succeded_check if necessary. 
            succeded_check[check_id] = return_value
        return return_valueCopy the code

The most difficult part of this implementation is the handling of the recursive structure. As we can see, the key detail is that during the recursive call, an argument like this is passed:

if _recursive_check is None:
        # current, succeeded, failed, listloop
        _recursive_check = ({}, {}, {}, set())Copy the code

It actually consists of three dicts and a set. Their keys are (id(value), id(type_)). Id returns a unique identifier for an object in Python. The reason for using id numbers instead of objects is that objects like dict and list are unhashable and cannot be placed in sets or maps. Dict doesn’t have this problem. Although it is generally not recommended to identify an object with an ID number, because the object may be freed by GC and then other objects may reoccupy the ID number, in our case the object will not be modified and the ID will only be used temporarily, so it is not a big deal. This approach is also used in json, pickle, and other implementations of the Python system library.

Using tuples of values and types as identifiers is also important here, rather than using values directly, because different values may match different types and produce different results. But if the value and type do not change, the result of the match is unique.

These four objects represent the following meanings:

  1. Current – Records which matches were not completed when the recursion reached this position, which are actually ancestors of the call to the current procedure. The map values point to a list or dict object that is being constructed during the match and is an incomplete object. If a loop occurs, the value in current is used directly in place of further recursion, thus preventing an infinite loop
  2. Succeeded – Records all objects that have been successfully matched. We need this item so that objects with the same reference in the original data can get the same result, such as [my_obj, my_obj], and we want to return two objects in the list with the same reference. The value of the map points to the successfully generated object.
  3. Failed – Records matches that have failed. In general you can implement the algorithm without this term, but having this term can reduce the number of attempts in some cases. Because of the syntax of representing one of many types as a tuple, a failure to match a substructure does not always result in a failure to match the whole structure.
  4. Listloop – This record is used to prevent infinite nested structures from matching non-infinite nested structures

—- Note the crater here —-

The fourth point is very easy to overlook. Let’s consider this test example:

my_type = []
check_type(1, my_type)Copy the code

In the first version of the implementation, this expression matched successfully! The matching result is [[…]].

The reason is that we specify that if an item is not a list, it can be automatically converted to a list of only one item. 1 can match int, can match [int], can match [[int]], can match [[int]]…

So… Might it also match the [[…]] infinite nested list? After all, there are infinite layers, and maybe there’s an int at the bottom…

my_type = []
my_type.append((str, my_type))
check_type(1, my_type)Copy the code

The point of solving this problem is that if we once converted a non-list value to a list during the matching process, we cannot re-match it to the same list type until it successfully matches the non-list type — this is a bit of a roundabout way of saying that the code is the last set. When we convert a value to a list, we set an identifier in the set. If the identifier is already set as we continue recursing, we encounter an infinite loop of nested structures and must return as a failed match. If the recursive call does not fail but returns successfully, the identity is cleared.

However, if a non-list item has been successfully matched, the flag needs to be cleared as recursion continues. Consider this test example:

>>> my_type = []
>>> my_type2 = {"a": my_type, "b": my_type}
>>> my_type.append(my_type2)
>>> my_obj = {}
>>> my_obj['a'] = my_obj
>>> my_obj['b'] = my_obj
>>> check_type(my_obj, my_type)
[{'a': [{...}], 'b': [{...}]}]Copy the code

We have converted an infinite nested structure with no lists into an infinite nested structure with an additional list at each level. This match is legal. We use this statement when making dict recursive calls:

# backup succedded check: it may depends on current result. If the type match fails, revert all succeeded check
                _new_recursive_check = (current_check, dict(succeded_check), failed_check, set())Copy the code

A new set is provided here to replace the previous set. Why not use clear()? If the call fails, the previous identity needs to be restored when an exception is thrown and returned to the upper layer.

Another concern is the use of succeeded. When the data contains recursive structures, the results recorded in Succeeded may include incomplete matches in current — matches that are not guaranteed to succeed. So, during a recursive call, if we create a current item that eventually fails to match, we must, to be safe, clear the cache of all succeeded items added during the recursive call, because some of them may contain a current match that has already failed. This is why a new succeeDED_check map is created in _new_RECURsive_check and written to the previous map only if it succeeds.

Failed doesn’t have this problem; if a match fails, it will in any case.

There are some detailed implementation changes in the code:

  1. Whether Python2 or Python3, int and long are considered the same type; STR and Unicode are considered the same type.
  2. Bool values (True, False) are not allowed to match int types. In Python, bool is a subclass of int, and True is actually 1, so isinstance(True, int) returns True. But we did something special in our program.

From now on, please call me generalized table matching maniac