December 12, Beijing OSC Source Innovation Conference – open source technology year-end grand ceremony »  

Ied is another Node.js package manager, similar to NPM, but faster!

Main features:

  • Fast, fully concurrent installation

  • Resolve dependencies correctly

  • Support semver

  • Handle devDependencies correctly

  • Generate a smooth node_modules directory

  • Fast cache

  • Interact with the NPM Registry

  • Packages have no global namespace

  • Allows you to require multiple versions in the same package

  • Visualize the indicator process through the process bar

  • Follow your global configuration

  • Provides useful toolsets such as ping, config, ls

  • Private Registries are supported


ied is a package manager for Node. Usage: ied command [arguments] The commands are: install fetch packages and dependencies run run a package.json script test run the test-suite of the current package shell enter a sub-shell with augmented PATH ping check if the registry is up ls print the dependency graph expose make a  sub-dependency `require`able config print the used config init initialize a new package link link the current package or into it unlink unlink the current package or from it Flags: -h, --help show usage information -v, --version print the current version -S, --save update package.json dependencies -D, --save-dev update package.json devDependencies -o, --only install a subset of the dependencies -r, --registry use a custom registry (default: Example: ied install ied install ied install @ ied install @ Can specify one or more: Ied install semver@^5.0.1 tape If no argument is supplied, installs dependencies from package.json. Sub-commands can also be called via their shorthand aliases. README: ISSUES: