Many students who do design may find that the UI market was still in full flow in the past two years, but now many UI friends say that it is difficult to find jobs this year. UI designers will encounter many problems in their work. We have collected answers from the Internet for your questions, hoping to help you

Why do UI designers find jobs hard to find

The concept of “Internet Plus” has led to the influx of people and capital into the Internet industry. Internet start-ups are emerging one after another, and there is no shortage of money. As the demand for relevant talent increases, more people will be recruited. There are 10 people looking for UI design jobs, but the whole market needs 8 UI designers, so if you’re in the top 80% you’ll get a job.

But this year the Internet industry has undergone a shake-up, with a number of Internet companies down. The number of UI designers in the market has gone from eight to four, and you have to be more than 60% of your peers to get a job. Finding a job naturally is relatively difficult, facing such a situation to find a good job how to do?

Here is a list of common problems and ways to improve your job search:

1. Job-hunting problems

Example: ONCE WHEN I was sorting out resumes for everyone, I found that many people’s resumes were not very professional, such as what?

1) The size is too large: many people do JPG or PDF format resume, send me here to sort out, a resume reached more than 70 M, tens of thousands of pixels high, to be honest, this will be a waste of time, let people have no patience to finish reading.

2) Messy files: Some people submit compressed packages, and then find that all the folders are named in disorder after decompression, or the folders are divided into too fine. Sometimes I have to click to open more than a dozen folders to see the works one by one, and suddenly feel confused and very inconvenient.

Actually work is not much, but in essence, you put your most satisfied work a few good, classification also don’t need too much, like afraid of other people don’t know that you are versatile talents, actually didn’t necessary, highlighting their best best good, under the other side to lift, it is not necessary to display, Leave some for your boss or colleagues to discover and dig up for yourself, and you may have more surprises.

3) Bad document naming: When you send out a resume and it’s titled like this, it’s a dead end. For example, it says “Job search”. How are they going to find your resume? The best way to name your resume is to include your name/objective or resume year, such as XX — Visual Designer — 2016 Resume. This will make you easier to find and remember, and will make you look professional.

2. Problems in skill improvement

For example:

Q: If you read a lot of good tutorial articles, you forget a lot of things, why? Is it the wrong way to learn? Solve.

Answer: first of all tutorial has good have bad, I am not sure the tutorial that you see is all good tutorial, because now no matter what level of person wants as long as he is willing, can write tutorial, if you discern ability is poor, that may be poisoned, so try to see a few strength of some of the elder generation of the tutorial will be more secure.

Second, several tutorials points, have focused on you software operating capacity and achieve a certain effect, and partial theory focuses on the development thinking ability give you inspiration, with the combination of the two, whatever the tutorial, you should strike while the iron is hot. After the play to begin to practice, or find a case to demonstrate, so that you can deepen your impression, Then you can summarize what you’ve learned and share it with others as your own knowledge.

, of course, no knowledge is a finish see throw them, especially the theory of partial tutorial class, it should be repeated to understand, such as my essay is the preferred development thinking, is suitable for the store owner/operations or high order bit designer, zero basis beginning may feel a little hard, but because thinking habits formed the back of his hands came up, Will progress faster than others, and will need to be watched over and over again before you really understand.

3. How to change the status quo

For example:

Ask: “I am an electrical contractor of the company’s small staff, I now state is very discontent, I just graduated into the company, has just started to feel a good prospect, companies are moving in the right direction, but I has been no progress, every day is keep registering in figure, feel oneself can be decadent, should I change an environment to let his blunt electricity.”

A: In fact, there are a lot of people in your situation. They all feel that they are doing chores and are bored. They feel that they are not promoted because of the environment around them.

1) some people can take time to learn every day to go to recharge my batteries, such growth will be faster, then to a certain stage, the person will feel surroundings already cannot satisfy their abilities and needs, so he will choose to move to change and their ability to match work environment, and then continue to learn to improve themselves, to find the next target.

2) There is another kind of people even if there are better people around them, but they are also doing nothing every day, just to meet some things in the company every day, private also not to charge, naturally will be PK, because personal ability can not keep up with the development needs of the enterprise, and finally become a handyman.

3) there is a situation is, and role of industry, if you are in small shops, small stores is not possible to give you a lot of things need to creative play every day, most of the time you are doing to do the drill exhibition figure such code, and then if you go to the company is a person to responsible for the design of several shops, So in order to save trouble and time you can only choose a set of versions, or you have the ability to job-hopping to the big point of the store or to the big platform, the situation will be better.

So look at the above scenarios, see which one you fall into, and then think about whether your situation can be solved simply by changing the environment or even by changing the environment. After all, you have as much choice as you can make.

Edit: Thousand front UI design