One, foreword

“What you can’t measure, you can’t manage.

This is a quote from Management guru Peter Drucker in Lean Data Analysis. I agree.

Many people who write short books, for a long time or longer, may not be able to accurately quantify their progress, or locate their place in the hundreds of thousands or more writers, such as: how many people have more fans or likes than you do? How many people are there in the size of V? How many “contracted authors” do you see all the time? How long did it take them to get where they are……

These external data, vertical comparison, if you are unable to measure, may be in the early stage of the low tide, no one read your article, few likes, slow to grow fans, hit, and then lose the motivation and confidence to continue writing. Because you don’t know what’s going on, unless you have a strong inner drive, it’s probably hard to stick to it.

Similarly confused, I crawled 260,000 + high-quality user information of Jianshu, and found out that I had 480 fans at that time (September 22), ranking 4140, which is in the top 1.6%. Through vertical comparison, understand their rankings, but also gain some confidence. You can also get a ranking and add a footnote to the well-known statement that “when you start writing, you beat XX percent of the people” to strengthen your writing and output confidence.

Now that we have vertical data, what does horizontal data look like?

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it was two months before I came to Jane’s book. A month ago, I used my familiar data analysis and visualization methods to create the article “My Brief Book Of January: Data Visualization”. Today, I will review, show and summarize the journey of two months again to see what I have contributed and gained.

My book of The Month: Charts at a Glance

Second, data visualization

1. Number of fans

1.1 two months to remember

In fact, I was quite happy when I got the chart. A few days ago, I was still staring at the number of fans, thinking that it would be difficult to double the number of fans in the first month (295), but as shown, after 0925, there were two small waves of increase in the number of fans, so it broke through 600, even close to 700.

1.2 in January to remember

And in this more than 60 days, the most unsolved single day powder is still the 0828 in the first month, the record of 170 people has not been broken, at the beginning also directly made the flat and slow powder curve, suddenly there is a bright spot, but also suddenly give a person great confidence. Of course, after January, I don’t know what the next month will bring, and I have no idea how the numbers and curves will change. So the joy is palpable when the map above is created.

2. Number of likes

Similarly, the trend of likes and followers over the two months is very similar. While many people are eager to be followed by more people, getting more likes than followers is a bad thing. Many people have become the recommended authors of some topics in Jane’s book, which passively increases the number of fans, but the actual number of reading and liking is not matched.

3. Number of fans and likes (More)

3.3 each diary

After looking at the overall trend of change, the mind is still vague “growth, growth”, “up, up”, then look at the specific situation of each day. As can be seen from the figure, the peak of the number of fans and the number of likes basically appears on the same date, among which the most significant ones are 0828, 0903, 0925 and 0928 respectively, which are consistent with the bar chart of a single day in the waterfall chart above. Except 0928, the other three days are 1 or 2 nights before the release of new articles and subsequent appear on the home page.

The day-to-day changes are more intuitive when viewed in isolation. However, here the broken line moves slightly to the right and fails to align with the horizontal coordinate scale, which can be described as “bug every day” :

4. Article analysis

4.1 Reading, likes and comments

Up to now, I have created 16 articles in total, two of which have received more than 200 likes and five of which have received more than 3,000 views. Among them, one of which has received more than 5,000 likes for no reason, but the actual number of likes is very low, which may be due to the weibo visitors who came to eat melons. And then there are a lot of unremarkable, uninspiring, uncensored articles that are so close to the origin that people want to delete them.

4.2 List of likes

When you look at the likes of all the articles, the top two received nearly half of the total. Really the thigh. Except for zhang Jiawei’s first article 138W + Zhihu Followers, the most popular articles are all recent works. We can see that the feedback on Jane book is more and more benign and positive.

4.3 likes of Top5 articles

So how long can the popularity of an article in Jane’s book last? I chose my Top5 articles with the highest number of likes and found that it was difficult to maintain the long-term popularity of my articles, which basically disappeared within a week. And personal observation this is very dependent on the exposure of the home page or topics, early Zhang Jiawei article can hang on the home page for a week, recently do not know is Jane book revision, recommendation algorithm changes or what reason, the home page articles often do not know which corner to go.

Dear you

(What a disgusting subtitle. Escape…).

5.1 Old iron Double clicking…

Of all the 681 followers and 870 likes, the intersection of the two is 250. They are legitimately old friends, but instead of double-clicking on “666”, they like and follow.

5.2 Angels with 5 likes or more

No.1, @ Hu jigui: 13; No.2, @outdog: 7; No.3, @south_lin: 7; No.4, @ an Amuwood: 5; No.5, @ Lingruoyi: 5.

Among them @hu several ghosts little angel, topped the list, yesterday evening in the processing of data gap, refresh the home page a look at 10+ pieces of information, and then see this situation, is really a big surprise from morning to night. Hereby solemnly commend, reward small red five-pointed star, stick on the forehead.

5.3 Friends with at least 10 comments

# 1 @ Heartbroken Paperman: 13; No.2, @Lingruoyi: 11; No.3, @ wasted yesterday 11, No.4, @ love to eat melon seeds: 10.

Of course, the comments here are not necessarily in my article, but the names are all familiar, except….. A slight forgetfulness.

6. Articles and anthologies

Then look at the inclusion and rejection of all my articles and anthologies.

6.1 Full Details

I have been added into the topic 64 times, mainly in the direction of crawler and programmer; Through the submission of 49 times, same as above, the direction is more specific; 17 subscriptions to my anthology Python crawlers and Data Visualization.

There were 17 times of rejection, including 11 times of rejection on the home page. Except for several articles that were not delivered, all 16 articles so far have been rejected by the home page at a very large rate. However, there are still 7 articles recommended by the editor to the home page, just had today’s small harvest.

6.2 The rejection rate of the home page is 91.7%

A closer look at the home page submissions showed that 14 articles (16 in total) were involved in 15 articles. There were 12 home page submissions, 11 were rejected, one was approved, and three editors accepted the home page submissions.

What’s 12 divided by 11, boys?! The rejection rate is 91.7%. My paper sucks, but it’s not that bad. Can’t help chanting dou e’s lyrics to appeal their own “injustice” : “the ground ah, regardless of good and evil waste for the ground, day ah, wrong survey wise and foolish waste for the day!”

New journey

The last two pictures are a study of my fans. It is found that 30 of the 681 people have more fans than me. They are as follows:

35 of 681 people like to count more than ME:

In the future, I will continue to write related articles to keep up with these formidable characters.

Third, summary

The full text is like “old woman’s foot-cloth – smelly and long”, I do not know whether someone in the National Day and Mid-Autumn festival double festival days to see and read this article, but still rushed to finish this article in two months. Compared with the paper written in January, the charts drawn in this paper are richer and the data and information covered are more detailed. I don’t know whether I will continue to write in March or in half a year. After all, I have no idea what the data and situation will be in the future.

Again, after crawling quite a lot of Jane book data, there are several updated related articles, the follow-up may be mined under the “Jane book friends” this topic, have other ideas, what are interested in the content of Jane friends can leave a message in the comment section.

Finally, the code will be updated to its wechat public account called Niuyi Giliu (ID: Deserts -x) background after subsequent compilation. Those who are interested can follow it, as it is unknown how many of the users who followed me and gave their thumbs-like comments are interested in Python crawler and data visualization.

PS: Forget a word, update immediately. I wish you a happy National Day Mid-Autumn Festival, double festival.