Alibaba Android Development Manual is the collective wisdom crystallization and experience summary of all Android development teams of Alibaba Group. It systematically organizes the long-term development iteration and optimization experience of Taobao, Tmall, Xianyu, Dingding and other apps into a book, in order to guide Android developers to develop apps more efficiently and with high quality. Presents to the user experience is good, the performance is excellent, the stability is good, the security is high product.

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As an important part of Alibaba’s development regulations, alibaba Android Development Manual aims to:

  • Prevent trouble, improve quality awareness, reduce failure rate and maintenance cost;
  • Unified standards to improve collaboration efficiency;
  • The pursuit of excellence craftsman spirit, polishing quality code.

This manual is divided into Java language specifications (following the “Alibaba Java Development Manual”), Android resource file naming and use, Android basic components, UI and layout, process, thread and message communication, file and database, Bitmap, Drawable and animation, security, The other nine parts are divided into mandatory, recommendation and reference according to the strength of the binding force:

  • [Mandatory] Must be observed, breach of this agreement may cause serious consequences;
  • [Recommendation] Try to comply with the long-term compliance is conducive to the improvement of system stability and cooperation efficiency;
  • Full understanding, guided by technical awareness, is the direction of individual learning, team communication and project cooperation.

In the extended information of the protocol entry, the “description” extends and explains the content appropriately; What coding and implementation methods are advocated by “positive examples”; “Counterexamples” show minefields to watch out for and examples of mistakes.

Members of “Alibaba Android Development Manual” project team, in no particular order: Non-success ink (taobao technology), light (intelligent scene division), vector monk (taobao technology), JingBao (taobao technology), adjacent to the cloud (idle fish technology), it is guest technology (cat), there are many engineers involved in alibaba mobile end, in this thank you, thank you alone do (” alibaba Java development manual “), the authors of the guidelines for the manual.

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