This week, Spring Cloud co-founder Spencer Gibb announced on the blog page of Spring’s official website that Alibaba is open source Spring Cloud Alibaba and released the first preview version. This was later announced on Spring Cloud’s official Twitter account.

Hi, I’m happy to tell you that the first version of Spring Cloud Alibaba is out today.

The Spring Cloud Alibaba project consists of two parts: Alibaba open source components and Ali Cloud product components are designed to inject the advantages of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Java developers to use Alibaba products while utilizing the design pattern and abstraction capabilities of Spring framework.

Alibaba Open Source Components

The alibaba open source component is named with the prefix spring-Cloud-Alibaba and provides the following features:

  • Service discovery

Implement the Registrie-related specification interface defined in Spring Cloud Common, introduce dependencies and add some simple configuration to register your services with Nacos Server, and support integration with the Ribbon.

  • Configuration management

Implement PropertySoureLocator interface, introduce dependencies and add some simple configuration to get the application configuration from Nacos Server and set it in the Spring Environment. In addition, it supports real-time push and push status query without relying on other components.

  • High availability protection

Concurrency is a Circuit Breaking and Concurrency model for Servlet, RestTemplate, Dubbo and RocketMQ. Concurrency is a Concurrency model for Servlet, RestTemplate, Dubbo and RocketMQ. The Sentinel console can be used to modify the policy and threshold of traffic limiting degradation in real time when the application is running.

Ali Cloud product components

The product components of alicloud are named with the prefix spring-cloud-alicloud and provide the following features:

  • Application discovery Service

Ali Cloud application discovery service ANS, in addition to the basic function of application discovery, provides a lower cost SaaS application discovery service, while adding encryption logic in the invocation of the interface, to better protect your service.

  • Configuration Management Service

Aliccloud configuration management service ACM strengthens the configuration management of security, and also includes a complete push track query.

  • Object Storage Service

Ali Cloud cloud storage service OSS, which can store and access data of any type in any application, anytime, anywhere. You only need to automatically inject an OSS Client to directly use storage and download functions.

How to use

These components are in the Spring Release repository and can be used with the following BOM:

Subsequent planning

1. Spring-cloud-stream-binder-rocket modules will be based on Spring Integration and Spring Cloud Stream. Gives developers the option of using RocketMQ as messaging middleware when using Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Bus.

2. Spring Cloud Alibaba will integrate Ali Cloud distributed task scheduling SchedulerX and Ali Cloud log service, supporting developers to use Spring Boot programming model to simplify its use.

According to Yi Zhan, senior development engineer of Spring Cloud Alibaba, Spring Cloud itself is a set of microservice specifications, not a framework to be used, and the open source of Spring Cloud Alibaba provides developers with the implementation of this specification. At the same time, the components of Spring Cloud Alibaba, incubated from the middleware products for Alibaba’s internal use, have experienced the tests of Double Eleven for many times and have the ability to withstand pressure with high concurrency. In addition, its complete Chinese documentation and localized open source services will improve access rates for developers and ease subsequent operational difficulties.

Author: Middleware little brother