1, Fastlane introduction
Fastlane is a fully open source, automated build tool for iOS and Android developers. It enables developers to automate the process of packaging, signing, testing, publishing, organizing, and submitting apps to the App Store.
Making the address
### Fastlane installation
- Check Ruby version 2.0 or later, and change the gem source to gems.ruby-china.com/, enter the following command in terminal
Ruby -v Ruby -v Ruby -vsource
gem sources
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- To check whether Xcode command line tool is installed, enter the following command in terminal, if installed, will be prompted, if not installed, will automatically start installation.
xcode-select --install
Copy the code
- To start installing Fastlane, enter the following command on your terminal.
sudo gem install fastlane --verbose
Copy the code
- If the installation fails, use the following command to install
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin fastlane
Copy the code
- After the installation is complete, you can run the following command to view the version to verify the installation
fastlane --version
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Initialize the Fastlane configuration
- Install Fastlane plug-in of dandelion, terminal input the following command to install dandelion plug-in
fastlane add_plugin pgyer
Copy the code
- To initialize the configuration, run the terminal CD to the root directory of your project (the equivalent of XcodeProj) and type the following command
fastlane init
Copy the code
The initialization process will ask you to enter your Apple Developer account id and password, which will be stored in the keystring and will not be required for subsequent use.
The initialization process will also check whether the current project’s App Identifier is already in Apple Developer and whether the current App is already in iTunes Connect. If both are satisfied, the process should be relatively smooth.
After initialization, a Fastlane folder is created in your project directory, which contains some fastlane configuration files. The Appfile stores the basic information of the App, including App_Identifier, AppID, Team_ID, etc. Fastfile is one of the most important files in which we can write and customize our package scripts, and all the custom functionality is written here
Use an editor to open the Fastlane file and delete everything and replace it with the following.
fastlane_version "2.101.1"
default_platform :ios
platform :ios do
desc "Package and upload to dandelion as development."
lane :test_beta do
puts "Packaged in a development way"
# Specify the output method used for packaging (optional: app-Store, package, ad-hoc, Enterprise, development)
export_method: "development".# Specify the scheme name of the project
scheme: "xxx".# specify the folder address for output
output_directory: "./archive/test_beta/" + Time.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"),
puts "Upload IPA package to Dandelion"
# dandelion API KEY
api_key: "xxx".# dandelion USER KEY
user_key: "xxx"
desc "Bagged and uploaded to dandelion in ad-hoc fashion."
lane :beta do
puts "Automatic Provisioning Profiles"
# specify the folder address for output
output_path: "./archive/sign".# whether to be an AdHoc certificate (set to false or not to default to AppStore certificate)
adhoc: true
puts "Pack in ad-hoc fashion."
# Specify the output method used for packaging (optional: app-Store, package, ad-hoc, Enterprise, development)
export_method: "ad-hoc".# Specify the scheme name of the project
scheme: "xxx".# specify the folder address for output
output_directory: "./archive/beta/" + Time.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"),
# Specify packaging method (optional: Release, Debug)
configuration: "Release"
puts "Upload IPA package to Dandelion"
# dandelion API KEY
api_key: "xxx".# dandelion USER KEY
user_key: "xxx"
desc "Package it app-Store and upload it to iTunes Connect."
lane :release do
puts "Automatic Provisioning Profiles"
# specify the folder address for output
output_path: "./archive/sign"
puts "Package as an App Store"
# Specify the output method used for packaging (optional: app-Store, package, ad-hoc, Enterprise, development)
export_method: "app-store".# Specify the scheme name of the project
scheme: "xxx".# specify the folder address for output
output_directory: "./archive/release/" + Time.new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"),
# Specify packaging method (optional: Release, Debug)
configuration: "Release"
puts "Upload ipA package to iTunes Connect"
# skip screenshot upload
skip_screenshots: true.Skip metadata upload
skip_metadata: true.# Skip approval and upload directly
force: true
Copy the code
- I have marked out the places that need to be changed with XXX. Just follow the instructions and save the file after the changes are completed.
4. Use Fastlane for one-click packaging
- Open terminal, CD to your project’s root directory (the equivalent of XcodeProj). Enter the following command to begin automatic packaging and uploading of the test package to dandelion.
fastlane test_beta
Copy the code
- Enter the following command to begin automatic packaging and uploading to iTunes Connect.
fastlane release
Copy the code
The packaged.ipA package and dSYM files, as well as the generated Provisioning Profiles, are in the Archive folder under the project directory, just look at the output address above.
If the message “successfully 🎉” is displayed at the end, it indicates success. If there is an error, the terminal will prompt you to continue to modify the configuration.
Fastlane official tutorial
Fully automated publishing with Fastlane