The project is running on Version 9.4 (9F1027a) without any problem. I finished watching WWDC2018 the day before yesterday and updated the latest Version of Mac system and Xcode yesterday. Wow, this night mode is so great.

The xcode for MAC and iOS versions mentioned here are beta versions

As expected, it is not as simple as imagined. The specific error is as follows:

Can’t find the corresponding library, just add, then……

This library is not found on xcode10, well, look it up and see why

-l stdc++.6.0.9, but we can not find the source of all dependencies, so if we delete this dependency, can we find it? Give it a try……. -l”stdc++.6.0.9″

Compile the…

The problem seems obvious, emmmm……… I went to create a work order……

Update –

Later, I contacted AmAP, and their specific reply was as follows:

Hesitate busy own thing, this almost forgot, make up

Temporary solution

If you have a previous version of Xcode, copy the previous dynamic library file and replace the current Xcode10

Path: / Applications/Xcode – beta. App/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS SDK/usr/lib

Original solution link to Echo Zuo’s blog