In recent days, the third-party login of UmENG has been integrated into the project. After completion, there are basically no problems with wechat and Weibo, but the problems encountered by QQ are quite annoying. I will not repeat the specific integration steps here, there are official documents, and there have been many very detailed articles introduced. Problems encountered by individuals may vary. This section mainly records problems.

  • SDK version: V6.4.6 simplified QQ

  • Installation method: Cocopods

  1. App ICONS and App names are not displayed

  1. Tim client installation click QQ login no response

The following error message is displayed during breakpoint debugging: Error Domain=UMSocialPlatformErrorDomain Code=2002 “(null)” UserInfo={message=you may not set your authorization}

When testing this problem, I found that when only Tim was installed on the client, clicking QQ to log in to the third party would result in authorization failure (the reaction on the page is that clicking QQ does not respond, and no page will be pulled up). If Tim is uninstalled (QQ is also uninstalled), the authorization will be successful and the login page of web version of QQ will be pulled up. At the same time, I tested several apps of Meituan and Ximalayama, and found that when the client only had Tim, the login page of web version QQ would be adjusted normally, although Tim would not be adjusted.

Therefore, I thought that the lack of response when only Tim was clicked might be a problem with the simplified VERSION of QQ of Umeng. I replaced the simplified version with the full version of QQ, and the problem was solved after the replacement. In addition, the full version supports Tim. When only Tim is installed on the client, the Tim client authorization will be activated for login. If Tim and QQ are not installed, he will switch to the web version of QQ login. At the same time, the application name of the App is not correct to solve the problem, it can be seen that the simplified version of QQ bugs.