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It’s been nearly a month since the official release of Xcode 10.1, and today we’re taking a look at what’s new, what’s fixed, and what’s wrong with Xcode 10.1.
This article is organized by referring to Xcode 10.1 Release Notes, but you can also check out Xcode 10 Release Notes for more details on Xcode 10.
We are going to take a look at the New Features, Resolved Issues and Known Issues that Xcode 10.1 will have in each module.
1. General/General
New features
- Support for ARM64E processor architecture (preview)
If you want to try the arm64E which is still in developer preview, select the target for your iOS app in the Xcode project editor, find the “Architectures” setting TAB in the Build Settings, and select “Other…” Option and then add the arm64E manually to the architectures list.
Note: Currently the App Store and TestFlight do not accept arm64E submissions, so Xcode will automatically remove the arm64E content from the App package when we submit a release to Apple in the Organizer window after Archive.
Resolved problems
Navigate > Open in… Instead of displaying individual tabs in a window as separate Windows, each window has a TAB.
The XED tool now uses xcode specified by the current xcode-select or DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable.
2. Apple Clang Compiler
Resolved problems
- For iOS 12.1 Beta 2
The library has been modified to address the issue of running a small number of apps on the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.
3. Asset Catalog/Resource Catalog
Known issues
- If your project contains asset catalogs with an app built using Xcode 10.0 or higher and the Deployment Target is set to iOS 9.0, 9.1 or 9.2, Content incompatible with the runtime of these iOS versions will be generated (for example, an occasional Crash will occur if the App is downloaded and installed through the App Store or TestFlight on a real device with an operating system version between 9.0 and 9.2.1).
Note: I believe you are already familiar with this question. There are many discussions on the Internet, and we have posted several related episodes before. It started to appear in Xcode 10.0, but when Xcode 10.1 was released, Apple claimed to have fixed it, and everyone later said the problem was still there. However, according to the latest news on Weibo and verified by my friends, Apple has fixed the problem on the server side. Developers using the IPA package of Xcode 10.1 upload to the App Store Connect background, and apple will automatically fix the problem during the process of processing the package.
Resolved problems
- Add 40mm and 44mm Wells to solve the problem of specifying the correct icon size.
4. Build System/Build System
Resolved problems
The new build system supports “On Demand Resources” (ODR).
Fixed issue: when using base localization for.xib files or storyboards, individual localized.xib files or storyboards associated with base files would not be compiled into the product.
5. Debugging/Debugging
New features
- The breakpoint editor for Exception Breakpoints added an “Ignore Count” field.
6. Devices/equipment
Resolved problems
- An issue with Devices running iOS 12 or later requesting screenshots from the “Devices” window.
7. Interface Builder/Interface Builder
New features
- Now drag the Control (Control-dragging) in the canvas to add constraints always including all four directions, not just the direction closest to the drag direction.
Resolved problems
Fixed issue: Auto Layout error reporting problems when adding constraints to a view and subviews of UIScrollView.
Improved Canvas performance: when the bottom device bar toggles between iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR.
Fixed an issue that caused a mismatch between the monitor content layout and device bar selection in the Preview Assistant Editor.
Now, when the @ibDesignable view is enabled, it will be compiled using the new build system.
8. Simulator/Simulator
Known issues
- If there is another process, for example
If you shut down the emulated device while the emulator is opening, the emulator will not reconnect to the emulator properly the next time it starts the device. If you have multiple versions of Xcode installed, running emulators in other versions of Xcode may also cause this problem.
* Temporary solution: * Exit and restart the emulator. To exit without closing all emulators, hold down the Option key and select Simulator > Quit Simulator… Then select “Keep Running” from the dialog box that appears.
Swift Compiler/Swift Compiler
Known issues
- If you modify a property on an instance object of a class indirectly by using a nonmutating setter defined in Protocol or Extension, the Swift compiler may compile incorrectly: The instance object is released directly after calling the getter method for the property. This can cause the program to crash or behave unpredictably at run time.
Such as:
protocol SomeProtocol {}class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {}extension SomeProtocol {
var someNonmutatingProperty: CGPoint {
nonmutating set { _ = self }
get { return .zero }
// Might be miscompiled, deallocating SomeClass() too early.
SomeClass().someNonmutatingProperty.x = 42
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* Temporary solution: * Split the operation into multiple statements so that get and set operations occur in separate statements:
let someObject = SomeClass(a)// First get the nonmutating property value.
var temp = someObject.someNonmutatingProperty
temp.x = 42
// Then modify it.
someObject.someNonmutatingProperty = temp
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Resolved problems
Playgrounds in Xcode no longer records information about fields that cannot be decoded at runtime.
Compiling Swift code will now always report errors that cause any failures. For example, a message such as “Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a Zeroo exit code” might have occurred without an accompanying failure cause.
Long file paths with Spaces will no longer cause builds to fail.
The bundleForClass: initialization method of the NSBundle class is now consistent with the Swift class, including even if it is not running on the latest operating system version.
You can now successfully pass the “let property” of a generic class that takes a function type as an argument to another function or method.
class A<B> {
let function: (B) - >B
func takeFunction(_: (Int) -> Int) {}
func passFunction(from a: A<Int>) {
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Changes made to the captured values in the nested context will now be reflected in the outer context.
It is now possible to successfully call a mutating method that returns Self on the value of the protocol type:
protocol Example {
mutating func test(a) -> Self
func foo(x: inout Example) {
_ = x.test() // No longer crashes the compiler sometimes.
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- The compiler can now successfully generate an array of heterogeneous class objects into an AnyObject array:
func f(_: [AnyObject])
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Swift Standard Library/Swift Standard Library
Resolved problems
In the agreementunsafeAdding(_:)
, as well asunsafeMultiplied(by:)
The “, “method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
These methods produce undefined behavior under overflow conditions. So in the case of arithmetic operations, you can use the assert and addingReportingOverflow(_:) methods or a combination of the &+ operator, both of which have well-defined results in the case of an overflow.
11. Source Control/code Control
Resolved problems
- Organizational Repositories can now be shown alongside Personal repositories when cloning repositories from or GitLab self-managed account.
12. Testing/Testing
Known issues
- When test Parallelization is turned on, the results of profiling tests do not behave correctly.
* Temporary solution: * Parallel testing can be disabled when performing analysis tests by going to the Xcode menu bar: Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme… > Test > Info, select the “Options” button next to the Test target and then disable the “Execute in Parallet “check box.
Resolved problems
UI tests in projects using legacy Build Systems are now supported on the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.
If the target app of a UI test crashes during testing on the emulator, it can now be correctly reported as a test failure, rather than being mistakenly treated as a successful test as before, or displaying a failure message about “Application State Unknown “.
Xcode 10.1 Beta 2 and later supports UI testing on devices running iOS 12 Beta.
Fixed testBundleDidFinish for observers added to the XCTestObservationCenter shared instance object if observers were added at any time after testing had already started: The problem that methods will not be called (for example, after testBundleWillStart: method is called on all currently registered observers).
The Click and hover methods of the XCUIElement class can now scroll the menu automatically when the receiver is a menu item or a child view of a menu item.
Refer to the connection
Xcode 10.1 Release Notes…
Xcode 10 Release Notes…
Note: If there are any inaccuracies in the translation of this article, please refer to the original English text above.