As user experience becomes more and more important in apps, people are paying more attention to UI designers. What exactly do you need to know before you start learning UI design? Today, follow a thousand feng to have a look!

Generally speaking, UI design refers to UI visual design, mainly responsible for the color, layout, icon, font design of APP, Web, H5 and other pages. However, with the continuous development of the Internet, pure visual work has begun to reduce day by day, the industry requires UI designers to understand some knowledge of interaction design and product, that is, to understand User experience design (UE in China, UX in foreign countries) (full-stack designers even need to understand code). The final product of UI design is high fidelity visual draft + page annotation + cut map.

Secondly, UI design needs to learn mainly including the use of tools and software and design thinking training. In terms of tool software, PS, Sketch and Ai are mainly used, and Axure and AE are used as auxiliary software. Develop comprehensive UI design thinking.

The common software development process of UI design includes requirement analysis, function setting, interactive prototype, program technology pre-research, effect drawing, development, testing, release and launch, operation, iterative development and so on.

As the development of UI designers in China is still in its infancy, there is a lack of a good learning and communication environment on the whole, and there are few UI designers in this field who are really high-level and can fully meet the needs of the market. The rapid development of the IT industry and people’s increasing living standards, but also put forward higher and higher requirements for practitioners, therefore, UI designers should continue to learn and practice in order to achieve the market talent demand standard!