Amazon sellers know that the A9 algorithm has a big impact on weighing the entire listing. Of course, this algorithm is also constantly updated, so when you first write a listing, it’s important to accommodate the latest A9 algorithm.

Think from the buyer’s point of view. Here are the key elements to maximize amazon listings conversion:

1. The main photo

The main graph is the most important factor in CTR, CONVERSION and traffic, and must be better than the competition. It’s better to spend a lot of money to get it right at the beginning than to fix it later when you realize it’s not working

2. Buyers’ Reviews

The number of reviews and ratings also affects conversion rates to some extent, as buyers generally read reviews before making a purchase decision. It’s a psychological effect that a lot of buyers have.

3. Q&A

Q&a optimization can not be ignored, this part can better complete your product, can ask buyers to provide more purchase help. When you receive a question, it is usually advisable to let another buyer answer the question so that the seller can answer the question in a professional manner. Buyers’ answers make other buyers feel more referential than their own.

(Study and analyze competitor product defects and customer complaints, and resolve these defects in QA)

4. Sales Rankings (natural search rankings)

Product sales directly affect conversion rate, so many sellers register DOTD, BD, LD to refresh sales and improve ranking.

5. Quality and price

These two factors are directly related to the conversion rate, especially the price factor. Quality is guarantee, price is chewing head. But the lower the price, the higher the conversion rate. If the product ranks high, it must match the value and price of the product.

When editing a product listing, the title, five points, and details must be highly relevant to the product. Whether it’s Amazon’s A9 algorithm or SEO optimization, relevance is key and key if you want to promote your product and improve your ranking.