Column | chapter nine algorithm

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Coding is the life of programmers! Coding! Is it just coding?

No! The life of a programmer is interesting, too. Here are nine programmer jokes that anyone who gets them is said to be working overtime.

01 Programmers & Bugs

How do programmers react when they encounter other people’s code? Programmers spend most of their time adding new features to code or modifying existing ones. Of course, bugs persist after programmers fix one bug after another.

QA Engineer vs Application developer

QA engineers and developers are definitely from two different planets. For example, on product launch day, they always fight like cat and mouse.

03 Programmer confidence

The programmer’s job is to go through this cycle:

- I can't fix the problem. -Crisis of confidence -Problematic business... - Problem life... -oh, that's just a minor problem.Copy the code

Programmer & Caffeine

A good day for programmers is the perfect blend of neatly written code and a refreshing cup of coffee. Never mess with a programmer when he doesn’t have his morning coffee. Because the relationship between programmers and caffeine goes like this:

Programmer & Caffeine code:if (coffee.Empty) 
Copy the code

Program your daily life

A programmer’s daily life is a lot like programming. It only takes a piece of code to perfectly recreate a programmer’s day.

06 Computer programming humor

Programming jokes are hard to understand, just like lines of code.

Programmer & Salary

Every programmer thinks to himself when he gets paid:

Dear salary, 

Please come back to stay with me, you left in such a rush last month, I didn't even have time to tell you about my plans... I miss you I'M sorry about whatever it is...Copy the code

08 Web Programmer & Password

If passwords can’t be copy-pasted, a Web programmer will go crazy.

Reactjs programmer & Coffee

How hard is it to be a programmer? Coding all day, debugging all night, checking thousands of pieces of code, trying to clean up all the gibberish. But for programmers, there’s nothing that can’t be solved with a cup of coffee.

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