1. Are IT losers, programmers, and programmers?

When people mention IT person, always think of them inflexible, don’t understand amorous feelings, focus on IT technology, even if sexy beauty lying next to also indifferent. Is that really the case? Although we cannot deny the existence of such a situation, but is this a common characteristic of IT people? There are plenty of people in other industries, so why do people always pick on programmers? The following is a map of diaosi that circulated on the Internet in 2013, with programmers leading the way.

In fact, the problem is not that the IT industry has these inherent labels, but that people in the industry view themselves. Most of the IT industry is very hard, “9 to 5” only heard of, many IT people have not seen, this is a well-known fact. It is understandable, then, that some programmers need to find fun in the midst of hardship to make the hard work more enjoyable. Life cannot be run like a program.

Because the IT industry is very hard and can only deal with machines all day long, gradually I don’t want to talk to people and don’t want to go out, and programmers often make fun of IT on social networks. “Program ape” is used to describe the characteristics of IT people who are dull and low in EMOTIONAL intelligence. The term “code farmer” is used to describe programmers working as hard as farmers and earning no money. Diaosi is a combination of the two.

Therefore, there are two main reasons for programmers to put these labels on themselves. One is to have fun, and the other is to make fun of them. So why are the outsiders joining in? I remember many years ago, when I was a hazy high school student, I idolized programmers. In my mind, they were the elite of the society. And other people, IT industry is also very mysterious. At that time, people who wanted to do programming had to have an interest and talent, or graduate from a related major, otherwise it was difficult to do it. Now, however, outside software development training institutions are recruiting middle and high school graduates. More and more people have access to software development, and those entering the field are of varying abilities, with varying goals, and with varying degrees of success and failure. Therefore, outside the impression of high salary industry, but there are many people in the industry did not get high salary; People outside the industry think of it as an elite profession, while many inside see themselves as little more than brick-moving workers on construction sites.

So why are so many programmers so unfazed by jokes from outside the industry? The reason is simple: if programmers have this kind of “fun” attitude towards themselves, it doesn’t matter how others make fun of them, and they even welcome and resonate with them.

2. How do you think about working overtime and ensuring your health?

Overtime can be divided into active overtime and passive overtime.

First talk about the initiative to work overtime, active overtime is also different motivations, many times divided into two categories, one is keen on their own career, willing to devote more time and energy to the cause; Another kind is and, after a home can not find a sense of accomplishment and happiness, it is better to stay in the company, can do some work, can also play games, generally do not have led to interfere employees in time from work to do, but also can save a little air conditioning electricity, some companies will provide overtime, so they feel more as well stay for a few hours in the company.

The reasons for passive overtime are not so simple. Passive overtime can be caused by many factors, including the company, the leader, the team, the individual, and some irresistible factors.

At startup, because frequent changes in the business, the company’s decision and the direction, will also be changing, which requires team members to spend more time to deal with these changes, so normal an eight-hour working day system is generally not suitable for start-up, unless the founding team enough cattle, can guarantee the very good work efficiency and market insight and execution. Of course, in large companies, there are usually no frequent changes in business, or the company is on the verge of bankruptcy. At some of China’s Internet giants, overtime has become routine and can sometimes be described as abnormal. A certain 985 college graduates A after graduation to enter Internet giant (in order to protect the privacy of relevant personnel or organization, this article tries not to A particular person or organization name) to undertake the development work, conscientiously in A probation period of three months, every night around 24:00 came home from work, after the probation period, positive evaluation with excellent pass. With strong learning ability, A was very familiar with the business and technology of her project team. She could complete the tasks arranged by the leader in advance and even took the initiative to improve the program of the project team. With the improvement of work efficiency, A felt there was no need to stay home after 23:00 like other colleagues, so he slowly left ahead of time, 23:30, 23:00,22:30,22:00,21:30. As time advanced, although his work tasks were completed with both quality and quantity, he was labeled as “not due diligence” in the eyes of the leaders, and the monthly assessment slipped from the initial A to C.

Overtime work brought by the team is also inevitable in some cases, which involves the division and cooperation of the team. If overtime work is often caused by collaboration between teams, it must be because the coupling degree of team members’ work is too large, which may be a serious problem in the technical architecture or division of labor of the team.

Overtime caused by individuals may be due to their lack of accurate estimation of workload, their serious procrastination, or their lack of familiarity with technology, etc. In fact, personal reasons are best solved, because they can easily find the crux of such overtime problems and remedy them.

Other irresistible factors, including changes in demand and permanent hard drive damage, can create a lot of extra work.

At present, most of the domestic IT technicians are passive overtime, and IT is mandatory, only a few companies to provide overtime pay. As a result, many techies have only two choices: adapt or leave. And in a developing country like China, it is hard to expect the authorities to intervene strongly.

Not long ago, a news of “a 36-year-old IT man in Shenzhen suddenly died on the toilet seat” caused a sensation on the Internet. A programmer who graduated from Tsinghua University finally collapsed due to overdraft after working overtime for a long time. From the perspective of respecting life, career, company and customers are not as important as their own lives. If they have to choose between career and life and death, I believe the vast majority of people will choose survival. From the “XX is bigger than life” perspective, if you can afford to work long hours, or if you’re willing to die for your cause like a revolutionary martyr, there’s no stopping you.

3. How to balance work and family?

“Programmers don’t have a life,” the founder of an intelligent hardware company told me at a salon I attended. “Their life is a job. As a tech-savvy founder, this is understandable, but not necessarily true. On the one hand, programmers need to win strong support from their families. Without their support, programmers may encounter many difficulties in their career. On the other hand, imagine that if you are seriously ill, is the person who takes care of you by the bedside every day a company leader or a family member? With that in mind, you may know what to do.

4. Must You Use Google for information retrieval?

You’ve probably seen a lot of job ads that say something like “You must use Google to search for technical information. If you use Baidu, you’re not right for us.” First of all, we know that Google’s search engine is better than Baidu in terms of resource positioning for keywords. Theoretically speaking, Google can match the same keywords more accurately, that is, it can find answers more quickly. Does the r&d team need to enforce rules about how to use the tools: Google search must be used, Linux must be used, mechanical keyboards must be used… This reminds me of the story of the article “Dropping the violin” I learned in primary school. Although the cheap violins don’t perform very well in certain notes, as long as the players are good enough, the audience doesn’t realize how expensive the violins are. Getting back to the subject, for a master of information retrieval, he can use the world’s worst search engines to find content that can’t be found on Google. In other words, it is not up to a particular search engine to find the results you need quickly. Moreover, when you use Google and Baidu to search for the same Chinese keywords, the results are almost the same. Some people will say that Google’s English search is better than Baidu’s, so you can try it, it is similar to the English search results of Bing, Yahoo, etc., which are not blocked. Therefore, the ability to retrieve information is an ability that does not depend on the search tool.

5. How do skilled people treat novices?

In a company (especially a large company), there are usually a number of technical heroes, who are the core technical personnel of the company and support the technology platform of the whole company. Employees who qualify as technical experts tend to be easygoing and humble, and they are especially patient with questions from technical novices. But there are a few technically good people who look down on newbies, especially new programmers, and will point out their mistakes at the top of their lungs, or even abuse them, in order to show everyone around them how good their skills are. Suffice IT to say, as an IT technician, such performance is very immature. Master or expert all started from small white, today’s small white may be the expert of tomorrow, there is no need to ridicule the new workplace, so that will only let oneself in the eyes of colleagues of the charm at a discount.

6. How to view the IT contempt chain?

At the end of 2014, an article named “The Chain of Contempt for Software Engineers” was widely circulated in the IT industry, mainly introducing the chain of contempt in the IT industry from five aspects: programming language, tools, OS, hardware and workplace. For example, static languages despise dynamic languages, composition despises C, C despises C++, C++ despises Java and C#, Java and C# despise each other, C# despises VB… Here’s a look at the history of programming languages compiled by CSDN:

Usage of Java, C, and C++ was high around 2002, but after 2014, all three declined, with a smaller decline in C. PHP came out in 2002 and saw a lot of adoption, but by 2014 it had fallen a long way. Python was less used around 2002 and more used in 2014… What do these changes show? One of the most obvious things about programming languages is that they borrow from each other and lead to similar design ideas. So, once you master one or two programming languages, most other languages are very cheap to learn. So it’s entirely possible that the programming language you’re smug about today will be out of favor, or even gone, tomorrow. There is no need to look down on someone who uses another unpopular language, perhaps the programming language he uses today will be the dominant language tomorrow. Many programmers with programming language plots don’t believe this at all. They believe that their language is the greatest in the world and will live forever.

The same goes for other types of contempt. The technical people in operations are not necessarily less competent than those in development. Maybe the Courier on the street was a better programmer than you. Social positions have a division of labor, positions in all walks of life are irreplaceable, otherwise this position should disappear, there is no chance to be despised. Maybe he can’t do the work you do and you can’t do the work he does.

7. Why not call yourself an engineer?

Few programmers in China call themselves engineers. Among them, they either worry that the label puts too much pressure on them and their abilities are not matched. Or they want the world to think of them as ordinary programmers; Another is that they don’t want to be called “programmers” or “code farmers.” They don’t like to be teased, but they don’t want to be overrated, so they like to keep a low profile.

8. How much influence does salary have in choosing a job?

Many IT job seekers these days have a mantra: “You get paid for what you do.” If the company is willing to take more money, often the candidate subjectively shows a willingness to do more. If there are two offers in front of you, offer1 pays a lot of money, but you don’t particularly like its work content, offer2 pays half of offer1, but it is the work content that you are good at and like. There are often posts on the Internet listing several offers and asking netizens for suggestions. Actually, it’s easy to handle in this situation. If money is what you need most right now, be decisive and choose the one that has it. If what you need most right now is a job you love, by all means choose the job you love. When choosing a job, choose what you need most, so that you will be more motivated to work. If you follow the advice of people who are so good that they don’t care about the salary and just want to learn the skills, it’s hard to get serious in your job. You are short of money and not interested in starting a business right now, so don’t accept a low salary from a startup team and a big pie, because you will not benefit the company or yourself once you join.

9. It’s not the programming language that matters, it’s the design idea.

This is the advice that the so-called technocrats give to newbies, and the same advice that school teachers give. When novices ask for advice about which language to learn, the so-called experts advise them to learn any language so that they can get a good job if they are proficient in any language. While this advice isn’t exactly wrong, it’s not exactly right either. Different languages adapt to different business needs. For example, Java language is more suitable for enterprise development, PHP and Python are faster for small and medium-sized website development, Objective-C is mainly used for ios development. In addition, different languages also have different features, and the underlying implementation is often not the same, which requires developers to choose a programming language based on their favorite business area, and to be quite familiar with the language they are using.

10. Do you often impose your opinions on colleagues?

It’s a common phenomenon among programmers that they always think their ideas are the best. And everyone has their own ideas, but some like to express them, and some keep them to themselves. There is something personal about allowing others to judge your ideas, to analyze their opinions objectively rather than imposing them.

11. How long can IT people do technology?

When I was in college, I often heard people say that IT people are young and can’t write code after the age of 35. If you’re still writing code when you’re 35, you probably won’t be able to do it until you’re young enough to graduate.

12. What technology is hot or profitable? What technology do you learn?

It used to be that Hadoop was hot, and companies were paying huge sums to hire Hadoop technicians, but what about now? When the Hadoop fever went down, the salary wasn’t as attractive as it had been. Hot or profitable technologies are often short-lived, and learning what you love is king.

13. What else can you do if one day computers don’t need human programming?

With the development of artificial intelligence technology, if machines can take the place of programmers in the future, what else can programmers do? The development of computers and the Internet has eliminated many traditional positions, but with the continuous development of technology, the position of programmer may one day be eliminated as well. As IT companies around the world announce the abolition of human programming, should programmers go home or switch careers?

14. Business driven or technology driven

Currently O2O is very popular in China. Strictly speaking, O2O companies are not Internet companies. O2O moves part of the traditional industry from offline to online. For example, you need to go to a restaurant before, but now you only need to place an order online, and the restaurant delivers the food to your home. Obviously, O2O is a business driven company. In such a company, technology is just a supporting department of the business. Generally, complicated technology is not used, but technicians are required to know more about online and offline business. Companies like Baidu are typically technology-driven. They are using and researching advanced technologies, and there are many scientists in them. So if you want to get to the level of expertise in technology, it’s definitely easier to do it in a technology-driven company. And if you want to use simple technologies to change traditional industries, business-driven O2O is what you’re looking for.

How do you define success

Years after graduation, there would always be discussions among classmates about who was doing well and who was doing badly. So what are the criteria for good and bad? How much money did you earn? Did you buy a house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen? How much official did you work in BAT? Different people have different criteria, but most people measure their success by money. But is success so simple? If success had to be defined, it would be measured like this:

Success (S) = (Work happiness weight of work happiness + work salary weight of work salary +… + life happiness × life happiness weight + family harmony * family harmony weight +…) /n

The largest person is the most successful one here.

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