Have you ever had such an experience:

Do you feel a little anxious heading into Monday or late at night after going out for a few days on weekends and holidays without learning or summarizing anything? For example, I will think: why did I play another day today, what I have not done, what I have not learned, there is no progress today, and so on, and then have a sense of anxiety, want to do something to make up for it.

I have the same situation.

I think I may be a strong self-push person. For example, one day, I feel like what I’m doing doesn’t make sense, or I’ve had a crazy day and haven’t learned or improved, and at the end of the day I feel a little anxious. I just want to catch up on something, so MAYBE I want to stay up late and watch something or learn something. But the truth is, sometimes I don’t know what to watch, but I feel like I need to learn something or watch something to trick my brain. Today I learn, I improve, and my anxiety eases a little bit. Of course, sometimes I do know what I don’t get done every day, and when I do, my anxiety is relieved.

But for a long time, I felt that this was actually unhealthy, and I kept thinking about what I should do about it.

After some thought and experimentation, I realized that one of the reasons for this anxiety is that it happens so often when I don’t have clear plans and goals for myself.

These plans and goals are divided into long-term and short-term ones. Long-term goals and plans are relatively large, far-sighted or empty, while short-term goals and plans are specific implementation plans formulated for long-term goals. What makes us more anxious is the lack of short-term goals and plans.

If I don’t have a short-term plan for myself, I suddenly don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing on weekends when I’m not working, at least on that day. Because there is no plan for the day, the day may be aimlessly recreational, such as sleeping in bed, lying dead, checking mobile phones (such as Weibo, Zhihu, Wechat moments, Douyin, etc.), playing games, etc. Of course, sometimes when I am bored, I ask my friends out to play, but time just passes by. When evening comes, I find that the day has passed so quickly. I feel like I’m not doing anything today, and I get anxious that I’m not doing anything meaningful today, that I have less time and less opportunity to achieve my long-term goals. Because long-term planning is hidden in my subconscious, I want to achieve a big goal, but after a day of doing nothing, I feel like I’ve wasted another day, my chances of achieving long-term goals seem to shrink again, and anxiety sets in.

In order to test this idea, I consciously conducted some tests. For example, I did whatever I wanted during a certain period of time without making any short-term or specific plans for myself, and found that anxiety was very high during that period. Then I would try to sort out some of my goals and specific things I should do every day, and execute them according to my plan every day. After completing the set plan every day, I would feel very practical. Even when you’re able to do more than what you set out to do, you feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

Well, anyway, after some of the things I tried to feel – for their short-term goals and planning is really helpful, the short-term goals and planning time period may be in a month or a few weeks, this month or weeks that you think should go to do something, and then refined to should to do something every day, this must be listed in detail, not empty, And then, preferably, prioritise. For example, IF I plan to learn one course in a month, I will assign the specific day I need to learn the content from the specific period to the specific period and record it in my Todo List. I use tick List, where I assign things that I need to do each day, so I know what I need to do each day.

But at this point, some friends might say, don’t you also plan your weekend to study and work? What about entertainment and relaxation? That’s certainly true. I think people should not push themselves too hard, every day tight to do a variety of things, the string will break. As a result, I sometimes schedule times when I can relax and play, such as playing games on Friday nights, sleeping in on Saturday mornings, going out on weekends, etc.

Therefore, a good plan, whether it is study, work or relaxation, entertainment, this is in their own expectations and planning. Such as I am planning a certain time to empty their play two days, the mentally to play two days in two days, it is not what is anxious, because it’s within my expectations, I know that over the past two days, I am behind some of the planning time and things still can do a normal finish my short-term and long-term goals, anxiety is not produced.

Well, that’s it. If you are experiencing any of the problems I mentioned at the beginning of this article, try making a detailed short term goal and plan for yourself.

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