Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.
These days I have been looking at part of the source code and found that new Map() appears from time to time. As a new data structure in ES6, Map data structures are already in use in many scenarios. Let’s revisit it today.
Background of Map generation
There is a common data structure in JS – Object, which stores data in the form of key-value pairs. For example, const obj = {name: ‘Tom’}. Its key must be a string.
To solve this problem, ES6 introduces a new data structure called Map, which is similar to but more flexible than objects. Its key can be any data type, not a single string.
Basic syntax for Map
Initialize the
Initializing a Map directly uses a two-dimensional array
const newMap = new Map([['name', 'Tom'], ['age', 20], ['root', 'china']]);
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The Map constructor takes an array as an argument and actually performs the following algorithm:
const items = [
['name', 'Tom'],
['age', 20],
['root', 'china']
const map = new Map();
([key, value]) => map.set(key, value)
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Initialize an empty Map
let newMap = new Map();
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Matters needing attention
- If the same key is assigned more than once, the subsequent value overrides the previous value
const map = new Map();
.set(1, 'aaa')
.set(1, 'bbb');
map.get(1) // "bbb"
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- Only references to the same object,
The structure treats it as the same bond
const map = new Map();
map.set(['a'], 555);
map.get(['a']) // undefined
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[‘a’] and [‘a’] memory addresses are different
The Map key is actually bound to the memory address, and as long as the memory address is different, it is treated as two keys.
- Two instances of the same value in
It’s treated as two bonds
const map = new Map();
const k1 = ['a'];
const k2 = ['a'];
.set(k1, 111)
.set(k2, 222);
map.get(k1) // 111
map.get(k2) // 222
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Map common methods and properties
The size attribute
The size property returns the total number of Map structure members.
const newMap = new Map([['name', 'Tom'], ['age', 20], ['root', 'china']]); newMap.size; / / 3Copy the code
Map.prototype.set(key, value)
The set method sets the key name key to value and returns the entire Map structure. If the key already has a value, the key value is updated, otherwise the key is generated. The set method returns the current Map object, so it can be chained
let newMap = new Map().set(1, 'a').set(2, 'b').set(3, 'c');
// Map(3) {1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'}
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The get method reads the value of the corresponding key, and returns undefined if the key is not found.
let newMap = new Map().set(1, 'a').set(2, 'b').set(3, 'c');
newMap.get(1); // 'a'
newMap.get(4); // undefined
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Returns a Boolean if a key is in the current Map object
let newMap = new Map().set(1, 'a').set(2, 'b').set(3, 'c');
newMap.has(1); // true
newMap.has(4); // false
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Delete a key, return true. If deletion fails, return false.
let newMap = new Map().set(1, 'a').set(2, 'b').set(3, 'c');
newMap.delete(1); // true
newMap.has(1); // false
newMap.delete(1); // false
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Clears all members with no return value.
let newMap = new Map().set(1, 'a').set(2, 'b').set(3, 'c'); newMap.clear(); newMap.size; / / 0Copy the code
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