With the widely application of the large data, artificial intelligence, some commercial web sites, mobile news client, including live platform, browser, search engines, av software, etc., are using this “mind-reading” algorithm, tailored for the user information, to create a new type of personalized reading experience, access to information has changed from “search for a needle in a haystack” into “private custom” mode. However, technology is often a cold double-edged sword, in the balance of value and interests, the so-called algorithm has become the weight of interests, all around the flow, only click, forwarding amount of follow the lead, “title party” flooding, value orientation deviation, content become subordinate.

In the online world where “Internet celebrities and fashion brands” flood the screen, people’s attention is the most scarce resource, and “100,000 +” reading and tens of billions of vod have become the “eyeball economy”. Under the guise of customized services and precise push, some platforms have turned algorithms into tools to play a marginal role. Infringement and misappropriation of original works and illegal production information are common. Whether intentional search an entry, or not clicked on a link, the homogeneity of the same information, loose orpiment slanting reason heterodox, for a variety of commercial advertising, and those who live flesh, lace gossip, rumors, in the form of all kinds of bright, head, push endlessly, let the audience was forced to accept. It is like poking a hornet’s nest, so that people in the algorithm of the “cage” was stung “black and blue”.

Advanced technology was supposed to be Alibaba’s treasure trove, not Pandora’s box. Just as it is a truth that finance should return to serving the real economy, it is time for the algorithm to return to the origin of the service content, rather than putting the cart before the horse and letting the content be led by the nose by the algorithm. No matter how technology changes, no matter how communication channels change, the position of content as king has not changed and will not change. Without authoritative, objective and fair news reports, without positive, healthy and progressive information content, no matter how powerful the algorithm is, it will be water without a source and a tree without roots. Some new media platforms claim that they are only “porters of news”, but as a result, a large number of information from unknown sources and dirty deeds are rampant in the cyberspace. “Handling” what to tell the rules about responsibility, never willful and for it, but not to meet the user reading needs and automatic distribution of the excuse to prevaricate.

Action is born of oneself, name is born of others. Algorithms hide the designer’s position. Some new media platforms frequently adjust and change algorithms. Is this technological innovation? Of course not, it is nothing more than using algorithms to achieve the maximum amount of push, get the highest click-through rate, in the final analysis is the pursuit of profit maximization. Internet enterprises are not “public opinion enclaves”. They should also adhere to the unity of social benefits and economic benefits, shoulder social responsibilities corresponding to the role of media, think about the source of drinking water, repay the society and benefit the people. Content push is not without the “chief editor”, the algorithm no matter how sophisticated also want to install the “safety valve”, strengthen the content control, can not sing each tone, each blow each horn. We need to increase the transparency of the use of the platform, open up channels for users to set up, and give users the right to choose information. We must not allow bad money to drive out good money. We should adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion, strengthen value guidance, optimize the way of push through the combination of “manual recommendation and intelligent screening”, and vigorously spread and promote mainstream values. We should not allow “interesting” to replace “meaningful”.

Algorithms are not king, and algorithms determining content is not king. Only when algorithms return to the role of service content and become attitude, depth and temperature, can people roam freely in the ocean of information and fly freely in a clear environment, and can the cyberspace ripple and inspire a steady stream of positive energy.