First, advantages and disadvantages of GO language

Pain points in Go development

Compilations are slow, dependencies are out of control, engineers only use parts of a language, programs are difficult to maintain (poor readability, unclear documentation, etc.), updates take longer and longer, cross-compilations are difficult

Advantages of Go

The learning curve is easy. The SYNTAX of the MGo language is simple, including c-like syntax. Efficiency: fast compile time, high development efficiency and running efficiency, free and efficient: combined ideas, non-invasive interface, powerful standard library.

Second, comparison between GO and Java

Compile language, moderate speed (2.67s), the current large websites are written with Java, such as Taobao, JINGdong and so on. The main features are stable, open source, with its own set of writing specifications, moderate development efficiency, the most mainstream language at present. As a major player in programming languages. It has the largest popularity and user base. No matter the storm, I stand firm. He did what he did, the wind blew over the hills; The moon shines across the river.

Third, comprehensive suggestions

Although go language has a lot of very powerful features, but due to the relatively short launch time, some holes are not filled in, coupled with a variety of libraries are relatively few, resulting in high development costs, not as mature as Java, so there are not many posts at present, because fewer people dare to be the first to eat crab. You can first learn Java for employment, and then use your spare time to learn GO. Currently, Java is leading, and the future of GO will be very good.

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