At Flink Forward Asia 2019 (FFA) last November, the Flink community proposed several major directions for future development, one of which was to embrace AI [1]. In fact, AI has been so hot in recent years, with so many computing frameworks, models and algorithms, that in some ways the track has become crowded. In this case, how will Flink embrace AI, and what new value will it bring to users? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Flink AI? This paper will analyze the development direction of Flink AI through the discussion of these problems.

Lambda architecture, stream batch unification and AI realtime

The value of Flink in AI is actually related to Lambda architecture [2] and stream batch unification in big data, and the value of Flink for real-time big data will also benefit AI.

Let’s briefly review the evolution of big data. For a long time after the publication of Google’s foundational “Three Carriages” 3[5] paper, only batch computing was involved in the development of big data. Later, with the recognition of the importance of data timeliness, Storm [6], the open source stream computing engine of Twitter, became very popular, and various stream computing engines also emerged, including Flink. Concerns about cost, accuracy, and fault tolerance have led companies to adopt a solution called the Lambda architecture, which combines batch and stream computing under the same architecture to strike a balance between cost, fault tolerance, and data timeliness.

The Lambda architecture has a number of problems while addressing data timeliness, of which system complexity and maintainability are the most criticized. The user needs to maintain a set of engines and code for each Batch Layer and Speed Layer, as well as ensure that the calculation logic between the two is completely consistent (Figure 1).

Figure 1

In order to solve this problem, the various computing engines have simultaneously begun an attempt at stream batch unification, attempting to use the same set of engines to perform stream and batch tasks (Figure 2). After several years of disruption, Spark [7] and Flink are the two mainstream computing engines currently in the first tier. Flink has gradually moved from stream computing to batch computing. A very typical successful case is to use the same set of standard SQL statements to query stream and batch and ensure the consistency of final results [8]. Spark proposes Spark Streaming by adopting Micro Batch from Batch computing to Streaming computing, but the performance of time delay is always inferior.

Figure 2

It can be seen that in the development of big data, the original driving force behind the Lambda architecture and streaming batch integration is real-time data. In the same way, AI demands data timeliness in the same way as big data. Therefore, real-time AI will also be an important development direction. When we look at the current mainstream AI scenarios and technology architectures, we also see many connections and similarities with big data platforms.

Current AI can be roughly divided into three main stages: data preprocessing (also known as data preparation/feature engineering, etc.), model training and inference prediction. Let’s take a look at what the AI real-time needs are and what issues need to be addressed at each stage. For the sake of big data architecture analogies, let’s assume that streaming and batch computing as a partition dimension of computing types have bisected all data-based computing. The stages of AI can also fall into one or the other, depending on the scenario.

Data preprocessing (data preparation/feature engineering)

Data preprocessing stage is the pre-step of model training and inference prediction, which is more of a big data problem in most cases. Depending on the downstream of data preprocessing, data preprocessing may be batch or stream calculation, and the calculation type is the same as the downstream. In a typical off-line training (group) and online prediction (flow) scenario, training and predictive logic is consistent with the requirements of input data pretreatment, such as the same sample splicing logic), the requirements and needs in the Lambda architecture here, so a flow of engine will have all the advantages of uniform. This avoids using two different engines for batch and stream jobs and saves you the trouble of maintaining two logically consistent sets of code.

Model training

At present, the AI training stage is basically a process of batch computing (offline training) generating Static Model. This is because most of the current models are implemented based on the statistical law of independent isodistribution (IID), that is, to find the statistical Correlation between features and tags from a large number of training samples. These statistical correlations usually do not change suddenly. Therefore, data trained on one set of samples will still be applicable to another set of samples with the same feature distribution. However, the static model generated by such off-line model training may still have some problems.

First of all, the distribution of sample data may change with the passage of time. In this case, the distribution of online predicted samples and training samples will be offset, thus worsening the effect of model prediction. So static models often require retraining, either as a regular process or by monitoring the predicted performance of samples and models (note that monitoring here is itself a typical flow computing requirement).

In addition, in some scenarios, the sample distribution in the prediction phase may not be known during the training phase. For example, it is of great value to update the model quickly to get better prediction results in the case that the sample distribution may change unpredictably in alibaba Singles’ Day, weibo hot search, high-frequency trading and other scenarios.

Therefore, an ideal AI computing architecture should consider how to update the model in a timely manner. Here, too, flow computing has some unique advantages. In fact, Alibaba is already using online machine learning in its search recommendation system, with good results on occasions like Singles Day.

Reasoning forecast

The environment and calculation types of inference prediction link are rich, including batch processing (off-line prediction) and stream processing. Streaming forecast can be roughly divided into Online forecast and Nearline forecast. Online predictions are usually in the Critical Path of user access, so latency is very high, such as at the millisecond level. The near-line prediction is slightly lower, usually in the subsecond to second order. Most current Native Stream Processing engines can meet the requirements of near-line data preprocessing and prediction, while online data preprocessing and prediction usually require the prediction code to be written into the application to meet the extremely low latency requirements. Therefore, big data engines are seldom seen in online prediction scenarios. In this respect, Flink’s Stateful Function [9] was a unique innovation. Stateful Function was designed to build an online application on Flink through several Stateful functions, which could achieve ultra-low delay online prediction service. This allows users to use the same code and engine for data preprocessing and prediction in offline, nearline and online scenarios.

To sum up, we can see that there is an important need for real-time AI in every major stage of machine learning. What system architecture can effectively meet this need?

Flink and AI real-time architecture

The most typical EXAMPLE of AI architecture today is offline training combined with online inference prediction (Figure 3).

Figure 3

As mentioned earlier, there are two problems with this architecture:

  1. Model update cycles are usually long.
  2. Offline and online preprocessing may require maintaining two sets of code.

To solve the first problem, we need to introduce a real-time training link (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

In this link, the data on the line will not only be used for inference and prediction, but also generate samples in real time and be used for online model training. In this process, the model is dynamically updated, so it can better fit the changes of the sample.

A purely online or purely offline link is not suitable for all AI scenarios. Similar to the idea of Lambda, we can combine the two (Figure 5).

Figure 5

Also, in order to address the system complexity and maintainability issues (the second problem mentioned above), we wanted to avoid maintaining two sets of code by using a unified engine for stream batch in the data preprocessing part (Figure 6). Not only that, but we also need data preprocessing and inference prediction to support various offline, near-line and online Latency requirements, so using Flink is a very suitable choice. Especially for data preprocessing, Flink’s comprehensive SQL support on stream and batch can greatly improve development efficiency.

Figure 6.

In addition, in order to further reduce the complexity of the system, Flink also made a series of efforts in the model training link (Figure 7).

  • Stream batch integrated algorithm library Alink

At last year’s FFA 2019, Alibaba announced the open source of The Flink-based machine learning algorithm library Alink [10], and plans to gradually contribute it back to Apache Flink as Flink ML Lib to be released with Apache Flink. In addition to the offline learning algorithm, one of Alink’s features is to provide users with online learning algorithm, helping Flink to play a greater role in real-time AI.

  • Deep Learning on Flink (Flink-AI-extended [11])

Help users integrate popular deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch) into Flink. So that users other than developers of deep learning algorithms can implement the entire AI architecture based on Flink.

  • Stream batch unified iterative semantics and high performance implementation

Iterative convergence is a core computational process in AI training. Flink used native iteration to ensure the efficiency of iterative calculation from the very beginning. In order to help users develop algorithms better, simplify the code, and further improve the operating efficiency. The Flink community is also working to unify the semantics of stream and batch iteration, while further optimizing the iteration performance. The new optimization will avoid synchronization overhead between iterations as much as possible, allowing iterations of different batches of data and different rounds to take place simultaneously.

Figure 7.

Of course, in a complete AI architecture, in addition to the three main stages mentioned above, there are many other tasks to be completed, including the docking of various data sources, the docking of existing AI ecology, online model and sample monitoring and various peripheral supporting systems. Much of this work is best summed up in a figure (Figure 8) from alibaba’s real-time computing head Wang Feng’s 2019 FFA keynote.

Figure 8.

The Flink community is also working on this. Broadly speaking, these AI-related efforts can be divided into three categories: complementing, enhancing, and innovating. Here’s a list of some of the work in progress, some of which may not be directly related to AI, but will have an impact on how Flink can better serve AI real-time.

Complement: people have I have no

  • Flink ML Pipeline [12] : Helps users conveniently store and reuse a complete computational logic of machine learning.
  • Flink Python API (PyFlink [13]) : Python is the native language of AI, and PyFlink provides users with the most important programming interface in AI.
  • Notebook Integration [14] (Zeppelin) : Provides user-friendly apis for AI experiments.
  • Native Kubernetes support [15] : Integrated with Kubernetes to support cloud native development, deployment and operation.

Improvement: People are stronger than I am

  • Redesign and optimization of Connector [16] : Simplify the implementation of Connector and expand the ecosystem of Connector.

Innovation: People without I have

  • AI Flow: Big data for Flow computing + AI top-level workflow abstraction and supporting services (open source soon).
  • Stateful Function[9] : Provides ultra low delay data preprocessing and inference prediction comparable to online applications.

Some of these are Flink’s own features as a popular big data engine, such as enriching the Connector ecosystem to connect to various external data sources. Others rely on ecological projects outside Flink, notably AI Flow. Although it originated from the ai-real-time architecture, Flink is not bound to the engine layer, but focuses on the top-level unified workflow abstraction of flow batch, aiming to provide environmental support for the architecture of AI-real-time jointly served by different platforms, different engines and different systems. Due to the lack of space, I will introduce you in another article.

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Apache Flink started as a simple idea for streaming computing and has grown into an industry-popular open source project for real-time computing that benefits everyone, thanks to the hundreds of contributors and tens of thousands of users in the Flink community. We believe that Flink can also make a difference in AI, and we welcome more people to join the Flink community to create and share the value of AI real-time with us.

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