As a diverse new language, Swift has apple’s natural ecological advantages, and its GitHub host is full of excellent open source projects. The author of this article, @SwiftLanguage, has been updating SwiftLanguage Guide for more than half a year through tracking, summarizing and summarizing since Apple released Swift language in June 2014. Recently, he stood in a personal perspective, will 2014 Swift open source project to do a screening, screening.


Utility class

SwiftyJSON: GitHub’s most developer-approved JSON parsing class

Dollar.swift: Swift version lo-Dash (or underscore) functional tool library

OAuthSwift: foreign mainstream website OAuth authorization class library

PathKit: small and beautiful path management class

XCGLogger: A full-featured log management library

Surge: Package library based on Apple Accelerate HIGH-PERFORMANCE computing framework

Async: concise background execution code encapsulation library


LocationManager: Location management encapsulation library

Siren: Notifies user when App updates and provides App Store link

BrightFutures: Long or complex computations are done asynchronously by separate threads

Storage class

Sqlite. swift: Simple, lightweight, and the most SQL SQLite package library to use

Realm: Aims to replace Mobile databases with Core Data and SQLite

Network class

Alamofire: Swift version of AFNetworking

Starscream: WebSocket client library

Class pictures

ImageScout: Obtain the image size and type at the minimum network cost

DominantColor: Sample project to extract the main color of an image

Toucan: small and beautiful picture transformation and processing class

Gifu: High-performance GIF display library

HanekeSwift: Lightweight, high-performance image loading component with cache

Interface class

Moving-tab-bar: animated TAB bar class library for use in storyboard

SwiftForms: Form submission library for fast development

BWWalkthrough: Add smart animation effect in interface switch

Pnchart-swift: a graphic control library for drawing effects

SweetAlert-iOS: a popover wrapper class that drives painting effects

AnimatedTabBar: AnimatedTabBar class library

KYCircularProgress: Simple, practical path-definable progress bar

FloatLabelFields: FloatLabel Pattern Floating Label input effect class

MapManager: Encapsulation library for map and path management

Framework class

AsyncDisplayKit: Provides interface switching with high fluency and more sensitive responses

Cartography: Code-level automatic layout encapsulation framework

MMWormhole: communication framework between iOS extensions and host applications

NetworkObjects: Lightweight Version of HttpServer framework, cross-platform solution

“The car”

The sample project

LTMorphingLabel: Effect of beautiful text flapping in and out

AEXML: Simple and easy XML parsing class and examples

Whereami: Obtains the current device location from the command line

Design-patterns: How are common Design Patterns and examples used

Hamburgerbutton-menu /Close: Both the design and the code have been carefully crafted

Hamburgerbutton-menu /Back: Corresponding to the blog, the developer animation development experience is quite rich

Complete the application

Edhita: Text editor that supports Markdown, HTML preview

Firefox -ios: From the Mozilla development team’s large pure Swift project

SwiftWeather: Continuous Improvement Weather Forecasting project

VPNOn: indicates the VPN switch application residing in the notification center