Small knowledge, big challenge! This paper is participating in theEssentials for programmers”Creative activities

Class method

Dart class methods are static methods that are accessed using the class instead of creating instance variables.

class StaticClass {
  / / static
  static int count = 1;
  static int sum(int a){
    returna + count; }}Copy the code

Static methods are equivalent to class methods:

Non-static members cannot be accessed in static methods:

class StaticClass {
  / / static
  static int count = 1;
  int currentCount = 0;

  static int sum(int a){
    return a + count + this.currentCount; }}Copy the code

However, non-static members can be accessed as well as static members within instance methods

class StaticClass {
  / / static
  static int count = 1;
  int currentCount = 0;

  static int sum(int a){
    return a + count ;
  int sum1(int a) {
    returncurrentCount + a + count; }}Copy the code

Because static methods are called from class objects, the instance object may not have been constructed before the class object is called, so the member variable may not exist. So non-static members cannot be accessed in class methods. A static variable has only one copy in the entire memory, and if it is modified in one place, it is modified globally

void main() {
  staticDemo(); /// 22
  print(StaticClass.count); /// 2
  print(StaticClass.sum(20)); /// 22

void staticDemo() {
  StaticClass.count = 2;
Copy the code

Object operator

We know that when an object is set to NULL and an attribute is accessed again, an error is reported. What about avoidance in Dart?

void staticDemo() {
  var s1;
  s1 = StaticClass();
  s1 = null;
  print(s1.currentCount); ///An access error is reported
Copy the code

Can we use nullable types?

void staticDemo() {
  var s1;
  s1 = StaticClass();
  s1 = null;
  print(s1? .currentCount); }Copy the code

Cast casting

If we write it this way we’re going to get an error because currentCount is not in Object

void staticDemo() {
  var s1 = Object(a); s1 = StaticClass();/// peptides
  s1 = null;
  print(s1? .currentCount); }Copy the code

The cast is called where it is called, and there is no problem after the cast.

void staticDemo() {
  var s1 = Object(a); s1 = StaticClass();/// peptides
  print((s1 as StaticClass).currentCount);
Copy the code

Assigning s1 to null again also generates an error because the first assignment was Object, and Object cannot be null.

void staticDemo() {
  var s1 = Object(a); s1 = StaticClass();/// peptides
  print((s1 as StaticClass).currentCount);
  s1 = null;
Copy the code

S1 is a StaticClass

void staticDemo() {
  var s1 = Object(a); s1 = StaticClass();/// peptides
  print((s1 as StaticClass).currentCount);
  if (s1 is StaticClass) {
    print(s1.currentCount); }}Copy the code

The chain of grammar

The chained syntax can be used in Dart.. The object itself is returned

void staticDemo() {
  var s1 = Object(a); s1 = StaticClass();/// peptides
  print((s1 as StaticClass).currentCount);
  if (s1 is StaticClass) {
    varresult = s1.. currentCount =15..sum1(20); /// The chain of grammar
    print(result); }}Copy the code