This guidance manual for alibaba’s internal microservices, which is open source today, covers the current use and process techniques in the interview process, including: SpringBoot, Thymeleaf, Jetty, Redis, C3P0, Druid, MyBatis, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Shiro Integration, SpringDataJPA integration, Mail integration, Monitoring, Restful, RestTemplate, Eureka, Ribbon, Feign, Hystrix, Turbine, Zuul, SpringCloudConfig, SpringCloudBus, SpringCloudStream, SpringCloudSleuth, Zipkin, OAuth, RabbitMQ, Docker, etc.

The content of this manual is so much, so how to learn it, today xiaobian will be sorted out, divided into three parts: SpringBoot, SpringCloud, micro-service auxiliary.

The editor has compiled a PDF version for you.If you need this information, click here to see how to get it

SpringBoot article

Chapter 1 SpringBoot programming start

Chapter 2 SpringBoot program development

Chapter 3: Thymeleaf Template rendering

Chapter 4 SpringBoot and Web applications

Chapter 5 SpringBoot service integration

SpringCloud article

Chapter 6 introduction to SpringCloud

Chapter 7 SpringCloud and Restful

Chapter 8 Eureka Registration Service

Chapter 9 SpringCloud service components

Chapter 10 SpringCloudConfig

Chapter 11 SpringCloudStream

Chapter 12 SpringCloudSleuth

Chapter 13 OAuth Certification Management

Microservices helper

Chapter 14 RabbitMQ message components

Chapter 15 Docker Virtualization Container


This manual focuses on the current mainstream solutions (high performance + high availability + distributed), not only explains all the content of microarchitecture, but also provides real and effective learning cases; Not only can it be integrated with virtualization Docker development, but also can realize large enterprise distributed authorization OAuth solutions. You can say that this manual is like a technical bible for Java microservices implementation architecture that you can use directly in your actual projects.

Free access to this Alibaba Java microservices manual: Forward this article,If you need this information, click here to see how to get it