Java learning is actually the focus of today, this part is used to answer the questions many friends in the group have asked, that is, how do you learn Java, can you give some advice? Today I’m going to do some dry stuff, so let’s not talk about some learning methods and techniques, but just talk about what to learn at each stage and even some books. This part of the content is also suitable for some students who want to switch to Java!

1. Distributed architecture

Distributed Computing (Distributed computing technology) applications and tools, mature technologies include J2EE, CORBA and.NET (DCOM), these technologies involved in a very wide range of content, the relevant books are also very many.

This article does not introduce the content of these technologies, nor does it cover the details of these technologies, but only discusses the main similarities and differences from the background of the various distributed system platforms and their application in software development.

Distributed system is an old and broad topic, but in recent years because of the rise of the concept of “big data”, it is full of new youth and vitality.

In addition, distributed systems are a theoretical model and engineering technique. Compared with machine learning, students studying distributed systems often feel that “getting started is easy, getting deep is hard”. Indeed, learning distributed systems hardly requires much mathematical knowledge.

Distributed systems are a complex and broad field of study, and a course or two online, or a book or two, may not cover all of it.

In general, the task of distributed system is to combine multiple machines organically and connect them to cooperate to complete a task, which can be a computing task or a storage task.

If I have to make a classification of distributed system research in recent years, I think it can probably be divided into three parts:

Distributed storage system

Distributed computing system

Distributed management system

Second, micro services

Microservices are hot right now, and everyone claims to be using microservices architecture, but what exactly is microservices architecture? Is microservices architecture a trend? We all lack a clear understanding of these issues.

In order to solve the problems under the single architecture, the microservice architecture came into being. Better to break up services sooner rather than build a bloated, untamed monster. The core idea of microservices is to split and decouple services to reduce complexity.

Microservices emphasize the reasonable disassembling of functions, as far as possible to ensure the Single function of each service, and clear roles according to the Single Responsibility Principle. Make each service light, so as to be flexible and reusable, and also according to the needs of each service’s own resources, separate distribution, separate horizontal expansion.

Microservice Architecture is an architectural concept that aims to decouple solutions by decomposing functionality into discrete services. You can think of it as being at the architectural level rather than getting services

A lot of SOLID principles apply to classes. Microservice architecture is an interesting concept. Its main role is to decompose functions into discrete services, thus reducing system coupling and providing more flexible service support.

Concept: Break up a large single application and service into several or even dozens of supporting microservices that extend individual components rather than the entire application stack to meet service level agreements (SLAs).

Definition: Create applications around business domain components that can be developed, managed, and iterated independently using cloud architecture and desktop deployment, management, and service capabilities in decentralized components to make product delivery easier.

Essence: To solve bigger, more practical problems with services that are more functional and refined.

Third, source code analysis

Source file literally means a file, a collection of source code. Source code is a set of characters (program development code) that have a specific meaning and can perform a specific function.

Source code analysis is a kind of critical knowledge, master this critical knowledge, can be invariable should change, source code analysis for many people is very boring, difficult to understand.

Read the source code, I think there are three core points: technical basis + strong thirst for knowledge + patience.

I think it’s the core driving force of reading source code. The attitude I see most programmers have toward learning is basically these levels:

1. Focus only on the project itself and search if you don’t understand it.

2. In addition to working on projects, I also read technical books and Wikipedia about projects.

3. In addition to reading books related to the project, I will also read books about IT industry, such as Java, and learn functional languages, such as LISP.

4. Look for open source projects, try out a lot of third-party frameworks, and write demos.

5. Read the basic framework, J2EE specifications, and debug the server kernel.

Most programs are type 1. Getting to type 5 requires not only intense interest, but also courage:? Can I read it actually, you can read it.

Patience is really important. Because you rarely see instructional articles or books reading the source code, you are not required or advised to read it.

You’ll get stuck, and you’ll get stuck in the maze, and you’ll need to take a break and look at it from the outside: the API structure, the design of the framework.

The importance of tools to Java programmers is self-evident. There are now many libraries, utilities and programs for Java developers to choose from. The tools listed below are essential tools for programmers

Whether it’s dealing with a front-end interview or improving the product experience, performance optimization is a topic that can’t be avoided.

The purpose of optimization is to make users feel “fast”, so how to make users feel fast?

The loading speed is really fast, the user opens and enters the URL, hits Enter and immediately sees the page loading speed is not faster, but the user feels that your site is fast performance optimization depends on a number of factors including garbage collection, virtual machine and underlying operating system (OS) Settings. There are several tools available to developers for analysis and optimization, and you can learn and use them by reading the Java Tools for source optimization and analysis.

It is important to understand that no two applications can be optimized the same way, and there is no perfect optimized Java application reference path.

Use best practices and insist on handling performance optimizations in an appropriate manner. To achieve true maximum performance optimization, you as a Java developer need to have a correct understanding of the Java virtual Machine (JVM) and the underlying operating system.

Performance optimization, in short, is to make the system run faster and complete specific functions in less time without affecting the correct operation of the system. Performance issues are one of the perennial themes, and optimization is more tricky.

When it comes to learning, it is hard to avoid knowing where to start, which leads to low efficiency and affects the confidence to continue learning.

But the most important thing is that I don’t know which techniques need to be mastered, and I often step on the pit when learning, which ultimately wastes a lot of time. Therefore, it is very necessary to have a set of practical video courses to follow the learning.

In order to make learning easy and efficient, today we share a set of teaching resources taught by Ali architects for free. Help you navigate the path to becoming an architect.

This video course explains in detail (Spring, MyBatis, Netty source analysis, high concurrency, high performance, distributed, microservice architecture principle, JVM performance optimization, distributed architecture) and so on to become the architect necessary content!

Finally, be a thinking, thinking, thinking programmer.