From the first day he joined the company, Mingzai had an ultimate dream: to invest in a start-up company, then follow the big boss to expand the company, and finally cash in the shares and become worth more than 100 million. After transforming gao fushuai, mingzai’s first wish is to express his love for the class flower floret from primary school and marry her to share a perfect life. Floret now works in an electronics factory in Shenzhen, and it is said that many boys in the factory chase her.

Make partner

The technical direction of Mingzai is relatively low. After several years of work accumulation, mingzai’s technology has far exceeded that of its peers. Mingzai became the technical backbone of the company, and many competitors were eyeing mingzai to poach him. But Mingzai is not willing to work all his life, looking for an opportunity to start a business. One of the company’s clients, Big H, covet mingzai’s technology for a long time and invite mingzai to join in, promising to give appropriate shares. Mingzai made a quick decision and decided to join.

Pay cut what technology shares

At the time of becoming a shareholder, the boss big H talk to Mingzai, hope mingzai understand the company, the initial period of salary reduction to join. Big H beat chest promise, such as the company grew up, will give Mingzai the corresponding compensation. Mingzai said no to his face. The reason is very simple, I this is technology shares, not salary shares, salary reduction means that is to get less wages into the company to do shares, so do not accept salary reduction. Big H considered for a long time and “agreed” with Mingzai’s point of view. Then promised to give Mingzai 10% of the technical shares, invited mingzai to join the company.

You’re kidding me not to do a share change

Big H invited mingzai to join the company, to see mingzai resign. Big H a little worried, afraid of things will produce changes, so about mingzai out to drink. After three rounds of wine, H gently asked Mingzai when he would resign and join the company. Mingzai firmly said, “I will resign as soon as I get the shares I deserve.” Big H tentative of say: “share can wait for you to come in the company again do formalities?” Mingzai in all seriousness said: “this is unreasonable, the procedures should do or should go to deal with, shares to the account immediately resign.” Big H ao however mingzai, so and mingzai to handle share change procedures. The company’s original registered capital of 5 million, now expand the registered capital to 5.55 million, Mingzai shares 550,000, accounting for 10%. Mingzai did not pay a penny, so happily into the job.

Protect your core technology

After mingzai entered the company, he soon made use of excellent technology and innovated the product line completely. The competitiveness of the company’s products beat the original company to retreat, the company is very profitable. At some point, Big H arranged A relative of small A in Mingzai’s department to learn technology from Mingzai. Little A is smart, diligent and studious. Under the cultivation of Mingzai without reservation, she quickly grew into the technical backbone of the company. Mingzai’s friends had warned him to be on his guard. Mingzai laughed and felt that since he was a shareholder of the company, he should not be selfish and should do the company well without reservation.

There is no end to trouble

Mingzai took out a group of technical backbone, the company gradually on the right track. The boss saw that Mingzai was becoming less and less useful, and he got a nice bonus every year. The other employees didn’t get as much as Mingzai and worked more overtime than mingzai. H is starting to get mad at Mindy. As a result, Big H registered a new company and slowly moved the company’s business there. Mingzai protested, but to no avail. Mingzai regrets that he gave up all his technology. The company in which Mingzai holds a stake gradually degenerates into a research and development and after-sales company, with little profit left every year. An accidental incident, Ming zai and big H fell out. All said that the interests are involved in the event of a knife, mingzai finally believe. Mingzai sees no hope in this company. At this time someone to dig mingzai, Mingzai decided to leave decisively, start from scratch.

It’s not that easy to leave

Mingzai gave up all shares in the company and resolutely left. Soon, mingzai’s new company poses a threat to Big H. Big H gets angry and wants to give Mingzai some color See see. Big H shorted the company in which Mingzai had shares, and then put the company into debt. Mingzai is responsible for 550,000 yuan of equity capital, so mingzai needs to inject 550,000 yuan of paid-in capital into the company, and then the company sells the capital to pay off debts. Mingzai took all the dividends in the past few years and went back to liberation overnight.

Lessons learned

Mingzai shares in the company, in fact, has been very rational. The only mistake made is to increase capital when becoming a shareholder, without making it clear that technology becomes a shareholder. Technology shareholding refers to the behavior of technology holders (or technology investors) investing in a company by valuing technological achievements as intangible assets. Then mingzai at the beginning of the investment, why do not need to pay a penny? Because at that time only expanded the registered capital. When operating commonly, allow real capital lag pay. However, the registered capital and paid-in capital should eventually reach an agreement and constitute the limited liability of the company, which is a limited liability company. Ming tsai thought that did not pay, is technology shares, it is too naive.


Floret that mingzai experience, deeply sympathetic. Write to Mingzai and promise to be his girlfriend. Floret is now in the blogger’s public number to make small, if we have any questions can ask her. The public account sends “photo”, you can see the photo of the flower. The results will surprise and surprise you.