
Perhaps the most exciting, head-turning, game-changing thing of the past few years has been SpringBoot. It is based on convention rather than configuration, and is even expected to become a leader in the burgeoning field of rapid application development.

At present, JAVAEE application system has been criticized by developers for heavy configuration, low development efficiency, difficult three-party integration, complex deployment process and so on. With the change of the entire architecture system, enterprises’ requirements for technology are also changing. Nowadays, enterprises pay more attention to out-of-the-box technology, deep integration of technology in the ecosystem, and lightweight operation and maintenance. Therefore, Springboot technology is particularly important.

Learning Springboot well is a sure way to add a bright spot to your resume. It is very important to have a good reference book in the process of learning. Below I want to introduce the Tencent internal Springboot advanced document with a lot of space to compare and explain a variety of similar technology knowledge points, use and differences, we can according to their own preferences for technology selection; Also explained the popular interface architecture style RESTful, and used to achieve high concurrency Redis and system communication middleware RabbitMQ finally is a fusion of all the knowledge points, explained two common and practical actual combat projects.

The space limit can only show the key content, need this Tencent SpringBoot document friends, access at the end of the article!!

Introductory article

  • First Spring Boot
  • Preparing the development environment
  1. Set up the environment
  2. Familiar with Maven
  • Use development tools
  1. Install the development tool IDEA and plug-ins
  2. Compare IDEA with Eclipse

Based on article

  • Spring Boot basis
  1. Spring the Boot
  2. Common annotations for Spring Boot
  3. Using configuration files
  4. Learn about Spring Boot’s Starter
  • Develop Web applications in layers
  1. Web applications that implement the MVC pattern
  2. Validate form data and implement custom validation of the data

  • Responsive programming
  1. Implementing Hello World with annotated development
  2. Annotated development enables data addition, deletion, modification, and query
  3. Develop WebFlux in a responsive manner
  4. Operate the MongoDB database in WebFlux mode to add, delete, modify and query data

Advanced article

  • Spring the Boot into the order
  1. Faceted programming AOP
  2. Learn about loC containers and Servlet containers
  3. Filters and listeners
  4. Automatic configuration
  5. Yuan notes
  6. Exception handling
  7. Unit testing

  • Use ORM to operate SQL databases
  1. Develop article management module with JPA
  2. With MyBatis to achieve the increase of data, delete, modify, query and paging
  • Interface architecture style — RESTful
  1. Provide uniform style API for APP, PC and H5 web pages
  2. Implement interface documentation with Swagger
  • Integrate security framework to achieve security authentication and authorization
  1. Use Spring Security to realize background login and permission authentication
  2. Add authentication and authorization protection to The Spring Boot API using JWT technology
  3. Use Shiro to realize the dynamic permission function of the management background
  • Use Redis for high concurrency in Spring Boot
  1. Redis and MyBatis are used to add, delete, modify and query cached data
  2. Implementing distributed Sessions
  • Use RabbitMQ to exchange data between systems
  1. Implement the four send/receive modes of RabbitMQ in Spring Boot
  2. Implement message queue delay function
  • Use NoSQL database to implement the search engine
  1. Manage logs for Spring Boot applications with ELK
  2. Add, delete, modify and query documents in Spring Boot
  3. Implement product search engines
  4. Add, delete, modify and query data in Solr

Springboot project actual combat

Develop enterprise-level general background system

  1. Use JPA to implement mappings between entities
  2. Dynamic authorization (RBAC) functionality with Spring Security
  3. Monitor Spring Boot applications

To achieve a similar “jingdong” e-commerce mall

  1. Implement the membership system with Spring Security
  2. Integration of member system (Web, APP multi-terminal and multi-way registration and login) + background system
  3. Implement shopping system
  4. Redis is used to realize distributed seckill system
  5. Order expiration cancellation with RabbitMQ
  6. Realize settlement and payment functions

The last two project examples. These are the same questions that interviewers often ask when looking for a job. How many projects have you worked on? What kind of technology? So, you can go through these two actual projects and put all of this together. The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice. ** hopes everyone can make progress together to make the technology and salary to the next level.

Need this Tencent SpringBoot advanced document friends help

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