Note: All the methods in this paper are applicable to the development of junior and intermediate engineers in all directions. Although some of the technical examples in this paper are front-end categories, the methods are not limited to careers. If you have any errors or suggestions please leave them in the comments section, thanks 🙏

1. Don’t be afraid of English

Many excellent technical resources and community content on the Internet are in English. If you are afraid of English, you will not be able to learn nutritious knowledge from it and keep up with the development trend of technology. Then it will be difficult to improve your technical ability and your technical horizon will be limited, so you need to break through the language barrier.

A. Start by changing the language environment

You can set the language of your mobile phone, computer, tablet and various apps to English, so that your daily habits are in an English environment, and slowly adapt to it.

B. Start the invasion in English

For example, write an English version of the project ReadMe file, PRD document, or record some of your daily thoughts in English, and replace some of the daily records in Chinese with English records.

C. Read technical articles and documents in English

Try to read English documents or translate English technical articles, even with the help of translation tools, which can not only broaden your technical horizon, but also make yourself further adapt to the English environment, and contact more new words and professional terms. Some technical terms of the technology would appear in technical articles or corresponding technical documents. Take the React framework as an example, for example, Stateless Component and Stateful Component, which were specialized terms of a particular technology. Using these terms when you’re searching for a question can make a big difference (more on that later).

D. Further study English

Failing CET-4 and CET-6 will not stop you from continuing to learn English. An additional language skill can be a great career booster. Use English learning tools and tutorials to tailor your goals and learning plans to your situation.

2. Use tools

In addition to developing tools to improve the efficiency of development and debugging, share some other tools that can not only assist in development, but also help in other aspects of personal growth.

A, scientific Internet

Front said to the content of the many excellent technical resources in the Internet are in English, these are mostly need scientific and online tools to access, so we must learn how to use science online tools, through which access to the various foreign technology community and resources platform, to receive the latest news and information technology, and learning resources, explore the wider world, but more on this story.

B. Google search

In the usual development work, if there is a problem, often use the search engine to search the problem, use the Google search engine to search the problem, the richness and accuracy of the search results are far beyond other search engines, but this also needs to use the scientific Internet tools. A lot of technical problems are mostly a number of predecessors have stepped on the pit, but also are basically released in foreign technical communities, some domestic search engines are crawling domestic content, not only redundant low quality, but also a lot of advertising. There are also certain methods and skills to use search engines, which can effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of search questions. For this part of the content, please refer to the following # improve search quotient.

C, Grammarly

This is an English writing aid, with English grammar error monitoring function, such as word usage, sentence collocation, etc. Can be better in English writing or learning, so as to effectively improve the efficiency of writing. Use Chrome to check your English grammar errors in the text output box of web pages. For example, if you need to leave English comments for Code Review on Github, try this tool and you will love it.

D, Deepl

Using Google/ Youdao Translation? DeepL is a multi-language translation tool based on machine learning and neural network technology. It can translate everyday sentences more closely than other translation tools. How close? Take a look at the example below for comparison.

PEOPLE MAKE A lot of noise. Cars rumbling along streets, planes roaring overhead, Feet Slapping the sidewalk — these and other actions create countless tiny Vibrations in the ground. A global network of seismometers registers those oscillations 24/7. But since world leaders have urged citizens to stay home and maintain social distancing to slow the coronavirus pandemic, the hum of daily life has quieted.

This is a piece of news about the novel coronavirus. Here are the results from Google Translate:

People make a lot of noise. Cars hum along the street, planes roar overhead, feet slap on the sidewalk, and these and other movements create countless tiny vibrations on the ground. A global network of seismometers records these oscillations 24/7. But the buzz of daily life has calmed as world leaders urge citizens to stay home and engage in social distancing to slow the coronavirus epidemic.

Here’s the DeepL translation:

People make a lot of noise. The rumbling of cars on the streets, the roar of planes overhead, the slapping of footpaths, these and other actions create countless tiny vibrations on the ground. These oscillations are recorded around the clock by a global network of seismometers. But since world leaders urged citizens to stay home and engage in social distancing to slow the coronavirus epidemic, the buzz of daily life has quieted.

“The global network of seismometers records these oscillations 24/7.” And “a global network of seismometers records these oscillations 24 hours a day.” The difference between these two sentences shows that DeepL is more relevant to everyday life.

If this difference is not present, try translating the following sentence:

Labrador! Labrador!

Google Translation results:

Labrador, Labrador!

Study on Deepl

Cargo puller does not pull Labrador!

Ha ha, is it because of blowing? !

E, Miro/ProcessOn

Make good use of mind mapping tools to sort out and present ideas in your brain, and also to build your own knowledge map.

ProcessOn is a domesticOnline drawing tool, support flow chart, mind map, prototype diagram, UML diagram and other graphics drawing.

Miro is a foreign oneOnline collaborative whiteboardPlatform, the biggest feature is to use infinite whiteboardOrganize and edit freelyElements such as built-in shapes, text, lines, notes, etc. In addition, it also supports the creation of mind maps, kanban, charts, as well as iframe embedding and web capture. You can also install apps to plug in things like Google Docs, Dropbox, and more.

The similarities and differences of these two tools can be understood from the introduction of the official website, you can choose according to your own needs. If you’re more of a brain-storming, free-form organization type, Miro is an option, but the free version of Miro only supports 3 artboards. Additional features such as private sharing and HD export are limited, but the free version is basically enough for individuals. If you’re more comfortable using software like XMind to sort out and build knowledge maps, ProcessOn can publish its own templates for revenue, and upload its own reading notes, analyses, and experience flowcharts for learning and exchange.

Readers are welcome to comment in the comments section below about some of the tools they think are great.

3. Improve search business

In the Internet age, knowledge is indexed by search engines, so the answers you get depend on what kind of questions you ask. Search business is used to represent a person’s search ability, the better the search ability, not only can improve the efficiency of solving problems, but also can save you money. If you need some learning resources, you do not need to buy them at a high price on some bao or other platforms, you will be very likely to get low-cost or free learning resources by making good use of search engines, or even higher quality.

A. Search for ideas

1. Search in English based on the content mentioned in the first point above. Because we need to cross the Language barrier of English, it is recommended to use Google search engine as the preferred tool for searching questions and put keywords into English culture. This requires the accumulation of some professional English vocabulary, such as Auto complete, context menu, context. ** 2, correct organization of keywords before I have seen some students in the search of the question directly input a complete question, more powerful directly input a paragraph to describe the question clearly, for fear that the browser does not understand your question. Or when there is a mistake in the development work, the whole error information is directly pasted to search, but there is also the file name, file path, code lines and other irrelevant information, which greatly reduces the accuracy of the search. The correct way is to filter out the irrelevant information and search engines match by keyword, rather than treating search engines like Jarvis in Iron Man. 3, progressive search, adjust the keywords in the search will appear invalid answers miscellaneous situation, then it is necessary to further adjust the keywords, to combine keywords, add restrictive keywords for filtering. What what languages such as environment, system, technology stack, what error code, etc., like describe you admire in the heart of the object, only the words to the specific object, eyebrows, eyes, lips, forehead, hair, hair color, face, skin how, how, how body appearance, etc., Not just “She’s beautiful.”

B. Search skills

Because the content of search skills is more, find a more clear article, you can look at this article.

Learn to ask the right questions

This part of the content of the above [promotion search business] content. Meet problems in development work or study at ordinary times is very normal thing, but when meet problems, don’t immediately or ask others, first use a search engine search, most of the problems in fact can search in the search engine, in order to avoid waste of everyone’s time, in addition, the problem represents a breakthrough self a chance, Give yourself a certain amount of time to work hard to solve it, every fear is a setback, every breakthrough is an accumulation. In the case of trying to solve the problem but no success, consider seeking help from others, but the way of asking questions is certain to pay attention to, because incorrect questions waste you and the helper’s time, can not efficiently solve the existing problem. It’s common to see questions like this in the community or in technical groups:

Have you ever used XXX?

XXXX operation raises a problem, how to solve it?

XXX performs XXX operation, why not? Anybody know?

At this point, [blackface + hello number.jpg]. Here you can read “The Art of Asking Questions,” a book that teaches you how to use skillful questions to improve communication and influence yourself. Some open source projects on Github will have Issue templates, the main purpose of which is to enable the questioner to describe the problem in more detail, so that the maintainer can understand and give help more easily.

5. Trade money for time

Some people might look at this and say, well, that’s money for time, so why do you want money for time? Yes, yes, no matter we work or do some other things, from the income is basically for money, but to be able to calculate accounts, the popular point is cost-effective. When buying mobile phones or other electronic equipment, we often pay attention to the cost performance. For electronic products, the formula for calculating the cost performance can be likened to this: transaction price/(hardware + ecology + interaction + experience + after-sales service) = cost performance. In contrast, the cost/performance of an event can be simply calculated as time spent/revenue, which can be money or non-material things (knowledge, happiness, relationships, etc.). The value of a job is measured by hourly wages. So when do you need money for time? The payoff is low, but it takes a lot of time.

A. Try to pay for software services

In daily study and work, I often use some software, such as IDE, mind mapping tool, Office suite, Sketch, etc., which are basically paid or need to be upgraded to remove the restrictions of advanced functions. Some of them choose to find substitutes or crack. It is likely that a lot of time will be spent searching for a replacement or jailbreak version. But if you pay for it, not only do you get instant access to premium features and guaranteed after-sales service, but you also save a lot of time to focus on what you’re supposed to be doing, and that time may be worth more than paying for the software.

B, Internet time harvester

Many Internet companies play the role of attention merchants, with their products basically doing everything they can to grab users’ attention, which is their time. They even spend a lot of money on so-called preferential activities to attract users and people around them to participate in them. In the end, the value of these users’ traffic is far more than the invested capital, and the amount of time spent on various attention and forwarding during the activity is 100 yuan. Take a long view of the benefits and spend your time and attention on something worthwhile. The growth will be exponential.

6. Visit the tech community

Stay aware of technology trends and stay in touch with technical blogs, learning resources, and best practices in the technical community, both at home and abroad.

  • Github
  • Medium
  • Thenextweb
  • Twitter
  • StackOverflow
  • Hackernews
  • .

7. Participate in technical conferences

Attending tech conferences is not about mastering knowledge in the field or “Versailles” in the circle of friends.

A, broaden your horizons

Developers’ conferences tend to focus on technology trends, industry trends, and solutions. Such as how technology is split, how architecture is designed, how business problems are solved through technology, where some technologies are evolving, and so on. So a developer conference is a way for developers to broaden their horizons and get ideas, rather than go behind closed doors. The participants themselves also need to accumulate certain skills, otherwise the contents of the conference may not be easy to absorb.

B: Social activities

The people who attend the convention are basically in the same or related positions as you, and from the perspective of the convention, it is a social event. Networking, on the other hand, can lead to potential opportunities, such as new friends, good job opportunities, people with the same interests, and opportunities to get closer to the big shots in your industry. These are all things that can be captured in the conference itself. You can read my thoughts on technical meetings below for a more detailed explanation of technical meetings.

6. Disassembly and analysis ability

Disassembly analysis is actually a kind of structured thinking, disassembly = structuration, analysis = thinking. In daily life or work, consciously train your ability to disassemble and analyze, and gradually you will find that you will be more efficient in completing plans, more stable in dealing with problems, and better in technical ability or other aspects. Structuring the problems you face, trying to reduce the granularity of the problems to smaller, and then analyze and solve them one by one, so that you can not only clearly see the details of the whole problem to deal with, but also to minimize the instability of the problem. To take a simple example, it is common to split tasks in normal development work, most commonly in agile development. Then, after the problem is split, should it be further split?

  • Can tasks be split into subtasks after they are split?
  • Does the split task block existing tasks? How to solve the problem if necessary?
  • To what extent do unit tests need to be supported for each task?
  • What changes and impacts will each split task have on the current project?
  • What resources need to be scheduled to support each split task?
  • Is there room for improvement and optimization after the task is completed? Yes, how do I solve this problem?
  • Does the task contribute constructively to the team after completion? Yes, how to organize and share?
  • .

Step by step split, step by step thinking, step by step ask yourself, the whole problem is split, and then classified structure, exquisite. To further illustrate the disassembly analysis, borrow a passage from Cao Da:

Disassembly analysis, to put it bluntly, is to think through other people’s products, technologies, and operating methods. After pondering through you are copycat, or innovation, this is two say, but can pondering through, at least can prove your ability and level is enough professional.

Good game plan, will take apart, one of the most successful games on the market, to understand and clarify the player in the game a sense of accomplishment, pay desire, the difficulty of the game levels, the result of numerical design, how the game players through the control emotions, neither let players too easily, a lack of challenging, also can’t let players too depressed, lose continue to recruit.

Good product people will deconstruct successful products in the market, interaction design, feature appeal design, conversion rate improvement details and real user feedback.

Good technicians will dismantle the technical solutions, design concepts, optimization skills, and practical problem-solving methods and ideas of industry giants or open source products.

Good operators dismantle the routines and methods of successful operators.

From now on, consciously exercise your ability to disassemble and analyze, it will give you high energy fuel for growth.

7. CS foundation is very important

There are a lot of people through self-study or training classes to enter the Internet door, and a large part of them will ignore a very important point, that is the CS foundation.

CS foundation is a foundation for the development of software engineers, and the bottom foundation determines the superstructure. If you dismantle and analyze the way to dismantle the technology stack used by your current position, then the computer principle and operating system will eventually go to the layer.

As a front-end developer, it’s important to understand how a browser works. When you look inside the browser, it’s made up of user interfaces, rendering engines, web modules, JavaScript interpreters, etc. Chrome is multi-process architecture. To understand how processes work together, you need to know how processes are scheduled and managed, part of the basics of operating systems. Then you know that there will be HTML Parser in the rendering process to convert THE HTML byte stream into DOM structure. In the process of conversion, various tokens need to be generated according to the W3C-HTML5 standard. This part also involves the lexical analysis of the compilation principle. So in the final analysis, each technology stack is based on CS.

So if you want to get further and more stable in programming, it’s important to take the time to build on these fundamentals.

8. Don’t put limits on yourself

Be a software engineer, not a front-end engineer; Be a software engineer, not an IOS developer; Be a software engineer, not an Android developer; Don’t put limits on yourself, starting from their own, radiation surrounding their related, multidimensional multi-angle view themselves, the view of the product. Technology serves the product, but technology is not the only product, there are many other factors supporting the product, and these are closely related to technology, only better let the product growth, you can get better growth.

9. Start the project review

There is review, induction, summary, growth. By review of the project in the past the processing of detail, the actual effect of solution to some how, how to measure, compared to before the project, what technology scheme is more effective in the specific scene, to see if there were technical debt, whether each knowledge point in the project have been skilled level is applied, the process and quality of the project for further optimization and upgrading of space, How to do better in the future. A. review

  • What was the initial goal or intent of the project?
  • What is the plan in advance?
  • What does the primary envisage happening?
  • How does the project differ from what was expected?

C. inductive

  • Set several dimensions to divide the whole project. Can specific businesses be classified and sorted out?
  • Are the effects and business scenarios of each technical solution specific and generic?
  • What data indicators can be used to measure the effectiveness of technical solutions?
  • What needs to be improved and noticed?
  • What did you do well?

D. to summarize

  • What were the lessons learned throughout the project?
  • What do you do well?
  • How to improve what is not doing well?
  • What can you do with parsing?

Not only will a project review allow you to learn more about it and make it better for future projects, but you won’t have to worry about what to include or lack of highlights when updating your resume.

10. Share

Sharing can be expressed in a variety of ways, including documents and meetings. In any way, active sharing and active participation in sharing are also an important part of the whole growth process, which is lacking in many people. For documents, prefer writing expression, for meetings, prefer language expression, no matter what kind of expression ability, is to express your intention and content to your audience, the stronger the expression ability, the audience will be more complete and clear understand the content, feel the authenticity of the content and your opinion. Good writers, a paragraph can take you far away. A good speaker, a speech can mobilize your emotions. With a good director, a video can give you an immersive feeling. They are all expressing themselves, and sharing is one way to practice expression. As you prepare to share, you demonstrate and validate what you share, which makes you more rigorous. Sharing content also needs to be organized and categorized, which makes you think more clearly and logically. When sharing, you also need to mobilize the audience’s emotions or make them infected by you and support your ideas, which makes you more in control of the scene and more powerful. Sharing exercises more than the ability to express oneself. A successful sharing is a combination of many excellent abilities. So, whether it’s a technical article or document, or an internal technical share, as long as it’s a share, take the initiative to participate, you’ll see the difference after multiple sharing.

11. Plan your career

This part of the people in the world because of interest, career choice and development path, this is very lucky and happy, because interest is the can give your positive feedback, but there is a big part of people is not also can’t according to the interest preference, because there is no the opportunities or resources support, can only passive choice, For example, there are a number of developers who switch careers to the Internet, but they don’t really like their previous careers, and they just switch to the Internet industry because of the high salary. However, the high salary is only temporary compared with before. If you do not take the initiative to plan your career, you will meet a bottleneck after a period of time, and all kinds of confusion and anxiety will follow, which may lead to another career change. It is not the worst that you cannot choose your own development path according to your interests. The most important thing is to take the initiative to plan your career, so that the path will be clearer and the curve of self-development will meet your expectations as much as possible.

The last

I hope the above methods can be helpful to you or provide you with some ideas for growth. These are also my more thorough understanding of this year. The difficult 2020 is over, and 2021 will be even better! The future is possible! We come on together and grow together!