
It’s been more than three months since I joined Bytedance. I’ve been trying to write something to express my feelings, but I was wrong. The three months have been so full that I have no time to write. Approaching May Day to do the demand has almost been delivered, the pit also stepped on, so now can take a good look at their own three months in the end what has changed.

How have I changed

First changes is a state of mind, challenging job one after another appears to be the norm, in the beginning I also like to brag about with the same looking for internships students I did many important requirements and project, give me time to settle for a long time after time to think about the meaning of my work is just to show with other people? What I care about more is the affirmation and trust of my work. Impetuous, proud, frivolous I also slowly become a lot of deep. In fact, the daily work of the company is very different from what I imagined. The documents are not very sound, and the training of new employees is not very perfect. They all rely on their own savage growth. The work side is also less technical and more business-based. However, it is good to break my good illusion to programmer earlier! For overtime also see of quite light, frankly this period does not add overtime without what difference, it is better to have something to do to enrich yourself, anyway girlfriend of what, this life is impossible some.

The second is the ways to deal with problems, say the bytes to beat bring me the biggest growth that is, technology promotion does not happen overnight, can only say that follow, but has a huge increase in people skills, can be displayed in the demand for a specific to formulate solutions and the ability to consider risk significantly promoted, consider more comprehensive, coordinate and more in place. The specific words of promotion may not be very clear, but I can clearly feel that I have made a qualitative leap from a little white to a demand of my own.

Next comes the technical aspect. The previous two changes for me can be said to be very subjective improvement, but in terms of technology, the improvement is a substantial improvement. In the company, I gradually changed from a reacter to a Vuer. Meanwhile, I got familiar with TypeScript and was able to complete various requirements independently. And then there’s Node, which is the direction I’m mainly working on right now. From my current work, front-end work has become less and less and node is more and more related. Although Node is a non-mainstream back-end language, it is indispensable for Web development. From basic Node server writing to the practice of Node RPC to the business framework based on KOA transformation, I have a more comprehensive practice and cognition of Node. This series of changes also triggered a reflection of me, a reflection on the future.

Me, how do I get to the front end?

Produce this thinking represents I have thought about this question as well as the thinking about my future, the following views represent only my personal point of view is not cause, the ceiling of the front end is limited for me, I know my own ability to do some pioneering work may not be able to go to do, even I can’t contact with the front of the so-called ceiling, What I have met is the ceiling (I + front end), so I will definitely continue to improve and make progress, but the direction of progress is not clear, I probably have the following considerations

  1. First of all, I can continue to work on the front end. After all, the front end is the thing I am most familiar with. Although the improvement of depth is limited, it is also necessary to improve breadth
  2. Secondly node, write front-end must have more or less written node, node work is also more and more, forced to become my second best thing
  3. Start trying other languages (GO), the trend of go has become more and more obvious, better to follow the changes of The Times while you can’t find the direction.

Overall, although this is a big front era, but I may be just a false front (good at all kinds of business of wang), the deeper things I don’t know if I can come into contact with and to practice, I am not sure I’m the same age of positioning, competition in the large group of how to keep their own core competitiveness which is I think is worth thinking about.

Next set a flag, May 1 write a KOA-related “based on Koa we can do what”, anyway, also can’t go