Level: ★☆☆☆ Tag: “DarkMode, WKWebView, Apple login must be adapted?” “DarkMode is a good fit” “WKWebView is a Good fit” “Apple Login is a good fit” by Xs·H, WYW

Introduction: In this article, I will share official instructions and my personal views on whether DarkMode, WKWebView, and Apple login must be adapted

Does DarkMode have to be adapted?

Must be adapted to DarkMode official instructions and personal views

1. App updates official instructions and screenshots

The screenshots and comments below refer to the latest review instructions for Apple apps dated March 4, 2020.

1.1 App submission needs to be built using Xcode11 (date: April 30, 2020)

The image below is from Apple’s official website: Apple Review News and updates.

1.2 The figure below shows that Apple officially did not force DarkMode updates

The following image is obtained from the official website: Submit your App to the App Store.

  • Apple reviews news and updates
  • Submit your App to the App Store
  • App Store Review Guide
1.3 Market News

Webcast wechat may also support DarkMode when the new version is released.

  • Is it true that Apple requires wechat to adapt to the night mode, or it will be removed in April? What’s the real story?
  • The wechat dark mode you are looking forward to is coming!
  • Wechat official announcement: Dark mode development completed! New version of WeChat is expected to support Dark Mode!

According to market sources, DarkMode has also been adapted to wechat, although apple has not officially stated that it must be adapted to DarkMode. However, if DarkMode is suitable for App or website, it is suggested to add DarkMode to the schedule if you have free time.

2. Adapt DarkMode’s personal views

As for the Diablo mode, the conclusion I can draw is that after April 30th, apps released to the App Store will need to be built using iOS13 SDK, that is, when packaged, Xcode11 will be used.

Apple has not explicitly stated that dark mode must be adapted. However, if DarkMode is suitable for App or website, it is suggested to add DarkMode to the schedule if you have free time.

DarkMode introduction and adaptation information

In iOS 13.0 and later, people can opt for a darker system-wide look, called dark mode. Dark Mode is a new feature apple introduced in macOS 10.14.4, iOS 13, and iPad OS 13. Take iOS as an example. IOS devices running iOS13 or later can use dark mode. In dark mode, the system uses dark view controls. Developers need to adapt the corresponding dark mode to view controls in the development process.

Note: DarkMode, DarkMode, DarkMode and DarkMode mentioned below all mean DarkMode because the article will contain information from different sources.

1. DarkMode related documents
1.1 macOS DarkMode switch and iOS Adaptation DarkMode document:Supporting Dark Mode in Your Interface
1.2 Web End Adaptation of DarkMode documents:Webkit.org/blog/8840/d…
1.3 QiShare DarkMode adaptationIOS13 DarkMode adaptation
1.3.1 DarkMode Web Adaptation

IOS13 DarkMode Adaptation (1) Part 5 (5, DarkMode Web) explains the basic way to adapt DarkMode on the Web.

QiShare DarkModeIOS13 DarkMode adaptation (2)

Must UIWebView be updated to WKWebView?

1. UIWebView must be updated to WKWebView and time point

The UIWebView that the author learned from my colleague YCY must be updated to WKWebView and time point. If the App is not updated within a certain period of time, Apple will refuse to approve it. The relevant information was explained in an email from Apple’s official reply when my colleague launched the App.

2. Update time

2.1 Newly launched App

The deadline for launching a new App to update UIWebView to WKWebView is April 2020.

2.2 Existing App updates are online

Update App, UIWebView update to WKWebView deadline is December 2020;

3. Update requirements on apple’s official website

I found the following information on apple’s official website: The latest information is apple in December 23, 2019 news update and documentation:

From April 2020, the App Store will no longer accept new apps that use UIWebView, and from December 2020, App updates that use UIWebView will no longer be accepted.

Related information link address: update the App using web view

Is it necessary to add the Apple login function?

1. Determine whether to add the Apple login function based on different situations

4.8 Logging in through Apple (this document was updated on March 4, 2020)

  • 4.8 Logging In through Apple

If the app uses a third party or social login service (for example, Facebook login, Google login, Twitter login, LinkedIn login, Amazon login, or wechat login) to set it up or verify the main user account of the app, The app must also provide “Log in via Apple” as an equivalent option. A user’s primary account is the account established in the app for identification, login and access to functions and related services.

The “Log in through Apple” option is not required when:

  • Your app only uses your company’s own account to set up and log in to the system.
  • Your app is an education, enterprise or business app that requires users to log in using an existing education or business account.
  • Your app uses a government – or industry-backed citizenship system or electronic ID card to authenticate users.
  • Your app is a client for certain third party services and users need to log in directly using their email, social media or other third party accounts to access content.

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