For Hepburn I believe everyone is very familiar with, is absolutely a generation of goddess, today we will climb to take nearly a thousand beautiful photos of the goddess, in a full view at the same time, but also can learn how to do the website, for the old black and white photos, there is a key color function can play, really kill many birds with one stone
Photo crawl
We choose the purpose of the site is the light network, not much to say, directly open the whole…
The site is basically no anti-crawler Settings, and the web structure is relatively simple, we directly on the code
Start by writing a function to collect all image urls and a save function
def download_url():
images = []
res = requests.get("")
data = res.json().get("data")
if data:
images_list = data.get("images")
for image in images_list:
return images
def save_url(url):
with open("url.csv", "w") as f:
for i in url:
f.write(i + "\n")
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Then you can parse the files and crawl the pictures one by one
def download_pic():
with open("url.csv", "r") as f:
url_list = f.readlines()
for url in url_list:
res = requests.get(url.replace("\n", ""))
file = open("pic/" + url.replace("\n", "").split("/")[-1], "wb")
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This completes the collection of photographs of the goddess
As we can see, quite a lot of photos are black and white, which greatly affects our aesthetic experience. Let’s go to color processing
Color in black and white
We choose to use the services provided by Baidu Cloud, which are used for free for more than 300 times a year
To use the functions of Baidu Cloud, you need to log in first, and then create a project. I will not elaborate on the details here. If you encounter problems here, you can add my wechat private chat
After we create the application, we can see that there are two key values, which are used when we call baidu interface, namely API key and Secret key
Now let’s test the function of coloring. Let’s first select a black and white photo
Well, lick the screen ()
Let’s start coding and get the Access token
Import requests # client_id = import requests # client_id Client_secret is SK host = obtained on the official website ' ' response = requests.get(host) if response: print(response.json()) access_token = response.json()['access_token']Copy the code
Next we construct the request message for the coloring interface
The import base64 # color black and white images request_url = "" open image file f = # binary way open('he1.jpg', 'rb') img = base64.b64encode( params = {"image": img} request_url = request_url + "?access_token=" + access_token headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} response =, data=params, headers=headers)Copy the code
If nothing goes wrong, we can save the returned color image
Img = base64.b64decode(response.json()['image']) print(img) file = open('result.jpg', 'wb') file.write(img) file.close()Copy the code
So let’s see what happens
Still quite good, feel goddess appearance level also increased a few minutes instantly
Now that the process of black and white photo coloring is complete, let’s start to make a website
Coloring site production
Flask is still used to build web services
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request
import requests
import base64
import time
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Let’s take a look at the layout of the index page, which looks like this
The left side is used to select the black and white picture, and then click the “Picture color” button, the colored picture will be displayed on the right side
Let’s take a look at some of the index file code. The body is built using bootstrap
<div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-6"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img id="pic" src="/static/tmp_pic/he1.jpg" alt="..." > <div class="caption"> <form id="imageForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return false"> <a href="javascript:;" Class ="file"> Select file <input type="file" name="" id="intro_pic"> </a> </form> <a href="javascript:;" <input type="submit" name="" id="add_colorize"> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" col-XS-6" col-md-6"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img id="colorize_pic" src="/static/tmp_pic/coming.png" alt="..." > <div class="caption"> </div> </div> </div> </div>Copy the code
In the input component above, the function intro_pic is called. Let’s look at the code
/ / display images $(" # intro_pic ") on (" change ", function () {var filePath = $(this). Val (); Var fr = new FileReader(); Var imgObj = this.files[0]; // Create new FileReader(). Fr. readAsDataURL(imgObj); // Read the image as DataURL if (filePath. IndexOf (" JPG ")! == -1 || filePath.indexOf("JPG") ! == -1 || filePath.indexOf("PNG") ! == -1 || filePath.indexOf("png") ! == -1) { fr.onload = function () { $("#pic").attr('src', this.result); }; }});Copy the code
This part of the code is used to handle the image display, after we upload the image, back to the page
Now look at the add_colorize function
$("#add_colorize").click(function () { var img = document.getElementById("pic"); var path = img.src; var filename; If (path.indexof ("/") > 0)// If (path-.indexof ("/") > 0)// If (path-.indexof ("/") > 0)// If (path-.indexof ("/") > 0)// If (path-.indexof ("/") > 0)// If (path-.indexof ("/") > 0)// If (path-.indexof ("/") > 0) path.length); } else { filename = path; } var pic_src = $("#pic").attr('src'); $.post (" "+ filename, {data: pic_src}, function (data, status) {fire_baidu (data); }); });Copy the code
Here the base64 type of the front end of the picture data to the back end, and then through the back end of the processing, and then directly request Baidu API interface
So with that front-end code, let’s look at the back-end code
@app.route("/save_colorize_pic", methods=["POST"])
def save_colorize_pic():
data = request.values.get("image")
img = base64.b64decode(data)
img_path = "static/download_old_pic/" + str(int(time.time())) + 'result.jpg'
file = open(img_path, 'wb')
return jsonify(img_path)
except Exception as e:
return jsonify("error"), 400
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The code above takes the painted image data from the front end and saves it locally
Finally, let’s take a look at the final image
Let’s do another GIF
It looks good. Come and practice it
If you need the complete code, send a comment to get ha!