Mokku: Mock API seamlessly calls

I. Problems solved by plug-ins

The plugin intercepts browser requests and returns mock interface data that you set up, which I’m sure many people will encounter in development or testing

  • The interface for the back-end iteration is not yet complete and it is not convenient to use mock.js to simulate data in existing projects
  • The test found data bug problem, the front end is not good to reproduce. The backend is not convenient for changing database data.
  • Interface data errors occur in the official environment, and the development environment is not easy to simulate.

I’m sure many of you have encountered this problem, especially in a formal environment where mock data can be tricky. This plug-in solves the problems mentioned above.

2. Functions provided by plug-ins

  • 1. Mock interfaces can set the network delay time and return a status code, and support the five kinds of interface request of setting up the Settings [GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE] with custom Headers set.
  • 2. Support single interface mock open and close Settings.
  • 3. Have request logs that you can quickly click on mock for quick setup
  • 4. Moke Settings can be searched with logs requests.
  • 5. Simulate interface data. The plug-in will intercept the request, so the network cannot view the interface request.

. More features can be self-discovered and viewed in the plug-in introduction. Plugin introduction mentioned dynamic API, I do not know where to say, know friends can comment to tell me, thank you.

Ii. Use mode and screenshots of the plug-in

First release personal community, reprint please indicate the source, thank you. Spring Festival eve the last article to share. I wish you all a happy New Year, Bye! See you later!

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