Note: The latest version please see nuggets basic law, this article has stopped maintenance.

1. Values advocated

1.1 advocate

  • Original articles, open source content
  • Provide valuable information technically
  • A clean environment for technical discussion

1.2 do not welcome

  • Uncivilized discussions and personal attacks
  • Hyperbolic clickbait

1.3 don’t allow

  • Acts and contents that violate the laws and regulations of China or the place where the user is located
  • Content potentially threatening to the safety of the site’s operations
  • Pornography, radical politics, ideology

2. Different user roles for Nuggets

2.1 Common Users

After registering and logging in, the user becomes a regular user of nuggets

Ordinary users have permissions: read articles favorites articles like, comment articles/reply comments contribute articles

2.2 Original Author

The original authors are the best content producers in nuggets and can publish directly from nuggets. All original writers are invited by nuggets officials

Permission of original author: Read articles, collect articles, like articles, comment articles/reply to comments, share articles writing (original)

3. Functions and criteria of gold mining

3.1 submissions

** Submission entry: ** Nuggets Web navigation bar submission content standards

  • URL specification a URL must have a full HTTP or HTTPS header. Bad links: good links:

  • The title specification

  • The title should be simple, simple and not exaggerated

  • No clickbait

  • It is recommended that the first half be technology-related keywords and the second half indicate intent

  • Use the main technical terms in the title

  • The mining authorities have the right to change the title according to the code

  • Describe the specification

  • To summarize the content of the article, introduce the main content of the article in one or two sentences, so that readers can quickly understand the core idea of the article

  • Your recommendation and comprehension after reading, express your comprehension and why you recommend this article

  • Try to avoid copying the original text

  • The nuggets have the right to modify the description according to the specification: What is Deep Link? Deep Link, which translates as Deep Link, enables App to be directly indexed by search engines and displayed in search results, just like web pages. After being clicked, corresponding pages of App results can be opened directly in mobile browsers. You can even specify bad descriptions of the app to search for, just as you can now use site to specify search targets: it’s much easier if you use the tool

  • Illustrated specification

  • Make sure that the pictures are related, the pictures are strongly related to the content of the article, highlight the topic, and include technical nouns that are strongly related to the topic

  • Picture background is simple, picture background is a single color or solid color

  • Do not choose too popular content, article cover illustrations as far as possible to choose unique, novel pictures, is conducive to attract readers

  • Must follow the gold digger picture policy

  • Nuggets have the right to modify the description according to the code

  • Classification/label specification Adding appropriate labels and categories for articles can help users find and discover the content under a label easily and quickly, and also help the articles get more user feedback. In order to spread the content more efficiently and reasonably, please follow the following principles when adding labels in nuggets:

  • Add specific, segmented labels like iOS instead of mobile development

  • Add a reasonable number of tags to smooth content distribution

  • Tags should be based on the main idea of the article, not just the keywords in the title. Tags are mainly used to provide valuable information about the content of the article

  • Nuggets authorities have the right to modify the labeling and classification of articles according to the guidelines

  • Other information shared

In addition to the previous information sharing, there are three additional notes, which are “original”, “off the wall” and “English”.

  • Original: This annotation needs to be checked if the co-Editor is sharing an original article by the author

  • Out of the wall: if this article is on the site wall, you need to add “out of the wall” label to remind the user that this site does not turn over the wall can not be opened, this label will cooperate with the following article crawl

  • English: If this share is in English, you need to add this annotation

  • Contributors reviewers gold digging Editorial Team

  • Process time 1-2 working days for review

  • Feedback The notification is received on the Web side

The ***** recommended by the rare earth circle passed the audit. The ***** recommended by the rare earth circle did not pass the audit

3.2 share

Sharing entrance: Nuggets Web navigation bar, the top right corner of each mobile home page sharing guide

Articles to be shared must conform to community rules and values, and must conform to nuggets content guidelines

  • URL specifications A URL must contain no GET parameter and have a complete HTTP or HTTPS header. Bad links: good links:

  • The title specification

  • The title should be simple, simple and not exaggerated

  • The first part of the recommendation is a technology-related keyword, and the second part indicates intent

  • Use the main technical terms in the title

  • Describe the specification

  • To summarize the content of the article, introduce the main content of the article in one or two sentences, so that readers can quickly understand the core idea of the article

  • Your recommendation and comprehension after reading, express your comprehension and why you recommend this article

  • Try to avoid copying the original text. Good description: What is Deep Link? Deep Link, which translates as Deep Link, enables App to be directly indexed by search engines and displayed in search results, just like web pages. After being clicked, corresponding pages of App results can be opened directly in mobile browsers. You can even specify bad descriptions of the app to search for, just as you can now use site to specify search targets: it’s much easier if you use the tool

  • Illustrated specification

  • Make sure that the pictures are related, the pictures are strongly related to the content of the article, highlight the topic, and include technical nouns that are strongly related to the topic

  • Picture background is simple, picture background is a single color or solid color

  • Do not choose too popular content, article cover illustrations as far as possible to choose unique, novel pictures, is conducive to attract readers

  • Must follow the gold digger picture policy

  • Classification/label specification Adding appropriate labels and categories for articles can help users find and discover the content under a label easily and quickly, and also help the articles get more user feedback. In order to spread the content more efficiently and reasonably, please follow the following principles when adding labels in nuggets:

  • Add specific, segmented labels like iOS instead of mobile development

  • Add a reasonable number of tags to smooth content distribution

  • Tags should be based on the main idea of the article, not just the keywords in the title. Tags are mainly used to provide valuable information about the content of the article

  • Other information shared

In addition to the previous information sharing, there are three additional notes, which are “original”, “off the wall” and “English”.

  • Original: This annotation needs to be checked if the co-editor is sharing an original article by the author
  • Out of the wall: if this article is on the site wall, you need to add “out of the wall” label to remind the user that this site does not turn over the wall can not be opened, this label will cooperate with the following article crawl
  • English: If this share is in English, you need to add this annotation

3.3 original

Writing entry: Nuggets Web navigation bar ** Editor: ** Rich text editor, Markdown editor

3.4 the boiling point

Boiling point activity rule

The Nuggets currently publish a boiling point on Mondays and Thursdays, covering topics such as current events, technical discussions, and research suggestions. Under boiling point, users can comment, like others, collect boiling point, share boiling point and other behaviors

Boiling point code of conduct

  • User reviews should stick to the topic
  • Strictly abide by the principles and values of the nuggets community and refrain from uncivilized discussions and personal attacks
  • Strictly abide by the Nuggets’ graphic policy

4. Standard content

4.1 Article Specification

  • Good article standard technical article refers to the article related to technology (in this case, programming), and development related technical sharing, development skills, tool introduction, technical ideas, industry reviews, career tips, etc. Technical article can be:
  • Technical detail-oriented articles focus on solving specific problems, such as what bugs exist in an open source library? How to fix this bug? How to use a particular technology? , etc.

What does CocoaPods do? Render Vue 2.0 server in 3 minutes

  • Dry goods articles are the summary of a certain piece of content by the author, which have high collection value and are relatively popular and easier to spread within and outside the community.

The most user-friendly article on RxJava, iView: a vUe-based library of high-quality UI components

  • Translating articles, such as technical articles into English translating good foreign articles into Chinese is also of great value, such as the Nuggets Translation Project currently run by the nuggets officials. Of course, give us respect for the original, if it is a translated article, try to add a [translation] in front of the article, and note the original source in the prominent position of the article

Swift 3 implementation of Dispatch once extension Android7.0

  • Practice summary articles are more like a combination of technical details and dry goods. Technology oriented to a specific domain is also dry goods. For this type of article, it is more code dependent, and the reader needs to follow the code step by step

Asynchronous processing in Android and iOS Development (1) — Asynchronous processing in Android and iOS development (2) — Callbacks to asynchronous tasks (3) — Execute multiple asynchronous tasks

  • Article cover art and content illustrations must comply with the gold digging image policy
  • Content must adhere to the principles and values of the nuggets community
  • Unwelcome content
  • Very water post type articles do personal notes, records, notes class content should be more draft rather than formally published articles
  • Junk can be defined as content that is poorly formatted, poorly structured, or logically inconsistent
  • Any promotion (recruitment, advertising, SEO, etc.) content such as “personal video tutorials, book promotion, etc.” is not allowed to be published by users, and is the most harmful content to other users. Once found, immediately delete, and give processing to the publisher
  • Offline activities Please do not publish offline activities without permission. If necessary, please contact the Marketing Department of Nuggets and send email to [email protected].

4.2 Article review specification

  • Any user can comment on any article in the nuggets
  • The comments should stick to the main point of the article
  • To the content of the article or part of the point of view to question, reply and answer the questions of other users, to expand the content of the article, to the wrong point of view in the article friendly behavior are all advocated by the nuggets
  • The content of comments must be objective and fair, without any uncivilized verbal or personal attacks on others
  • Do not post any promotional content (recruitment, advertising)
  • Abide by the principles and values of the nuggets community
  • Comments that violate the above rules will be deleted or even blocked

Handling of illegal content

  • Any article that is undesirable or violates the community guidelines and definition of good content will be hidden or even deleted
  • For the release of illegal content users, will recover the relevant authority of the original author, serious cases will be given seal processing

Nuggets picture policy

  • Please do not upload any pictures involving others’ privacy, pornographic, violent, bloody or in violation of national laws and regulations
  • Users need to be responsible for the copyright of their uploaded pictures, nuggets will not bear any third party liability and legal risk
  • Content violating the rules will be deleted immediately after being discovered, and the user accounts involved will be dealt with accordingly, or even blocked