What you Need to know about browsing

Core article:

How Browsers Work: Browsers unfold Behind the scenes of modern Web Browsers

Although the article is still relatively old, the browser development will also become a step history, from the source of recorded history to better understand the browser of today.

The front part

Process thread browser process? Thread? Silly silly can’t tell! From browser multi process to JS single thread, JS running mechanism is the most comprehensive combing

These basic computer concepts are still unclear.

What happened to the browser architecture, navigation

Inside Look at Modern Web Browser (Part 1) Inside Look at Modern Web Browser (Part 2)

This article on Zhihu is more of a translation of Inside Look at Modern Web Browser. I found that this little sister wrote an article very succinctly, so I decided to write a short article. (This was later discovered, of course)

Rendering Engine Overview

What does the browser “kernel” do?

See more browser kernel history here.

Parse principle, parser

Inside look at modern web browser (part 3) Inside look at modern web browser (part 4)

Of course, it was difficult to read the fourth part of the word series, but the third part completely made me understand what rasterizing and compositing were. And the details of the process between layout and drawing.