From nine to six every day, a fixed monthly salary, in terms of money and material income, this year and even the next few years, can see the end. In the face of the pressures of life, sometimes you can really feel lost.

If you can have some passive income or active income from other aspects after work, it is definitely a little surprise in our dull life, which can be called the dawn and hope of positive energy.

Today to talk to you, we programmers such hard skills to make a living, the general way to obtain part-time income.

Undertake outsourcing private work

One – shot sale, short cycle, high income. In addition to making money, it can also practice, improve self-coding ability, and accumulate project experience. In fact, after proficiency, the use of a complete set of framework, can adapt to different projects, the actual function development does not spend too much spare time. Do it in the evenings, do it on the weekends, and an outsourcing project is almost done.

However, it is worth noting that it is of course the best thing to have reliable contacts and stable project sources. Otherwise, they can only rely on outsourcing websites such as Zhu Bajie and Programmer Inn to seek outsourcing projects or sell private working hours. After all, there are very few programmers who are articulate, capable of negotiating and selling.

Record teaching videos

Recording video, open live broadcast, this is the Internet content in the process of realization of the more and more hot way. Such as Zhihu, Fenda, Weibo Q&A, MOOC, CSDN, Tencent Classroom, netease Cloud Classroom and so on.

If you do your homework carefully, carefully prepare some professional videos or other forms of thematic content, shelving in such a teaching site, you can achieve passive income once and for all.

Of course, passive income is easier if you are a big V, active in various connected communities and platforms, and have a personal brand endorsement.

Do we media operation

I believe many of you have seen or heard of the toutiao account registered in today’s toutiao. In his spare time, he posts articles and uploads various short videos, and his monthly income easily exceeds ten thousand yuan.

This is really, really happening, and there are many cases. Otherwise, who bored every day, devoting all efforts to do the title party, all kinds of editing, forwarding, attract clicks.

Youku Big Fish number, Baidu hundred number, Tencent Penguin number, wechat public number, netease number, etc., changing patterns, all kinds of subsidy content creators. Little do they know, we entertainment consumption content at the same time, people have made a pot full of pot full.

There must be some people who refuse to accept this kind of self-media realization has passed the dividend period, and it is difficult for the new person to act again.

Yeah, I have to admit it. Any new thing, early few optimistic, because rare, platform can be high subsidies, attract talent.

For outsiders, however, there is never a bonus period. Who would write code if we had the insight to be one step ahead? Let’s do VC. And for insiders, will not seize the dividend period for a long time, continuous output of quality content is king. After all, we’re not stupid.

There are other ways

What investment wealth management profit rolls profit, fry fry real estate double, this did not mention. No reason for him, P2P injury can not afford to play stock speculation debt can not afford to play, the bank interest is really low (just see a news, said to deposit more than one thousand half century, take out but two thousand four, a suite to change a bed).

The above is just my point of view, the reason to talk about these, are forced by life. Occasionally see some peers despise to do content cash, knowledge pay, really puzzled. Age is gentle, always hang the feelings mouth, dare not talk about money, to middle-aged, how to do.

Don’t have a word to say, people earn money by hard work, you have what qualifications to say. Back to the subject, what is your way of part-time passive income, might as well comment. After all, sharing is a joy.