Thanos will be no match for you when VS Code is loaded with these 8 extensions!

1. Python extension for Visual Studio Code

This extension is officially provided by Microsoft and supports but is not limited to the following features:

** Check through Pylint or Flake8 support code **
Debug Code in the VS Code editor
**IntelliSense supports auto-completion, code navigation, and formatting. **
** Supports Jupyter Notebook, Pytest and Unittest**
** Easily switch Python environments in the editor **
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2.Python Preview

This plugin can visualize the results of your code in real time, and can also switch between different theme skins for VSCode.

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3.Sort lines

This extension can sort by alphabetical size (ascending, descending), or sort + de-weight. And you can shuffle all the text out of order. This tool is useful for training short text categorization and cleaning data sets.

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4.Git Graph

This is a Git wizard, comparable to Pycharm.

With this extension, you can clearly see the commit records and changes for the current branch, and easily create, switch branches, cherry pick, merge, and more with a button.

Compare branches and view uncommitted changes…… There are also many customizable extension Settings.

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5.Python Snippets

Most of the time, we use similar snippets of code, such as for loops, try/catch, etc. With this tool, we can just type in commands to generate snippets, and then fine-tune them to get the functionality developed.

In addition, sometimes we forget how to use some of the built-in functions, this tool can also provide you with sample code for reference, rather than you need to search for examples in a search engine, which is very convenient.

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6.Better Comments

This is a tool that allows you to write better comments by highlighting code snippets in different colors based on keywords. The following types of highlighting are supported:

1. Exclamation point! Code warning.

2. Question mark “?” M is for leaving questions.

3. What TODO code will do in the future.

4. @ param parameter

In addition, it allows you to customize your Settings to highlight the first keyword of a sentence.

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This extension automatically generates a comment format for a function, using the TAB key to quickly switch the fill block to write the corresponding comment.

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8.Python Indent

Do you think VSCode’s automatic indentation of Python is a bit inaccurate? You could even call it ugly. Every time I like to force VSCode to do auto-indentation for me.

Python Indent is an extension that corrects VSCode indentation errors. Take a look at the example below, and I’m sure you’ll install it too.

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