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In an interview, after a brief greeting, the interviewer will ask the candidate to introduce himself or herself first, and then ask the candidate about the projects listed in his or her resume and introduce their project experience. A common way to ask is to tell me about a recent (or good) project you worked on. Interview a lot of people ignored for the preparation of a link, not only can’t answer the interviewer’s questions, even his projects are insoluble, to say the ke rambled, even some people say project experience from a time period or technical aspects and resume do not match, this will undoubtedly make the interviewer to question the ability of the interviewer.

Interview 7 rely on ability, 3 rely on skills, this article will be from the “preparation” and “interview skills” two levels to tell you how to prepare for the interview of the project introduction, of course, this is just one opinion, there is no best way, only a more suitable method, different people see.

The early stage of the analysis

  1. Know your enemy and know yourself. If you want to impress an interviewer, you need to understand what he or she is looking for from you and what information he or she is looking for.

    Don’t be afraid to prepare a project description before the interview. The interviewer doesn’t know anything, and you know your project best.

    The interviewer is a person, not a god, and when they get your resume, they can only infer your work experience based on the project you describe, rather than verify the details of your project (most companies will do background checks after hiring you).

    What’s more, your projects are measured in months or years, and the interviewer takes up to 30 minutes to get a sense of your project experience from your resume, so you’re far more familiar with the project than they are, so you don’t have to worry. The interviewer wants to know more about how you work, what you are responsible for in the project, and what technology stack you use. He or she will have to dig deep into the technical points from your introduction in order to understand the depth of your understanding of the project and technology.

    First of all, tell the interviewer that you are involved in the project, and that you are responsible for the functional modules, so that the interviewer can not doubt.

    Mentally prepared, then analyze what the interviewer is looking for?

    • Presentation skills. Test your presentation and logical thinking skills to see if you can explain a project in just a few minutes to someone who has never worked on a project before.
    • Practical working experience. What role and work did you play in the project? How skilled they are and how well they work with colleagues. In addition, you may ask in-depth technical questions about a particular project, or ask technical implementation questions from the side, which is to verify the details of your project and your understanding of the application of technology.
    • Problem solving skills. When you encounter a technical or business problem, you want to know how you think and solve it.
    • Ability of project review and experience summary. Where do you feel successful, where do not feel good, whether there is room to continue to optimize. What kind of improvement did the project bring to my ability?
  2. Practice makes perfect.

    First of all, you need to be well prepared. Make sure you’re familiar with your project experience, because the interviewer will ask you questions based on your project experience. Go over the project in your head before the interview, prepare your pitch, and walk into the interview confident. Explain what needs the project met, what difficulties you encountered during development, and how you solved them. The interviewer will like you more if you are well prepared and give a good interview answer, as opposed to less credibility if you stumble.

  3. Clear goal, control disk guide.

    Before the interview, you need to clarify your purpose of the interview, which is to pass the interview and get the Offer.

    The most conservative way is either to introduce your project or to take the lead from the interviewer, which is a very simple answer to the interviewer’s question. This will make the interviewer lose confidence that he or she wants to know more about you. Second, it will also make you miss the opportunity to express yourself and highlight your ideas. Good defense is a way to win, but it’s not the best way to lose points.

    Make sure that the items listed in your resume are clear and logical, cover technical points that may come up later, and leave the interviewer with a good impression. If the project experience is well introduced, logical and guided, it will bring the following two obvious benefits:

    1. Making a good first impression on the interviewer will make the interviewer feel that the candidate has strong presentation ability.
    2. In general, the interviewer will ask questions according to the candidates introduced the project background, assuming that the interview will ask ten questions, then at least five questions will ask according to candidate introduced by the project background, if good candidates, you can very well lead the interviewer to ask the following questions, this is equivalent to put the question to fully control.

    If you have more experience than the interviewer, you may even be able to control the interview process and even have a discussion with the Nice interviewer.

    The applicant The interviewer
    Knowledge of projects and skills Know a lot about I can only hear you. I can only judge from what you say
    Responsibilities during the interview process In a very short period of time can be successful defense If you don’t know everything and can’t find your weak spots, you’ve done it
    Time to prepare You have plenty of time to prepare before the interview Read your resume for 30 minutes before the interview
    The communication process You can make mistakes, but don’t make critical ones It won’t be too hard on you, unless you’re bad
    skills Try to be logical, guide the interviewer to ask questions, or just ask generic, regular questions from the Internet Enough interview questions

    How can interviewers validate your project experience and skills when they don’t know your background? Here are some common ways to ask questions.

    Ask questions purpose
    Ask you to describe your work experience and projects (most likely the most recent) and see if they match your resume Look at you and see if you’ve actually done these projects
    Look at the technologies used in your resume projects, such as frameworks and databases, and ask basic questions about those technologies Or to verify that you have done projects, and also to see if you know the technology, to prepare for further questions
    Ask in-depth technical questions about a particular project, or ask technical implementation questions from different sides, and see if there are any contradictions in your answers Thoroughly verify the details of your project
    Ask questions that are certain to come up on the project, for example, if the candidate says he has done database work, he will ask about indexes Use these questions to verify that the candidate actually has project experience (or is it just learning experience)

Interview skills

In terms of the content of the project to break down, think and summarize, and try to speak colloquial.

  1. Project description. Briefly describe the project in an easy-to-understand and concise manner, explaining the overall project, its background, and scope. Don’t use too many technical words.
  2. Project module. 2-3 minutes of process introduction, detailed listing of project functions, each module, the whole process, the general idea.
  3. Project technology stack. Name the technology stack and architecture of the project implementation. Be able to mention the unusual aspects of the project, such as the adoption of a new technology, the adoption of a frame, etc., and briefly explain the technology selection.
  4. Roles and responsibilities of candidates. Describe your responsibilities for the project, the functional modules involved, the techniques used, the problems encountered, the code details, the technical points, and the solutions.
  5. Project summary, points to be optimized.

The universal STAR principle can be used in the approach

Situation: What is the context of the project, whether it is an individual project or a team project, why it is needed, what is your role, etc. Target: What is the goal of the project? What are the difficulties in achieving this goal? Action: What are you doing to achieve your goal? How have some of these difficulties been overcome? What was the final Result of the project? What are your achievements? What shortcomings can be improved?

In addition to the achievements of the project, candidates can also explain how they feel about finishing the project, including which aspects of the project did well, which aspects have room for improvement, and what they gained from doing the project.

Whether IT is their IT product development experience or internships at other companies, candidates can use the STAR principle to demonstrate clarity, organization and logic.

But before the interview, some of the following situations still need to pay attention to.

  1. The answer is simple. The answer to the question is usually one sentence. If you answer people’s questions on a regular basis or if this happens in a previous interview, this will improve. State what you know, highlighting ideas, frameworks, or techniques that are relevant to the problem.

  2. Gossip, big no-no. Say too little too brief no interaction is bad, familiar, answer questions without focus, no logic, gibberish is also a big no-no. It gives the interviewer the impression that you’re not thinking clearly, that you’re missing the point, and that you’re just making things up from other areas.

  3. Too much fluency is not always a good thing. Although it is a good thing to be prepared for the interview, mechanically preparing the answer to recite subjectively gives the impression that you do not understand the question, but only know the answer from memory, and the subsequent questions will be correspondingly more difficult. The suggestions are to pause, take a reflective pose, speak while thinking, and make eye contact with the interviewer during the process.

  4. Introduce technical details in a targeted manner. Don’t give too many technical details at once. Wait for the interviewer to ask. Because interviewers often have their own pace. So the technical points wait for the time to talk more, you can first bury the technical points in advance to guide the interviewer to continue to ask.

  5. Introduce project highlights. The interviewer isn’t obligated to find your best points, so it’s up to you to bring them up. If you don’t have a problem, just say that the technical point doesn’t. Or half understand can also say directly. You can even talk about what you think. Tell me what you know.

Project preparation

In general, you should prepare your project description before the interview, be confident, because that’s where you call the shots, be fluent, because you know what you’re going to say after you’ve prepared. And since this is your actual project experience (not learning, not training), it’s hard to trust the interviewer if you don’t know what to say.

Many people get bogged down in “what was done in the project and the details of how the code was implemented,” which is like handing follow-up questions directly to the interviewer. The following table lists some bad answers.

Answer way The consequences
I did XX portal website project in XX Software Company, which realized XX functions, specifically XX and XX modules. Each module provided XX functions, and the client was XX. Finally, the project earned XX money Interrupt directly, because I don’t need to know the business requirements, I will directly ask him about the technology in the project
(Need to recruit a front-end development, React) The latest project I used JQuery to implement, implemented…. Or what I’ve been doing lately is not developing, but testing…. Or my latest project didn’t use React When was the last project you used React technology for, and then wrote in the comment: haven’t you used React recently
At the time of graduation design (or when reading, studying, in XX training school, in XX training courses) Cut right in and ask if this is a business project, and if not, do you have any other business experience? If you have no business project experience, end the interview unless it is an on-campus offer
Key elements of the project (company, time, technology used, etc.) do not match the resume We will look into this discrepancy and if it is a false resume, it may lead to the termination of the interview. If it is a clerical error, it may require a reasonable explanation

While avoiding the above negative answers, you can prepare your project presentation by following the elements in the table below. If you can, please also prepare to describe in English.

elements style
Control in 1 minute, tell the basic information of the project, such as the project name, background, which customer to do, to complete the basic things, how long to do, how big the project scale, which technology, database, and then as appropriate, briefly say about the module. Highlight background, technology, database and other technology-related information. I set up XX foreign exchange margin trading platform in XX Company, and the client was XX Bank, mainly completing the functions of listing, firm trading and margin leverage trading. The database was Oracle, JS and other technologies were used in the front desk, and SSH of Java was used in the background. Several people worked on it for X months. You don’t need to describe functional modules in detail. You don’t need to say too much about business but not technology. If the interviewer is interested, wait for him to ask.
To volunteer what you did, make sure that this part of the description is consistent with your technical background. I have worked on the foreign exchange firm offer trading system, billing transaction system and XXX module for X months
Describe your role in the project I mainly did development, but before development, I participated in business research, database design and other work under the leadership of the project manager, and later I participated in testing and deployment.
You can describe the technical details, especially the technical details you use, especially this part, you have to know what you say, because that’s what the interviewer will ask later. If you do 5 modules, you’d rather say only 2 that you can speak fluently. Using Java inside the collection, JDBC… And other technologies, using the Spring MVC framework, with technology to connect to the database.
This part is at your own risk, and if you can, speak out about the hot stuff like Linux, big data, heavy access pressure, etc. But once you do, the interviewer will go straight for details. In this system, deployed on Linux, the amount of data to be processed per day is XX, and the requirement is to process 50 million pieces of data in 4 hours with 1 gigabyte of memory. The average visitor is XXX per minute.

Say exactly what the interviewer wants to hear

During presentation (and of course in subsequent interviews), the interviewer really wants to hear some key points, and as long as you can articulate them and answer relevant questions well, it’s a big plus. When I interview people, once these key points are confirmed, I absolutely add a comment.

Here are some key points that interviewers like to hear and what to say.

Once you make a mistake, you may be out of the game

There are certain aspects of the interview process that you just can’t go wrong, so you need to pay special attention to the following in your preparation. Here are some of the wrong answers that will get you out of the running.

Interview scenario questions

For example, to see if a candidate is smart, the STAR rule asks:

1. In your previous project, you mentioned that the company was short of staff due to the rapid development of business. How did you deal with it? 2. What problems have been solved in your project 3. How to log in in your project 4. How to optimize the front end project, and the mobile end? 6. If you were asked to lead a small team on a project, what would you do? 7. Same-origin processing of the project and cross-domain correlation 8. If you do this project again, what aspects will you improve? If the interviewer asks you to describe a project you were proud of, always follow the STAR rule. Such as

In order to integrate XXX business (S), I assumed the role of XXX and was specifically responsible for XXX (T). Do XXX thing (A), finally produce XXX result

Then do the same when describing the highlights of the project, for example

Due to the reason of project XXX (S), I need to improve XXX (T), and then conduct XXX processing (A). Finally, THE XXX result is produced, and the data comparison is XXX

Overall, it will appear that you are thoughtful, and have action, can create value for the enterprise, which is also one of the most critical indicators for the interviewer to assess candidates.

There are basically two types of interview questions: concrete questions and open questions.

Concrete problems will be basically carried out according to STAR rules based on work experience, mainly to understand basic literacy, technical depth and potential.

Open-ended questions are basically to investigate the ability of divergent thinking and the depth and breadth of a certain field. They are basically asked in combination with technical questions or work content.

For example: n ways to implement a technology? How does a technology work? What are the advantages and disadvantages compared to what? What are your thoughts on this technology?

1. Answer the actual situation, prepare more divergent, more thinking, more summary. This is a bonus that you can prepare yourself.

2. Divergent problems mainly depend on their own accumulation at ordinary times. First of all, basic knowledge should be solid, but also to understand the latest technology trends. Remember that you can’t answer these questions without getting off topic.


1. Avoid using someone else’s project directly

Many students in the primary stage may not have actual commercial projects or have limited project types, so it is not advisable to directly find projects on the Internet and use them as their own projects. However, if you copy others’ projects and try to realize the functions by yourself, you will have new experiences of your own. In this way, we can have a further understanding of the function points and technology stack in the project, so as not to stumble and stumble during the interview and even make the project time wrong.

2. Avoid silly mistakes

A lot of basic related low-level mistakes must be eliminated, if asked to be familiar with knowledge points more answer, not familiar with the direct say unfamiliar. Everyone has things they’re good at and things they’re bad at.

Another is to lead some topics, do not speak from oneself. Many people express themselves aggressively all the time and come across as aggressive. When a candidate is asked about databases, he or she will not only answer about databases, but also talk about big data processing techniques. In fact, it’s best to keep it to the point where the interviewer is interested and will continue to ask questions, but if you keep leading the conversation, it’s a minus.

Here, don’t do not project as it yourself, you are not a core, as a director, head of even if you are familiar with the project, as we a line up of the interviewer, ask a few questions to know how much you actually involved in, but most don’t confessed, actually have the opposite effect.


First of all, I would advise you to take every interview seriously. Now that you know you have an interview, mock it at home. Prepare your project description in advance and don’t stumble when it comes to the interview. But don’t be alarmed if you’re really nervous during an interview and you stumble. Take a deep breath and try to relax yourself. Usually the interviewer will give you some hints to help you answer.

First, you must prepare before the interview. Second, this article provides a method, not a dogma. You can follow the directions given in this article and prepare for your own project background, rather than memorize some of the words given in this article.