The world is so small, I just saw a video in an UP group with the title: “I lost my job but couldn’t find it, but I got confused and became a hot search on More than 20 million people watched it, AND I…”

To be honest, my jaw dropped to my phone when I saw the cover of the video, which was posted on Zhihu’s popular search site under the title “How do you Feel about a Programmer who quit his job with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan to become a driver because he hated programming?”

I think this topic is very interesting, I want to write an article in my spare time. Unexpectedly, I saw the pig’s foot of the video in the UP main group. After chatting for a few words, I even added friends on my own initiative. This wonderful feeling completely aroused my strong desire to write, so I gave up the comfort of enjoying the scenery outside the window, turned on the computer and typed this article.

The video’s pigfoot is Liu Xiaoban, who is about the same age as me and whose accent sounds natural and friendly. His personal experience is very similar to mine, for example, he graduated from junior college and attended training classes. However, he is better than me. He once worked in a big Internet company like IQiyi. I once worked in Jiangsu Fujitsu, a Japanese company, but far from being a big company, with only three or four hundred employees.

As for my monthly salary, when I left my job in early 2014, it was far less than 20,000 yuan. Please leave a homework question for me to guess. After I returned to Luoyang in 2014, I deeply felt that it was difficult to earn more than 10,000 yuan purely on the job market, and 20,000 yuan was even further out of reach.

I was’ 89, and I’ve been called uncle by readers, and on a visceral level, I’m resistant to the fact that I’m getting older. Liu Xiaoban is a little older than me. Due to the epidemic, he has not found another job in Chongqing, so he started to run didi.

This seems to me to be quite normal, because the current climate is very bad, unemployment is high, older programmers are very cheap, because the mentality of companies is to try to cut costs while still being able to keep going.

As Liu said in the video, the company would rather spend 10,000 yuan to hire two rookies than 12,000 yuan to retain one veteran.

I couldn’t understand the corporate mentality before, because I’ve been through something like this. At that time, the department manager was very fond of recruiting new employees, and a new employee’s monthly salary was only more than 3,000 yuan. In Luoyang, he was unwilling to share the 3,000 yuan with the old employees and raise their salary more.

Make the old staff heart very uncomfortable, because the novice also do anything, even if it is done, there are a lot of bugs, but also need the old staff to work overtime to wipe the ass.

I mentioned this to my boss several times, but he didn’t give me a clear answer. Now, I might have figured it out. The more new employees there are, the bigger the department looks; In addition, both old and new employees will always produce buggy code, and old employees tend to be cocky and disobedient, while new employees are uncomplaining and willing to do their work.

If the company’s products are stable, then the old employees appear to be a lot of surplus, because only need maintenance, new employees after a period of training, but also can cope with.

You see, the logic makes sense, right?

In order to gain popularity, this post on Zhihu made some modifications to Liu’s situation, such as “dislike programming” and “quit his job”. In fact, according to Liu xiaoban, he was forced, and did not hate programming.

You know, IF I were you, my mentality would be broken. Because the job lost, means no income, and older programmers have a lot of family burden to bear, such as children’s education expenses, mortgage, car loans, and so on, it is very hard to live.

Liu xiaoban’s attitude is much better, he accepted this “unfortunate” thing, and his views on the Internet to share out, courage commendable ah.

Ten years ago, the Internet boom, like us, such as college students, after training, although the discrimination of the society, but really have room, as long as they are willing to work hard to learn.

Last year, my sister only took an examination of a junior college, I strongly suggest that she go to re-study, work hard for a year, can be admitted to the undergraduate the best, if the results are still not ideal, then this year’s suffering, will let her mentality mature a lot, to the society, it is easy to accept the beatings of society, I think so.

To tell you the truth, the development of the Internet today, especially in the event of this year, it is indeed very difficult, even 985, 211, or even graduate school, find a good job is not easy.

It’s not just the Internet either. Other industries are not easy. This is reality, and you have to be able to keep it in perspective.

Otherwise, you may feel like carrying a mountain, back straight up, let alone happy. I quite admire liu small board’s mentality, to open didi nothing shameful, must live first.

In fact, it is difficult not only for older programmers, but also for beginners and college students, because companies have raised the recruitment threshold and everyone is living on a tight budget.

If the experience is in place and the skills are solid, there will be a shortage of talents no matter what period. This is true. That is to say, if you are really talented, there is no need to worry about being old and inexperienced, just be yourself.

If you lose your job because of low cost performance, or you can’t find a job because you have no experience, then at this stage, you have to settle down and survive until the arrival of the next draught.

That’s the way society works. It goes up and down. In these times, even people with low education can find a decent job and even get a higher salary than many of their peers.

That at the time of low tide, the mentality is stable, like Liu Xiaoban, adjust themselves, to accept the new role given by the society, even if it is open didi, and how?

I can drive, and if my company goes bankrupt and my income is cut off, I’ll go to meetings. No shame, really.

Sometimes, I like to chat with didi drivers and ask them how many orders they run in a day and how they can make more money. The answer is sad, though, because Didi has a reward system, and if you run enough tickets a day, you can make a world of difference from what you did before.

In other words, maybe Liu got a deeper understanding of didi’s entire business after he joined Didi, and then maybe he joined Didi, so his technical experience and understanding of the business would be even more in demand?

Sweep the snow before your door!

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I am the Silent King 2, a programmer with good looks but mediocre talent. Attention can improve learning efficiency, don’t forget three even ah, like, collect, message, I don’t pick, hee hee.