0 x01: overture

If you use Nvidia’s RTX3090 graphics card in Ubuntu, you may occasionally encounter problems with the graphics driver. In this case, you need to reinstall the graphics driver to solve the problem.

The author from here to download the latest version of the corresponding driver: www.nvidia.cn/Download/in…

Click the search button to download:


Once the download is complete, you can perform the installation from the command line:

Sudo bash NVIDIA driver file name. ShCopy the code

After execution, the author encountered this problem, which caused the installation error:

An NVIDIA kernel module ‘nvidia-drm’ appears to already be loaded in your kernel. 

An NVIDIA kernel module ‘nvidia-modeset’ appears to already be loaded in your kernel. 

Then from the Internet to find the solution, some reference on this: blog.csdn.net/xcls2010/ar…


0x02: Solution


Solving steps


  1. Sudo Systemctl ISOLATE multi-user.target is displayed
  2. Delete nvidia_modeset and NvidiA-DRM: sudo modprobe-r nvidia_drm && sudo modprobe-r nvidia_modeset
  3. To install the NVIDIA driver, run sudo bash NVIDIA driver file. sh
  4. Exit the windowless interface: sudo systemctl start graphical. Target

Note that the order is consistent with the author’s.


Operation demo


1. The no window window is displayed

sudo systemctl isolate multi-user.target
Copy the code

A window is displayed. In this case, you need to log in to the System using the current Ubuntu user name and password.

2. Delete nvidiA-DRM and Nvidia_modeset

sudo modprobe -r nvidia_drm
sudo modprobe -r nvidia_modeset
Copy the code

3. Install the NVIDIA driver: Locate the driver file and install it

Sudo bash NVIDIA driver file name. ShCopy the code

Install it according to the procedure. After the installation is complete, test the result

Copy the code

If information similar to the following is displayed, it is successful

4. Exit the no window window

sudo systemctl start graphical.target
Copy the code


0 x03: postscript


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