As you know, the Raspberry PI is a small, one-circuit board computer that was originally designed for teaching or programming learning. But now it’s clear that it does more than that.

Raspberry PI is popular for its cheap and low power consumption, and now people use it for all kinds of things, like entertainment, Internet of Things and so on.

Because there are so many things you can do with raspberry PI, people feel a little confused about where to start. So here’s the situation: people enthusiastically buy the latest raspberry PI, ready to play it, only to end up being the vacuum cleaner in the drawer because they don’t know how.

With that in mind, RON hsu offers a few ways to systematically learn about raspberry pie, have fun, and save the vacuum cleaner in your drawer. However, the following ways to introduce, most of them are foreign. There is no way, have to admit, some foreign technology forum community is really more advanced than domestic many.

Raspberry PI book recommendations

There are many excellent books on raspberry PI in the market, including some domestic books as well. Here are two books from beginner to advanced.

  • Raspberry Pi Cookbook: Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions

The book is written by Simon Monk, a software engineer and veteran geek. At first, he was attracted to Arduino because it was so easy to develop electronics and get started, so he wrote a book about Arduino.

Then he moved on to Raspberry PI and wrote this book. In the book, he introduces a series of easy-to-use Raspberry PI projects, through which you can quickly become familiar with the various modules of raspberry PI resources. In addition, he has provided solutions to all kinds of problems that may be encountered in the learning process.

  • Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python

Again, this book is by Simon Monk. The focus of this book is on learning Python. As you know, Python is a very elegant and simple language (compared to other programming languages), and you can read Python code even if you don’t know how to program.

Python also provides a number of libraries for raspberry PI development. With these libraries, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you don’t have to study the communication protocols of those sensors.


Raspberry Pi Cookbook

Monk has already introduced two chapters of Python, but this book is really a quick start. He introduced you to the Python language and developed Python projects based on raspberry PI to help you play raspberry PI with Python.

In this book, you will not only learn Python, but also learn how to use Python to develop raspberry PI projects.

Raspberry PI online course

Nowadays the Internet is quite developed, we can learn a lot of excellent courses on the Internet without leaving home. Here’s an excellent online course:

  • Raspberry Pi Class

Raspberry Pi Class

Provides some very comprehensive raspberry PI online tutorials. It starts with the basics of raspberry PI and The Linux operating system, down to Python programming and GPIO operations.

The course is very systematic, teach you to play raspberry pie from top to bottom, especially suitable for beginners to quickly enter the development state. Its website is: the code

Raspberry PI community recommendation

There’s so much about Raspberry PI on the Internet, but here are a few communities to keep your eyes open.


Yes, this is the official raspberry PI website. As the official site, it naturally brings together PI lovers and geeks from all over the world.

In this community, people have uploaded various projects based on raspberry PI, and if you dig hard enough, you will find many excellent projects.

It’s not just projects, of course. The community is also filled with basic tutorials on how to install Raspbian for raspberry PI.

Therefore, as long as the heart in this community mix, certainly can grow from a rookie for everyone envy of the old bird.


At, you can find a number of how-to posts, including how-to guides, great projects, resource updates, and more.

This site covers many aspects of raspberry PI in the following section: the code
  • Instructables and Hackaday

Note that these are two communities, including the previous five paths, which are exactly the seven paths mentioned in the title. The websites of the two communities are: the code

Because the two communities are relatively similar, they are introduced together. In both of these communities, you can find many, many projects that are very operational. Here’s a screenshot to give you a feel for them.

In both communities, you can find a variety of raspberry PI projects, such as magic Mirror (which displays weather forecast, temperature and humidity, time, calendar, etc.). Moreover, each project gives very detailed steps, even the source code, as long as you follow the steps of the website, you can certainly copy the project.

So if you don’t know what to do with raspberry pie, check out these two communities and find some projects to play with. When you’ve done a few projects, trust me, your confidence level will go up a notch!


These are some of the ways to learn raspberry PI in this article, ranging from basic introductory tutorials to more advanced projects that take a lot of time to create. If you really don’t know what to do with raspberry pie, or just don’t know how to get started with it, there are a few ways to research it.

But, all in English, good luck.

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